William Henry first Baron Beveridge

Standard Name: Beveridge, William Henry,,, first Baron
Used Form: Sir William Beveridge
Used Form: Lord Beveridge


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Antonia Fraser
Family friends and frequent visitors to the Pakenham household included J. M. Keynes , William Beveridge (whom AF 's father had assisted in plans for the postwar Welfare State), Hugh Gaitskell , and (particularly good...
Friends, Associates Naomi Royde-Smith
NRS was a close friend of Rose Macaulay , with whom in the immediate postwar period she shared entertaining duties at her flat, in something similar to a salon. They apparently met through Macaulay contributing...
Intertextuality and Influence Eleanor Rathbone
This work of ER 's drew much, mixed attention. In a belated New Leader review in 1926, Hugh Dalton (later Chancellor of the Exchequer in the postwar Labour government) named it one of the outstanding...
politics Eleanor Rathbone
The content and the reception of ER 's family allowance initiatives rose and fell with other contemporary social concerns. She met with sustained opposition from the Trade Union Group in parliament—to its undying shame...
politics Eleanor Rathbone
Lobbying and other work by the society brought some early successes. A royal commission on the coal industry (also supported by Beveridge ) advocated the idea of using allowances to balance miners' wage reductions.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
Textual Production Beatrice Webb
Beatrice Webb 's Diaries, 1912-1924 appeared posthumously from Longmans , edited by Margaret I. Cole , with an introduction by Lord Beveridge .
“The Times Digital Archive 1785-2007”. Thompson Gale: The Times Digital Archive.
(18 June 1952): 8
British Book News. British Council.
(1952): 513
Travel Mary Agnes Hamilton
After another lecture tour of the USA in 1938, she was there again in 1941 under the auspices of the Ministry of Reconstruction to publicise William Beveridge 's proposals for setting up a Welfare State...


1933: In London, politician William Beveridge and...

National or international item


In London, politician William Beveridge and scientist Ernest Rutherford founded the Academic Assistance Council , to help mostly German writers and intellectuals menaced by the Nazis .
Simpson, David. “Six Wolfs, Three Weills”. London Review of Books, 5 Oct. 2006, pp. 29-30.

8 November 1940: A memorandum by William Beveridge of the...

National or international item

8 November 1940

A memorandum by William Beveridge of the Man Power Requirements Committee projected a need for two million additional men and women in the labour force.
Smith, Harold L. “The Effects of the War on the Status of Women”. War and Social Change: British Society in the Second World War, edited by Harold L. Smith, Manchester University Press, 1986.
Harris, José. William Beveridge: A Biography. Clarendon, 1977.
Harris says the call was for this number...

1 December 1942: Sir William Beveridge, long-time head of...

National or international item

1 December 1942

Sir William Beveridge , long-time head of the London School of Economics, released through His Majesty'ss Stationery Office the Beveridge Report (titled Social Insurance and Allied Services), which has been called the foundation...

9 December 1942: A week after the Beveridge report set out...

Building item

9 December 1942

A week after the Beveridge report set out its epoch-making proposals for unemployment, maternity, and old age benefits, Punch weighed in with a cartoon showing Sir William (later Lord) Beveridge as a pantomime fairy queen...

January 1951: The Beveridge Committee on Broadcasting reported...

Building item

January 1951

The BeveridgeCommittee on Broadcasting reported that the propaganda power
“Media quotations from official sources”. Terra Media: Quotations.
of access through radio and television to millions of homes was too great to be allowed out of public institutional hands.
“Media quotations from official sources”. Terra Media: Quotations.

1967: Barbara Wootton (created the first woman...

National or international item


Barbara Wootton (created the first woman life peer in 1958) became deputy speaker of the House of Lords , first woman to sit on the woolsack
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
in an institution which she saw as democratically indefensible...

: The fourth British tv channel put out its...

Building item

4. 45 p.m. 2 November 1982

The fourth British tv channel put out its first broadcast: Channel 4 , which was licensed to be innovative and experimental, was launched with a teatime quiz game-show, Countdown.
“Channel 4 at 25”. BFI Screenonline.


Webb, Beatrice, and William Henry, first Baron Beveridge. Beatrice Webb’s Diaries, 1912-1924. Editor Cole, Margaret I., Longmans, 1952.