United Suffragists


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Evelyn Sharp
They declined Ramsay MacDonald 's offer to be best man, not wanting the publicity. They were now constant companions, having belonged long ago to the same walking club and to the United Suffragists , and...
Friends, Associates Evelyn Sharp
She became a close friend of Dr Louisa Garrett Anderson , of Hertha Ayrton , physicist and suffragist, and of Ayrton's daughter, Barbara Gould . These two women, mother and daughter, embodied a thread linking...
politics Stella Benson
SB had been a moderate until the death of the Derby Martyr, Emily Wilding Davison , in 1913. After this she became more militant. When she moved to London in May 1914, she called...
politics Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence
EPL and her husband were deeply involved with the newly-formed United Suffragists , which attracted socially or politically prominent men and women who had not yet openly identified themselves with the suffrage movement.
Pethick-Lawrence, Emmeline. My Part in a Changing World. Hyperion.
politics Evelyn Sharp
ES was one of the founders and committee-members of the United Suffragists (who were crucial in actually securing the vote), for which she became official as well as de facto editor of Votes for Women...
politics Evelyn Sharp
As the Great War rolled on ES found herself more and more of a pacifist.
Sharp, Evelyn. Unfinished Adventure. John Lane, Bodley Head.
During her very few holidays from writing and from trying to keep the suffrage cause alive, she took jobs...
Publishing Evelyn Sharp
Some of the stories had already appeared in the Manchester Guardian or in Votes for Women.
John, Angela V. “’Behind the Locked Door’: Evelyn Sharp, suffragette and rebel journalist”. Women’s History Review, Vol.
, No. 1, pp. 5-13.
DiCenzo, Maria. “Gutter Politics: women newsies and the suffrage press”. Women’s History Review, Vol.
, No. 1, pp. 15-33.
Elizabeth Robins wrote an introduction to a second edition published in 1915 by the United Suffragists
Textual Production Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence
At first the journal appeared monthly for threepence an issue, but within six months it began appearing weekly for a penny an issue. Its circulation reached 30,000 by 1909, and much of its profits came...


6 February 1914: The United Suffragists was established as...

National or international item

6 February 1914

The United Suffragists was established as a new organisation open to men and women, militant and non-militant members.

October 1914: The British War Office and Home Office combined...

National or international item

October 1914

The British War Office and Home Office combined to halt the payment of the separation allowance due to soldiers' wives during their husbands' absence at war, if the women were deemed Unworthy.


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