Elizabeth Carter

Standard Name: Carter, Elizabeth
Birth Name: Elizabeth Carter
Nickname: Mrs Carter
Used Form: A Lady
EC was renowned during a long span of the later eighteenth century as a scholar and translator from several languages and the most seriously learned among the Bluestockings. Her English version of Epictetus was still current into the twentieth century. She was also a poet and a delightful letter-writer.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Intertextuality and Influence Anna Letitia Barbauld
Aikin found it deplorable that Barbauld had left so many pieces unfinished.
qtd. in
McCarthy, William. Anna Letitia Barbauld, Voice of the Enlightenment. The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008.
She omitted from her edition a good deal of both prose and poetry, but included such crucial unpublished works as the childbirth...
Leisure and Society Hannah More
Once an omnivorous reader, HM restricted her choice of books in later life, in line with her religious convictions. She delighted in William Cowper as a poet whom I can read on Sunday.
qtd. in
Jones, Mary Gwladys. Hannah More. Cambridge University Press, 1952.
Literary responses Hannah More
Elizabeth Montagu wrote to Elizabeth Carter on 19 September 1793 ostensibly speculating as to what exactly was meant by the title Bas Bleu. She seemed to think (probably feigning, since the term bluestocking was...
Literary responses Sarah Fielding
The novel was well reviewed. Elizabeth Carter and Catherine Talbot read it and speculated about Fielding as author. Mary Ann Radcliffe cited it in The Female Advocate in 1799.
Radcliffe, Mary Ann. The Female Advocate. Verner and Hood, 1799.
Literary responses Stéphanie-Félicité de Genlis
Notices in the British Review and other English journals were fairly appreciative, but quick to compliment British women writers at the expense of the French, as if the book had been a challenge to their...
Literary responses Mary Jones
Catherine Talbot found Holt Waters and A Letter to Doctor Pitt indelicate and was surprised that Carter liked MJ 's poetry.
Kennedy, Deborah. Poetic Sisters. Early Eighteenth-Century Women Poets. Bucknell University Press, 2013.
The collection was warmly praised by Ralph Griffiths in the Monthly Review:...
Literary responses Jane Squire
Elizabeth Carter wrestled with this book, driving herself half mad to find out the meaning of it and telling Catherine Talbot she was enraged at her own stupidity. Pope Benedict XIV , to whom a...
Literary responses Elizabeth Smith
Smith translated various different parts of the Old Testament. Bowdler showed some of some of her versions from Hebrew to a scholar of that language, who assumed that the writer was male and responded...
Literary responses Joanna Baillie
Elizabeth Carterfelt a triumph when she learned the author was a woman.
Pennington, Montagu, and Elizabeth Carter. Memoirs of the Life of Mrs Elizabeth Carter. F. C. and J. Rivington, 1807.
1: 443
Literary responses Elizabeth Smith
Hannah More praised the recently-dead ES in Coelebs in Search of a Wife, setting her in the distinguished company of Elizabeth Carter for acquirements which would have been distinguished in an University, meekly softened...
Literary responses Mary Latter
The Critical gave the book a one-paragraph review, noting ML 's misfortunes, her setting reviewers at defiance, and some strokes of genius in her writing.
Critical Review. W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, 5 series.
8 (1759): 171
One reviewer compared her unfavourably with such...
Literary responses Charlotte Lennox
Samuel Johnson pronounced in conversation that CL was worthy to rank with the exceptional women Carter , More , and Burney : more yet, she was superiour to them all.
Boswell, James, 1740 - 1795. Boswell’s Life of Johnson. Editors Hill, George Birkbeck and Laurence Fitzroy Powell, Clarendon, 1934, 6 vols.
4: 275
Literary responses Anna Letitia Barbauld
Literary admirers of the hymns included Hannah More , Anna Seward , and Elizabeth Carter , who found some passages amazingly sublime.
McCarthy, William. Anna Letitia Barbauld, Voice of the Enlightenment. The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008.
The innumerable children who loved and later remembered them included Mary Anne Schimmelpenninck
Literary responses Elizabeth Montagu
Mary Elizabeth Coleridge , in a review of this book and of Alice Gaussen 's monograph on Elizabeth Carter , used them to place the Bluestockings in relation to modern women's behaviour, but she was...
Literary responses Elizabeth Singer Rowe
The Gentleman's Magazine published Elizabeth Carter 's poetic tribute (both personal and literary) to the recently dead ESR .
Gentleman’s Magazine. Various publishers.
(1737): 247


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