

Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Characters Marghanita Laski
In France Pierre takes him to meet a curé and the curé's housekeeper, Madame Quilleboeuf, who during the war had smuggled to safety the children of people picked up by the Gestapo , hiding each...
Characters Jane Gardam
In the final episode of the main plot, she is informed by officialdom and in an unreadable letter in tiny German script from Theo Zeit that his two children are coming to England as refugees...
Characters Bernice Rubens
BR 's characters here have not sweetened in their advanced age. They cherish secrets from the past, or delight in outliving others less lucky, or operate an in-house blackmailing business, or commit gory suicide. The...
Characters Bernice Rubens
When asked to write his autobiography for publication, Dreyfus both fears and wishes to break his silence. He begins his story with his terribly ironical christening. His self-discovery runs parallel in the novel with the...
Cultural formation Hannah Arendt
HA was a stateless person from 1933, when she fled from Nazi Germany, until 1951, when she acquired US citizenship.
Young-Bruehl, Elisabeth. Hannah Arendt. For Love of the World. Second Edition, Yale University Press, 2004.
Cultural formation Ruth Prawer Jhabvala
Crane describes RPJ 's family as middle-European-bourgeois, and as well-integrated, solid, assimilated, German-Jewish. Before they fled from Nazi persecution, he says, they were proudly German as well as very committed to their Jewish faith....
Family and Intimate relationships Barbara Pym
She found several handsome young Germans attractive on her German visit, notably Nazi party members Friedbert Glück and Hanns Woischnick . Since she destroyed the relevant pages of her diary, the facts about these flirtations...
Family and Intimate relationships Virginia Woolf
Adrian (1883-1948) was the youngest Stephen child. After Vanessa's marriage he lived with Virginia at 29 Fitzroy Square, then moved with her to 38 Brunswick Square. Like Thoby, he studied at Trinity College, Cambridge ...
Family and Intimate relationships Sybille Bedford
Sybille had a half-sister ten years older than herself, Maximiliana Henrietta, who was known as Jacko. She married first a middle-aged man, then a charming, disastrous young one who became in time a fairly high-placed...
Family and Intimate relationships Hélène Cixous
HC 's mother, Eva Cixous (born Klein), a midwife, was born in Germany but left in 1933 for Oran after Hitler 's rise to power. Her family was Austro-German Jewish, and many members died in...
Family and Intimate relationships Hannah Arendt
She later fell in love with her professor, Martin Heidegger , who was passionately attracted by her beauty and by her depth of thinking.
Kristeva, Julia. Hannah Arendt. Translator Guberman, Ross, Columbia University Press, 2001.
This clandestine romance began in 1924, right after Arendt started...
Family and Intimate relationships Enid Bagnold
EB 's flirtations after Randall Neale included Dr Harold Waller , Count Albrecht Bernstorff (a close friend who was probably killed by the Nazis during the Second World War) and Donald Strathcona .
Sebba, Anne. Enid Bagnold: The Authorized Biography. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1986.
84, 112, 117, 120, 159
Family and Intimate relationships Barbara Pym
After the end of her university career, BP travelled with the National Union of Students to Germany, where the Nazis were already in power, and found herself attracted by several young men who were...
Family and Intimate relationships Philip Larkin
PL 's father, Sydney Larkin , was treasurer of the city of Coventry at the time of Philip's birth. He was an important influence on his son's development. In politics he moved steadily to the...
Friends, Associates Ethel Wilson
In the course of her social duties EW would meet Baron de Rothschild , Sir Robert Ouvry , and the German financier and Westerm pro-Nazi organizer Baron von Heydebreck (known as Peter) .
Stouck, David. Ethel Wilson: A Critical Biography. University of Toronto Press, 2003.


1913: Cranach Presse was established in Weimar...

Writing climate item


Cranach Presse was established in Weimar by Count Harry Kessler .
Clair, Colin. A Chronology of Printing. Cassell, 1969.
Cave, Roderick. The Private Press. Faber and Faber, 1971.

December 1914: German anti-militarists including Rosa Luxemburg,...

National or international item

December 1914

German anti-militarists including Rosa Luxemburg , Clara Zetkin , and Karl Liebknecht founded the secret political organization called the Spartakusbund or Spartacus League.
Spartacus Educational. 28 Feb. 2003,
under Clara Zetkin

1918: Oswald Spengler published the first volume...

Writing climate item


Oswald Spengler published the first volume of Der Untergang des Abendlandes, one of his several influential works; the second volume followed in 1922.
“Contemporary Authors”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Centre-LRC.

