John Oliver Hobbes

Standard Name: Hobbes, John Oliver
Birth Name: Pearl Richards
Married Name: Pearl Craigie
Pseudonym: John Oliver Hobbes
Pseudonym: Diogenes Pessimus
Religious Name: Pearl Mary-Teresa Craigie
Writing for a brief period at the turn of the twentieth century, the pseudonymous JOH (whose actual married name was Pearl Craigie ) was the author of over a dozen novellas, novels, and several plays, as well as essays on art and colonial India, and letters published after her death. Having made her mark as the author of epigrammatic works during the fin de siècle (a label she never really shook), she inquired in her later works into the place of religion in contemporary life, as well as retaining an interest, often satirical, in London society life. She is seen as an important Catholic novelist.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Annie S. Swan
She also mentions a great many literary names. Among women writers whom she calls the stars of her generation were Mary Augusta Ward , Lucas Malet , Lucy Clifford , Sarah Grand , Violet Hunt
Friends, Associates Katherine Cecil Thurston
Through the New Vagabonds Club , KCT may have met several other prominent authors of the day, including Sir Arthur Conan Doyle , Grant Allen , Pearl Craigie (who went by the pseudonym John Oliver...
Occupation Constance Smedley
Since the Langham Place Group had provided a social space for women in 1860, several organizations had already challenged the flourishing institution of men's clubs. The Lyceum Club came on the scene at a time...
Other Life Event Charlotte Eliza Humphry
CEH was a member of the Society of Women Writers and Journalists , founded in 1894 by J. S. Wood , who was also the editor of a weekly illustrated paper for women called The...
Textual Features Mona Caird
In The Duel of the Sexes, MC expresses regret that some of those who had benefited from the women's movement had done nothing to support it and tended to cry down women: she cited...
Textual Production George Egerton
One year after this The Yellow Book published a portrait of GE by E. A. Walton . Meanwhile the literary contributors to the first issue of the magazine included Henry James , Max Beerbohm ,...
Travel Gladys Henrietta Schütze
While her father lived they spent their highly sociable summers at one or other rented house in the country.
Schütze, Gladys Henrietta. More Ha’pence Than Kicks. Jarrolds.
Afterwards the child spent winters, for her health, at one or other seaside town, beginning...


1894: Newspaper proprietor Joseph Snell Wood founded...

Building item


Newspaper proprietor Joseph Snell Wood founded the Society of Women Writers and Journalists ; launched in London, it has become an international organization.


Choate, Joseph H., and John Oliver Hobbes. “An Appreciation of Mrs. Craigie as Woman and Author”. The Dream and the Business, D. Appleton, p. v - x.
Hobbes, John Oliver. “Dante and Botticelli”. Saint George, Vol.
, No. 17, pp. 3-17.
Hobbes, John Oliver. Dowries. Daily Mail Publishing Office, 1904.
Hobbes, John Oliver. “Epic and Romance: A Review”. Fortnightly Review, Vol.
, pp. 697-10.
Hobbes, John Oliver, and George Sand. “George Sand”. Mauprat, P. F. Collier, 1902, p. v - xiii.
Hobbes, John Oliver. “Notes on the Last Cycle at Bayreuth”. Times, p. 6.
Richards, John Morgan, and John Oliver Hobbes. “Pearl Richards Craigie: Biographical Sketch by her Father”. The Life of John Oliver Hobbes, J. Murray, 1911.
Hobbes, John Oliver. Robert Orange. T. Fisher Unwin, 1900.
Hobbes, John Oliver. Some Emotions and a Moral. T. Fisher Unwin, 1891.
Hobbes, John Oliver. The Ambassador. T. F. Unwin, 1898.
Hobbes, John Oliver. The Dream and the Business. T. Fisher Unwin, 1906.
Hobbes, John Oliver. The Dream and the Business. D. Appleton.
Hobbes, John Oliver. The Gods, Some Mortals, and Lord Wickenham. Henry, 1895.
Hobbes, John Oliver. The Gods, Some Mortals, and Lord Wickenham. D. Appleton, 1895.
Hobbes, John Oliver. The Gods, Some Mortals, and Lord Wickenham. T. F. Unwin, 1897.
Hobbes, John Oliver. The Life of John Oliver Hobbes. J. Murray, 1911.
Hobbes, John Oliver. The School For Saints. T. Fisher Unwin, 1897.
Hobbes, John Oliver. The Sinner’s Comedy. Fisher Unwin, 1892.
Hobbes, John Oliver. The Tales of John Oliver Hobbes. T. Fisher Unwin, 1895.