Elizabeth Carter
Standard Name: Carter, Elizabeth
Birth Name: Elizabeth Carter
Nickname: Mrs Carter
Used Form: A Lady
was renowned during a long span of the later eighteenth century as a scholar and translator from several languages and the most seriously learned among the Bluestockings. Her English version of Epictetus
was still current into the twentieth century. She was also a poet and a delightful letter-writer.
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Publishing | Margaret Bryan | The full title runs A Compendious System of Astronomy, in a course of familiar lectures; in which the principles of that science are clearly elucidated, so as to be intelligible to those who have not... |
Publishing | Helen Maria Williams | The Poems were in two volumes, with HMW
's name in full, published by Rivington and Marshall
, with an engraved frontispiece drawn by Maria Cosway
. Subscribers included the Prince of Wales
(whose name... |
Reception | Jane West | JW
was well-known as a productive writer who nevertheless put out a great deal of domestic labour. Jane Austen
, marvelling at her sister's time management skills, remarked: how good Mrs. West cd [sic] have... |
Reception | Fidelia | Over the next couple of months came further poems by Elizabeth Carter
, Gentleman’s Magazine. Various publishers. 5 (1735): 379 Gentleman’s Magazine. Various publishers. 5 (1735) 382 |
Reception | Jane Brereton | This poem brought a whole clutch of replies: from Fido ( Gentleman’s Magazine. Various publishers. 5 (1735): 255-6, 259 |
Residence | Anna Miller | In 1754 Anna Riggs (later |
Textual Features | Elizabeth Montagu | The letters of EM
's youth—to the Duchess of Portland
and to her sister Sarah Scott
—are sparkling, irreverent, and inventive. Some of these were conveyed via Elizabeth Elstob
. Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990. |
Textual Features | Elizabeth Singer Rowe | The Philips poem explicitly ranks friendship above marriage, since the latter relationship may be polluted by Lust, design, or some unworthy ends. Philips, Katherine. Collected Works. Editors Thomas, Patrick et al., Stump Cross Books, 1990–1993, 3 vols. 1: 150 |
Textual Features | Elizabeth Graeme Ferguson | This collection of personal writing includes occasional poems, pastorals, burlesques, ambitious longer pieces, and The Choice of Life (which precedes Johnson
's Rasselas). Notes and an index which she later supplied to this volume... |
Textual Features | Elizabeth Ogilvy Benger | EOB
writes in terms of a women's tradition: for instance, she praises Barbauld
for praising Elizabeth Rowe
. She makes confident judgements and attributions (she is sure that Lady Pakington
is the real author of... |
Textual Features | Lady Mary Wortley Montagu | Epictetus was both a slave and a cripple. His philosophy, which insisted on the mind's capacity to rise above adverse circumstances, held considerable appeal for women writers of this period. (The best-known translation was that... |
Textual Features | Hester Mulso Chapone | When Richardson offered her a list of examples of filial disobedience, she replied that no doubt an equally heinous list could be produced of parental oppression. With Carter
she mulled over religious and literary questions... |
Textual Features | Elizabeth Cobbold | This collection features poetry by women such as Anna Maria Porter
, Amelia Opie
, Lucy Aikin
, Elizabeth Carter
, Anna Letitia Barbauld
, Anne Hunter
, Mary RobinsonCharlotte Smith
, and EC
herself. |
Textual Features | Jane Johnson | The poem is headed with a quotation from Psalm 19: The Heavens declare the Glory of God, & the Firmament showeth his handy work—the same psalm which Addison
had famously rendered as The spacious... |
Textual Features | Ann Fisher | Her prefatory New Thoughts on Education observes the manifest absurdity of austere or learned pedant[s] in trying to instil Latin or Greek by whipping. Corporal punishment, she argues, produces disgust instead of a Love of... |
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