Rosa Luxemburg

Standard Name: Luxemburg, Rosa


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Tillie Olsen
By late 1929 Tillie Lerner met Abraham Jevons Goldfarb , a radical writer who was like herself the child of Russian Jewish immigrants to the USA. She ran away with him after her eighteenth birthday...
Family and Intimate relationships Hannah Arendt
Her mother, born Martha Cohn , was the daughter of Jacob Cohn, who made a great deal of money importing tea. Martha was responsible for HA 's upbringing, which she recorded in a book entitled...
Intertextuality and Influence Kathleen Jamie
In the title piece a boat pulled up out of the water awaits repair and refitting: it's a time-of-life thing, / it's a waiting game.
Kelly, Stuart. “Book review: The Overhaul, Kathleen Jamie”. Scotland on Sunday.
One reviewer observed that nature, in Jamie's work, is unsettling...
Performance of text Pam Gems
PG adapted two plays by French women for a performance at the Soho Poly this year: My Name is Rosa Luxemburg, adapted from Marianne Auricost , and The Rivers and Forests, adapted from Marguerite Duras .
Aston, Elaine. “Pam Gems: Body Politics and Biography”. The Cambridge Companion to Modern British Women Playwrights, edited by Elaine Aston and Janelle Reinelt, Cambridge University Press, pp. 157-73.
Publishing Antonia Fraser
She followed it with Love Letters: An Anthology, dedicated to Harold Pinter and published in later 1976.
Fraser, Antonia. Must You Go?. Random House of Canada.
Writing about this book in the Times on 6 November that year, AF noted that she...
Textual Features Pam Gems
PG structured the play in short scenes she refers to as takes or condensed fragments, because she felt that contemporary audiences, being reared on film and television, responded in a synaptic way to material...
Textual Features Adrienne Rich
This volume's title and epigraph are taken from The Great Gatsby. Like AR 's other works, Dark Fields of the Republic reflects a diverse group of artistic and social influences, which include the Bible...
Textual Production Hannah Arendt
Authors or politicians whom HA wrote about in articles, reviews, or editions (excluding those essays reprinted in Men in Dark Times) include Konrad Adenauer , W. H. Auden , Wilhelm Dilthey , Waldemar Gurian
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Hannah Arendt
Dark times is a phrase from Brecht . It is almost synonymous here with the twentieth century, though HA has a piece on Lessing , who lived two centuries earlier. She uses men to signify...


December 1914: German anti-militarists including Rosa Luxemburg,...

National or international item

December 1914

German anti-militarists including Rosa Luxemburg , Clara Zetkin , and Karl Liebknecht founded the secret political organization called the Spartakusbund or Spartacus League.

15 January 1919: Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht, co-founders...

National or international item

15 January 1919

Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht , co-founders of the Spartacus League (December 1914), were murdered in Berlin.

10 May 1933: Following a speech from Joseph Goebbels,...

Building item

10 May 1933

Following a speech from Joseph Goebbels , over 40,000 people participated in burning books to cleanse German literature and root out Jewish intellectualism.


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