Catherine Belsey

Standard Name: Belsey, Catherine


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Anthologization Julia Kristeva
First translated into English in Signs in autumn 1981, it was assigned to the final position (in Alice Jardine 's and Harry Blake 's version) in The Feminist Reader: Essays in Gender and the Politics...
Literary responses George Eliot
Critical studies of GE 's work solo and in relation to other writers or particular themes are legion. Important earlier critics include Barbara Hardy and U. C. Knoepflmacher . Inquiries into her relationship to science...
Textual Production Christina Rossetti
According to biographer Jan Marsh , she participated vicariously in the activities of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood from its inception in later 1848. Yet, as Andrew and Catherine Belsey have strenuously argued, and as the life...


No timeline events available.


Belsey, Andrew, and Catherine Belsey. “Christina Rossetti: Sister to the Brotherhood”. Textual Practice, Vol.
, pp. 30-50.
Belsey, Catherine. Critical Practice. Routledge, 1980.