Friends said that ET
was very shy, but cared very much for very few people.
Liddell, Robert, and Francis King. Elizabeth and Ivy. Peter Owen, 1986.
She was lucky in that Ivy Compton-Burnett
(who was a generation older than she was, and notoriously difficult) and...
Literary responses
Philip Larkin
Larkin sent out copies of this booklet to a number of literary names. None acknowledged receipt, and he later discovered he had put insufficient postage on the envelopes. The volume's only review came from another...
Literary responses
Muriel Spark
The book received mixed reviews, the most damning in the New York Review of Books.
Stannard, Martin. Muriel Spark. The Biography. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2009.
But its admirers included D. J. Enright
(who in the New Statesman called this Spark's best, her richest...
Literary responses
Stevie Smith
Her reputation has been building steadily. Jeni Couzyn
called her an original voice in poetry with no back-up tradition and no imitators, a performer of daredevil dance with poetic form.
Couzyn, Jeni, editor. The Bloodaxe Book of Contemporary Women Poets. Bloodaxe Books, 1985.
Mindful that Jon Stallworthy
of OUP
had expressed increasing reservations about her work (he thought that celebrity status was damaging it), AS
withdrew from Oxford and offered this volume for British publicaton to D. J. Enright
14 January 1956: D. J. Enright's anthology Poets of the 1950s...
Writing climate item
14 January 1956
D. J. Enright
's anthology Poets of the 1950s brought together work by eight poets generally taken to be leading voices in the recently-catagorized, modern but anti-modernist Movement.
Collini, Stefan. “Self-Positioning”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 12, 25 June 2009, pp. 17-19.
Motion, Andrew. Philip Larkin: A Writer’s Life. Faber and Faber, 1993.
By mid-July 1956: Robert Conquest edited a poetry anthology...
Writing climate item
By mid-July 1956
Robert Conquest
edited a poetry anthology entitled New Lines; it put forward the work of a group of young poets who were beginning to be called the Movement.
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online. 18 July 2011,
Collini, Stefan. “Self-Positioning”. London Review of Books, Vol.