Libby Purvis

Standard Name: Purvis, Libby


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Anthologization Sara Maitland
SM was the contributor placed first in The Happy Unicorns: The Poetry of the Under 25s, edited by Sally Purcell and Libby Purvis , with an introduction by John Wain .
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Textual Production Sally Purcell
In 1971 SP edited, jointly with Libby Purvis , an anthology entitled The Happy Unicorns: The Poetry of the Under 25s, with an introduction by John Wain . Its dust-jacket emphasises the outsider status...


No timeline events available.


Wain, John. The Happy Unicorns. Editors Purcell, Sally and Libby Purvis, Sidgwick and Jackson, 1971.