Elizabeth Carter

Standard Name: Carter, Elizabeth
Birth Name: Elizabeth Carter
Nickname: Mrs Carter
Used Form: A Lady
EC was renowned during a long span of the later eighteenth century as a scholar and translator from several languages and the most seriously learned among the Bluestockings. Her English version of Epictetus was still current into the twentieth century. She was also a poet and a delightful letter-writer.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Textual Production Elizabeth Singer Rowe
This may have been in print before the end of 1738. It had a frontispiece portrait of ESR by George Vertue , which marks her fame with the attributes of crown, laurel, and trumpet.
Stecher, Henry F. Elizabeth Singer Rowe, the Poetess of Frome: A Study in Eighteenth-Century English Pietism. Herbert Lang, 1973.
Textual Production Hester Mulso Chapone
HMC contributed a prefatory ode in praise of Elizabeth Carter 's Epictetus, which appeared with it in April 1758.
Textual Production Jane Warton
Her brother Joseph (who had been invited to contribute by Samuel Johnson in March) wrote to her on 26 April beg[ging] your Assistance in giving us some Pictures drawn from real Life. . ....
Textual Production Mary Masters
She had been writing and gathering the material here for at least ten years. The volume was printed for the Author, and dedicated to Lord Burlington (who subscribed for eight copies). Its publication was...
Textual Production Anne Hunter
New poems by AH continued to make their way into print, along with new collections which drew on her already-published work. In 1804 there appeared as a song-sheet her A New Ballad, entitled and call'd...
Textual Production Catherine Talbot
CT carefully kept her green book full of manuscript essays, meditations, poems, dialogues, allegories and prose pastorals, in what she called her considering drawer. Her friend Elizabeth Carter urged her to publish, but without...
Textual Production Eleanor Anne Porden
In general, EAP felt that poetic powers seldom contributed to the happiness of a female.
Porden, Eleanor Anne, and Edith M. Gell. “Letters: 1821-1824”. John Franklin’s Bride, John Murray, 1930, p. various pages.
Her own powers, in particular, she considered a dangerous gift.
Porden, Eleanor Anne, and Edith M. Gell. “Letters: 1821-1824”. John Franklin’s Bride, John Murray, 1930, p. various pages.
She told Mitford, I have, I believe...
Textual Production Catherine Talbot
CT was, like most of her contemporaries, an assiduous and entertaining correspondent. Letters that she wrote to Jemima Campbell (later Lady Grey) and Lady Mary Grey (later Gregory) were copied and circulated by Thomas Birch
Textual Production Katherine Philips
Another poem, dates five months after To my excellent Lucasia, marked Anne Owen's receiving the name of Lucasia, and adoption into our society.
Philips, Katherine. Collected Works. Editors Thomas, Patrick et al., Stump Cross Books, 1990–1993, 3 vols.
1: 101
Another, To Mrs. Mary Awbrey at parting was reprinted...
Textual Production Catherine Talbot
Following the renunciation of her love for George Berkeley , it seems that CT wrote a series of at least ten poems of passionate feeling.
Myers, Sylvia Harcstark. The Bluestocking Circle: Women, Friendship, and the Life of the Mind in Eighteenth-Century England. Clarendon, 1990.
She, or more probably Elizabeth Carter acting after her...
Textual Production Mariana Starke
Her preface says the translation was first suggested to her by the dowager Lady Spencer (mother of Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire ), whom she met in Italy; Lady Spencer also persuaded to her to publish...
Textual Production Sarah Dixon
SD 's subscription for her book of poems must have been nearly complete when Elizabeth Carter wrote to Edward Cave asking for any leftover copies of the proposals.
Messenger, Ann. Pastoral Tradition and the Female Talent: Studies in Augustan Poetry. AMS Press, 2001.
236 n6
Textual Production Susanna Wright
Another of her longer poems, The Grove, is a politically complex, proto-environmentalist statement about the destruction of forest. This fits into a mini-tradition of women's poetry about the cutting down of trees, a topic...
Textual Production Virginia Woolf
By 1912 VW had published on Margaret Cavendish (as Duchess of Newcastle), Ann, Lady Fanshawe , Elizabeth Carter , Anna Seward , Elizabeth, Lady Holland , Maria Edgeworth , Lady Hester Stanhope , theBrontë
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Harriette Wilson
Much in this revised and expanded edition is merely scrappy (and some is written by Stockdale), with nuggets strung together by such giveaway phrases as By the bye and To change the subject.
qtd. in
Wilson, Frances. The Courtesan’s Revenge. Faber, 2003.


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