Sir John Everett Millais

Standard Name: Millais, Sir John Everett
Used Form: J. E. Millais


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships John Ruskin
The next year she married her husband's protégé the painter John Everett Millais . Rumours of an affair between Effie and Millais, and gossip surrounding the annulment, produced speculation and scandal. Elizabeth Gaskell sided with...
Family and Intimate relationships Coventry Patmore
Emily, who was noted in literary and artistic circles for intelligence and beauty, was the subject of works by Thomas Woolner and John Everett Millais , and inspired Robert Browning 's poem A Face...
Family and Intimate relationships Anne Thackeray Ritchie
Following his death Charles Collins (Wilkie 's brother), with his wife (the former Kate Dickens ) and family, were the main sources of support for ATR and her sister. Between 1,500 and 2,000 mourners...
Friends, Associates Anthony Trollope
Trollope was a friend of William Thackeray , G. H. Lewes , Richard Monckton Milnes , George Eliot , William Russell , and John Everett Millais .
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Of Eliot he wrote: this gifted woman was...
Friends, Associates Mary Elizabeth Coleridge
John Everett Millais painted a portrait of MEC and her sister. The task was originally entrusted to one of Millais' pupils, until during a sitting the pupil experienced some kind of violent impulse which prompted...
Friends, Associates Augusta Gregory
With her marriage, AG became part of her husband's impressive social network. She met Queen Victoria , Heinrich Schliemann , and James Froude shortly after her wedding, and visited Robert Browning and Henry James on...
Friends, Associates Violet Hunt
Friends of VH 's family included John Ruskin , Edward Burne-Jones , John Millais , Dante Gabriel Rossetti , Robert Browning , and Christina Rossetti , who read Violet's early poems. VH also met and...
Friends, Associates Elizabeth Rigby
ER appeared in public as Mrs Eastlake for the first time at the house of Lady Davy , where she was introduced to Augusta Ada Byron (Byron's daughter) and to Thackeray . At London parties...
Occupation Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Involved—with his brother , William Holman Hunt , John Everett Millais , and others—in the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood 's critique of the reigning artistic principles and values, DGR has subsequently become one of the most renowned...
Occupation Elizabeth Siddal
ES modelled for John Everett Millais ' Ophelia, for which she spent hours lying in a bathtub filled with water.
Occupation Christina Rossetti
The second title uses the Latin version of the words which the Virgin Mary spoke to the angel of the Annunciation, in English Behold the handmaid of the Lord!CR sat also as model for...
Publishing Sarah Tytler
Some excerpts were included in The Young Lady's Guide, an American Tract Society volume of advice literature collected from several authors. A subsequent book for young women, entitled Sweet Counsel: A Book for Girls...
Publishing Jean Ingelow
1860 marked the beginning of JI 's oeuvre for children, with the appearance of her didactic collection Tales of Orris, compiled from earlier pseudonymous printings in the Youth Magazine. The work contained illustrations...
Textual Production Christina Rossetti
According to biographer Jan Marsh , she participated vicariously in the activities of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood from its inception in later 1848. Yet, as Andrew and Catherine Belsey have strenuously argued, and as the life...


: The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood was founded...

Building item


The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood was founded in rebellion against the constraints and techniques of art as practised by the Royal Academy .

: Dante Gabriel Rossetti's painting The Girlhood...

Building item


Dante Gabriel Rossetti 's painting The Girlhood of Mary Virgin (featuring Christina Rossetti as its model) appearing at the Free Exhibition at Hyde Park Gallery , was the first to display the initials of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood .

7 May 1849: The Royal Academy exhibition (held on the...

Building item

7 May 1849

The Royal Academy exhibition (held on the first Monday in May) featured the first Pre-Raphaelite works by William Holman Hunt and John Everett Millais .

July 1850: William Allingham published Poems....

Writing climate item

July 1850

William Allingham published Poems.

July 1855: Painter John Everett Millais married Euphemia...

Building item

July 1855

Painter John Everett Millais married Euphemia Chalmers Gray , whose marriage to John Ruskin had been annulled earlier in the year.

1856: John Everett Millais exhibited The Blind...

Building item


John Everett Millais exhibited The Blind Girl and Autumn Leaves.

1875: Arthur Lasenby Liberty opened a shop, the...

Building item


Arthur Lasenby Liberty opened a shop, the present Liberty's , at 218a Regent Street, London, and imported soft oriental fabrics, kimonos, and fans; he also persuaded British manufacturers to print oriental designs on soft...


Ingelow, Jean, and Sir John Everett Millais. Studies for Stories. Alexander Strahan, 1866.