Simon King

Standard Name: King, Simon


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Employer Sally Purcell
SP lived by an odd combination of freelance, low-paying jobs. In her editor's words, Oxford allowed her to scrape a living on its fringes, not always congenially.
Jay, Peter, and Sally Purcell. “Foreword and Note on the Text”. Collected Poems, edited by Peter Jay and Peter Jay, Anvil Press Poetry, pp. 19-24.
She held indoor and outdoor jobs, in...
Friends, Associates Sally Purcell
Her friends included many other writers: Marina Warner , Alasdair Clayre , Peter Levi , John Wain and his wife Eirian , and Simon King .
Warner, Marina, and Sally Purcell. “Preface”. Collected Poems, edited by Peter Jay and Peter Jay, Anvil Press Poetry, pp. 15-18.
Jay, Peter, and Sally Purcell. “Foreword and Note on the Text”. Collected Poems, edited by Peter Jay and Peter Jay, Anvil Press Poetry, pp. 19-24.
Textual Production Sally Purcell
This includes the contents of her published volumes, but also the uncollected poems left at her death with her regular publishers, Anvil , or saved by her friend Simon King .
Jay, Peter, and Sally Purcell. “Foreword and Note on the Text”. Collected Poems, edited by Peter Jay and Peter Jay, Anvil Press Poetry, pp. 19-24.


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