John Wain

Standard Name: Wain, John


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Anthologization Sara Maitland
SM was the contributor placed first in The Happy Unicorns: The Poetry of the Under 25s, edited by Sally Purcell and Libby Purvis , with an introduction by John Wain .
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online. 18 July 2011,
Employer Sally Purcell
SP lived by an odd combination of freelance, low-paying jobs. In her editor's words, Oxford allowed her to scrape a living on its fringes, not always congenially.
Jay, Peter, and Sally Purcell. “Foreword and Note on the Text”. Collected Poems, edited by Peter Jay and Peter Jay, Anvil Press Poetry, 2002, pp. 19-24.
She held indoor and outdoor jobs, in...
Friends, Associates Elizabeth Jennings
She had a remarkably catholic talent for friendship. During her student days she became a friend of Philip Larkin and Kingsley Amis . Her correspondents at this and later periods of her life included her...
Friends, Associates Anne Stevenson
In Oxford AS met a number of other poets: John Wain , Anne Ridler , Elizabeth Jennings , Anne Born , Andrew Motion , Craig Raine , Peter Levi , and Anne Pennington , who died a few years later.
Contemporary Authors, Autobiography Series. Gale Research, 1984–2025, Numerous volumes.
9: 284
Friends, Associates Sally Purcell
Her friends included many other writers: Marina Warner , Alasdair Clayre , Peter Levi , John Wain and his wife Eirian , and Simon King .
Warner, Marina, and Sally Purcell. “Preface”. Collected Poems, edited by Peter Jay and Peter Jay, Anvil Press Poetry, 2002, pp. 15-18.
Jay, Peter, and Sally Purcell. “Foreword and Note on the Text”. Collected Poems, edited by Peter Jay and Peter Jay, Anvil Press Poetry, 2002, pp. 19-24.
Friends, Associates Ruth Pitter
RP knew T. S. Eliot well enough to enjoy a courtly encounter with him at a bus stop, but she felt his great innovations had not necessarily been a good thing for English poetry, and...
Literary responses Elizabeth Jennings
Seamus Heaney reviewed this book among a batch of others for the Times Literary Supplement. He welcomed the book's freedom from sensationalism or self-pity, but found the poems over-restrained(perhaps by the stranglehold of strictly...
Literary responses Elizabeth Jennings
She held bursaries or grants from the Arts Council (after the initial one for her first book) in 1965, 1968, and 1972.
“Lauinger Library: Special Collections Division”. Georgetown University Library.
Some critics disparage EJ 's work along lines effectively summarized by Robert Crawford
Literary responses Michelene Wandor
This piece received high praise. The poet and novelist John Wain in The Sunday Telegraph compared it to Dylan Thomas and Louis MacNeice in its attainment of that rarely attained genre, the pure radio work...
Literary responses Edith Sitwell
This was praised by British Book News, which rejoiced to find ES 's astonishing verbal dexterity employed in her later work upon themes of ever-increasing profundity . . . . She is a poet...
Publishing Nina Bawden
In NB 's third year at Oxford , John Wain started a new literary magazine, Mandrake, which published her first short story.
Bawden, Nina. In My Own Time: Almost An Autobiography. Virago, 1995.
Textual Production Susan Hill
SH was herself a contributor to People. In The Lighting of the Lamps, 1986, she collects her own critical essays (about reading, and about authors like Dickens , John Wain , and Jean Rhys
Textual Production Sally Purcell
In 1971 SP edited, jointly with Libby Purvis , an anthology entitled The Happy Unicorns: The Poetry of the Under 25s, with an introduction by John Wain . Its dust-jacket emphasises the outsider status...


1951: The title of Leslie Allen Paul's memoirs,...

Writing climate item


The title of Leslie Allen Paul 's memoirs, Angry Young Man, provided the term Angry Young Men, applied in newspapers and then by critics to a group of largely working-class, socially rebellious, young...

14 January 1956: D. J. Enright's anthology Poets of the 1950s...

Writing climate item

14 January 1956

D. J. Enright 's anthology Poets of the 1950s brought together work by eight poets generally taken to be leading voices in the recently-catagorized, modern but anti-modernist Movement.
Collini, Stefan. “Self-Positioning”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 12, 25 June 2009, pp. 17-19.
Motion, Andrew. Philip Larkin: A Writer’s Life. Faber and Faber, 1993.


Wain, John. The Happy Unicorns. Editors Purcell, Sally and Libby Purvis, Sidgwick and Jackson, 1971.