Glendinning, Victoria. Edith Sitwell. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1981.
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Employer | Winsome Pinnock | In her late teens WP
planned to become an actor. She abandoned a brief career on stage partly because she found herself being typecast in maternal roles. She sees her work as a writer as... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Edith Sitwell | ES
's mother
, through her involvement with a forger, confidence trickster, and blackmailer, Julian Osgood Field
, was convicted of fraud and sent to Holloway Prison
for three months. Glendinning, Victoria. Edith Sitwell. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1981. 43 |
Family and Intimate relationships | Evelyn Sharp | They declined Ramsay MacDonald
's offer to be best man, not wanting the publicity. They were now constant companions, having belonged long ago to the same walking club and to the United Suffragists
, and... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Constance Lytton | The elder of Constance's surviving brothers, Victor Bulwer-Lytton, second Earl of Lytton
, a colonial civil servant and diplomat, was also a supporter of the suffrage campaign. He visited Constance in Holloway Prison
, Lytton, Constance. Prisons and Prisoners. Heinemann, 1914. 152-3 |
Friends, Associates | Emmeline Pankhurst | On 5 March 1912 EP
was again thrown into Holloway, along with a great many other suffragettes. During this incarceration she cultivated a friendship with composer Ethel Smyth
. Pankhurst, Sylvia. The Life of Emmeline Pankhurst. Kraus Reprint, 1969. 106 |
Friends, Associates | Mary Gawthorpe | During her time with the WSPU, MG
worked with Christabel Pankhurst
(who was twenty-four when Gawthorpe first met her, before she had yet met Isabella Ford
), whom, like Ethel Snowden
, she knew from... |
Health | Jean Rhys | Before passing sentence on JR
, the judge ordered a psychiatric assessment. Although she was probably declared free of any serious mental illness, she was diagnosed as a hysteric. Angier, Carole. Jean Rhys: Life and Work. Little, Brown, 1990. 446 |
Literary Setting | Pat Arrowsmith | PA
had been jailed herself eight times as a prisoner of conscience when she wrote this novel. It is set in Collingwood Prison, an institution closely resembling Holloway Women's Prison
, where Arrowsmith was often... |
Material Conditions of Writing | Constance Lytton | Condemned to Holloway Prison
for her part in a suffrage demonstration and finding that her class status singled her out for favouritism, CL
exercised her right as a prisoner to petition the Home Secretary... |
Material Conditions of Writing | Pat Arrowsmith | She wrote much of Jericho while serving time in Holloway Prison
, and dedicated it to her same-sex partner, Wendy Butlin
. Arrowsmith, Pat. Jericho. Heretic Books, 1984. prelims Blackwell’s Online Bookshop. |
Performance of text | Ethel Smyth | |
politics | Emmeline Pankhurst | EP
advised the gaolers at Holloway Prison
in London that suffragettes ought not to be treated as criminals but rather as political prisoners (who received better treatment during their incarceration). Pankhurst, Sylvia. The Life of Emmeline Pankhurst. Kraus Reprint, 1969. 85-6 |
politics | Violet Trefusis | VT
associated herself with women deeply involved in wartime activities, and specifically (despite her pre-war visit to Mussolini
) with anti-Nazi events. For instance, her former house-guest Hélène Terré
worked for the Red Cross
in... |
politics | Maud Gonne | MG
was arrested and sent to Holloway Prison
in London on a charge of sedition (that is, of working for the enemy in the first world war). McGuire, James, and James Quinn, editors. Dictionary of Irish Biography. 2009, Tóibín, Colm. “A Djinn speaks”. London Review of Books, 20 Feb. 2003, pp. 19-24. 21 |
politics | Ethel Smyth | ES
was arrested for throwing a stone through a window at the house of Lewis Harcourt
, Colonial Secretary, and was imprisoned in Holloway
. Collis, Louise. Impetuous Heart: The Story of Ethel Smyth. William Kimber, 1984. 112-13, 115 |
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