Women’s Writing in the British Isles from the Beginnings to the Present
Augusta Ada Byron
Standard Name: Byron, Augusta Ada
Birth Name: Augusta Ada Byron
Married Name: Augusta Ada King
Titled: Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace
Pseudonym: A. L. L.
's sole publication is A Sketch of the Analytical Engine, her highly praised explication and illustration of Charles Babbage
's Analytical Engine. Many now claim that her Sketch constitutes the first example of computer programming. Ada also composed a handful of unpublished essays as well as thousands of letters, some of which have recently been published.
Byron, Augusta Ada. Ada, The Enchantress of Numbers. Editor Toole, Betty A., Strawberry Press.
Lady Melbourne had good cause to know that Byron could find brilliance in a woman attractive, and good cause to hope that a woman of ability who was also focussed and controlled might be able...
Family and Intimate relationships
Ménie Muriel Dowie
's maternal grandfather was Robert Chambers
of Edinburgh, who wrote Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation (which, published anonymously, was briefly ascribed both to Augusta Ada Byron
and to Catherine Crowe
Family and Intimate relationships
Susan Tweedsmuir
's maternal aunt Mary married Ralph, second Earl of Lovelace
, who was a grandson of the poet Byron
and son of Augusta Ada Byron
, later Countess of Lovelace (mathematician and author of...
Friends, Associates
Elizabeth Grant
During their journeys between London and the Highlands, EG
and her family would stop at various locations where they met interesting people. For example, while resting at Seaham for some time, they became acquainted with...
's dissatisfaction with her domestic situation intensified after she returned to England. She came to rely on friends for comfort and intellectual stimulation. She was close to her cousin Hilary Bonham Carter
, especially...
Friends, Associates
Elizabeth Rigby
appeared in public as Mrs Eastlake for the first time at the house of Lady Davy
, where she was introduced to Augusta Ada Byron
(Byron's daughter) and to Thackeray
. At London parties...
Friends, Associates
Mary Somerville
became a friend and mathematical advisor to Ada Byron
; Ada probably met Charles Babbage
(whose calculating machine she became the first to programme) through the Somervilles.
Patterson, Elizabeth Chambers. Mary Somerville and the Cultivation of Science, 1815-1840. Martinus Nijhoff.
148-9, 180
Author summary
Harriet Beecher Stowe
is best known for the highly sentimental and influential anti-slavery novel Uncle Tom's Cabin, although she also authored several other novels, short stories, children's stories, pamphlets, a good deal of journalism, and a...
Textual Features
Harriet Beecher Stowe
She also published articles in the Atlantic Monthly between 1857 and 1879. She wrote of slavery and emancipation, and of domestic topics. Her Sojourner Truth
. The Libyan Sybil appeared in April 1963, and The...
Textual Production
Jane Welsh Carlyle
In her youth Jane Welsh composed verse translations from texts by Goethe
and Pierre Cardenal
, and of Chateaubriand
's Atala. She also wrote a number of original short poems; two of those that...
Autumn 1834: Charles Babbage envisioned the Analytical...
Building item
Autumn 1834
Charles Babbage
envisioned the Analytical Engine or calculating machine, an advance on his previous work on the Difference Engine and precursor to the modern computer.
13 April 1993: Tom Stoppard's Arcadia, a play whose action...
Writing climate item
13 April 1993
Tom Stoppard
's Arcadia, a play whose action is divided between the early nineteenth century and the present day, opened (after previews) at the National Theatre
in London.
Byron, Augusta Ada. “A Sketch of the Analytical Engine”. Scientific Memoirs, edited by Richard Taylor, Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor.
Byron, Augusta Ada. Ada, The Enchantress of Numbers. Editor Toole, Betty A., Strawberry Press, 1992.