28 June 1919: The Treaty of Versailles was signed, settling...

National or international item

28 June 1919

The Treaty of Versailles was signed, settling the peace terms imposed by the victors of World War I on Germany and its allied nations.
Cook, Chris, and John, 1946 - Stevenson. The Longman Handbook of Modern British History 1714-1987. 2nd ed., Longman, 1988.
Keller, Helen, editor. The Dictionary of Dates. Macmillan, 1934, 2 vols.
I: 593
Thomson, David, and Geoffrey Warner. England in the Twentieth Century, 1914-1979. 2nd ed., Penguin Books, 1981.
Messenger, Charles. World War Two Chronological Atlas: When, Where, How and Why. Bloomsbury, 1989.
Bussey, Gertrude, and Margaret Tims. Pioneers for Peace: Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, 1915-1965. WILPF British Section, 1980.
Keynes, John Maynard, Baron. The Economic Consequences of the Peace. Macmillan, 1919.
Langer, William L., editor. An Encyclopedia of World History: Ancient, Medieval, and Modern, Chronologically Arranged. 4th ed., Houghton Mifflin, 1968.
Keynes, Britain's chief Treasury...

: A conference held at Cairo installed the...

National or international item

Spring 1921

A conference held at Cairo installed the Hashemite Faisal I as king of Iraq, then a new entity under British Mandate conferred by the League of Nations .
Buchan, James. “Miss Bell’s fateful lines in the sand”. Guardian Weekly, Vol.
, No. 13, 20–26 Mar. 2003, p. 20.

Late February 1925: Philosopher Martin Heidegger and one of his...

Building item

Late February 1925

Philosopher Martin Heidegger and one of his students, Hannah Arendt , began an affair: an extraordinary moment bringing together a future apologist for and a lifelong opponent of totalitarianism.
Lang, Berel. “Snowblind: Martin Heidegger and Hannah Arendt”. The New Criterion, Vol.
, No. 5, Jan. 1996, pp. 5-9.

13 May 1927: On this Black Friday, the German economic...

National or international item

13 May 1927

On this Black Friday, the German economic system collapsed, leading to total bank failure.
Gordeeva, Tatyana. “Hitler and the Rise of National Socialism”. German Culture: History: The Weimar Republic, 1918-33, 2004.

September 1930: The German National Socialist Party (the...

National or international item

September 1930

The GermanNational Socialist Party (the Nazis) made significant gains in elections for the Reichstag .
Mommsen, Wolfgang. “Working Towards the Führer”. London Review of Books, 19 Aug. 1999, pp. 29-30.
Stevenson, David. “Casino Politics”. London Review of Books, 6 Oct. 2005, pp. 23-4.

November 1932: The German National Socialist Party (the...

National or international item

November 1932

The GermanNational Socialist Party (the Nazis) lost ground in the Reichstag elections.
Mommsen, Wolfgang. “Working Towards the Führer”. London Review of Books, 19 Aug. 1999, pp. 29-30.

1933: In London, politician William Beveridge and...

National or international item


In London, politician William Beveridge and scientist Ernest Rutherford founded the Academic Assistance Council , to help mostly German writers and intellectuals menaced by the Nazis .
Simpson, David. “Six Wolfs, Three Weills”. London Review of Books, 5 Oct. 2006, pp. 29-30.

31 May 1933: A meeting of women's organizations (sponsored...

National or international item

31 May 1933

A meeting of women's organizations (sponsored by the National Union of Societies for Equal Citizenship ) in the House of Commons condemned the Nazi policy of barring women from employment in the German government.
Harrison, Brian. “Women in a Men’s House: The Women M.P.s, 1919-1945”. The Historical Journal, Vol.
, No. 3, Sept. 1986, pp. 623-54.

29-30 June 1934: This was Hitler's Night of the Long Knives,...

National or international item

29-30 June 1934

This was Hitler'sNight of the Long Knives, during which about 100 rivals or enemies, the left-wing element within the Nazi Party , were killed. The sinister name came from a popular Nazi song.
Spartacus Educational. 28 Feb. 2003,
Palmer, Alan, and Veronica Palmer. The Chronology of British History. Century, 1992.

25 July 1934: In the words of The Times, the courageous...

National or international item

25 July 1934

In the words of The Times, the courageous little Chancellor of Austria, Engelbert Dollfuss , died of wounds sustained during a raid on his residence by Nazi terrorists in a bid to overthrow...

1935: The business-oriented and purportedly non-political...

National or international item


The business-oriented and purportedly non-political Anglo-German Fellowship was formed in London to promote friendly relations between the two countries. It lasted until 1941 before succumbing to the pressure of war.
National Archives,. “National Register of Archives (NRA)”. National Archives (UK), 1995.
22 May 2003 Release, Organisation File (Anglo-German Fellowship)

1935: Leni Riefenstahl directed her technically...

Building item


Leni Riefenstahl directed her technically brilliant, politically infamous documentary film Triumph of the Will.
Brakeman, Lynne, and Susan Gall, editors. Chronology of Women Worldwide: People, Places and Events that Shaped Women’s History. Gale Research, 1997.


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