Balliol College, Oxford University


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Gerard Manley Hopkins
GMH had found the liberal and progressive ethos of Balliol a strain, and set himself against it. His Anglican practices became more and more high, to the extent of making confession and kissing the...
Education Graham Greene
His university education, reading modern history at Balliol College , Oxford, beginning in the autumn of 1922, was a sociable and exciting time, though near the end of his degree course he said he...
Education Gerard Manley Hopkins
GMH attended Highgate School as a boarder, winning a poetry prize, but was in constant trouble over various acts of rebellion against authority. The headmaster several times threatened to expel him. He gained, however, two...
Education Aldous Huxley
AH 's first school was Prior's Field (founded by his mother as a progressive institution for girls), where his presence was a tolerated anomaly. With a cousin, he then attended a boys' preparatory boarding school...
Education Arthur Hugh Clough
He was a model student at Rugby School , where Thomas Arnold was headmaster and his son Matthew Arnold a fellow student who became a close friend of Clough's. From Rugby AHC went on to...
Education Algernon Charles Swinburne
After private tutoring, he then entered Balliol College, Oxford , under its legendry Master Benjamin Jowett , in January 1856. He flourished intellectually at Balliol, though largely outside the academic framework. He left Oxford in...
Family and Intimate relationships Julia Strachey
JS 's father, Oliver Strachey , was the sixth son of Sir Richard and Jane Maria, Lady Strachey . He attended Eton , then Balliol College, Oxford ; the family home was in London...
Family and Intimate relationships Walter Pater
Indiscreet letters from WP to Balliol undergraduate William Money Hardinge ended up in the hands of the college master.
qtd. in
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Family and Intimate relationships Lady Cynthia Asquith
Cynthia had met Herbert (Beb) in Dresden in 1903-4 through his sister Violet, when she was sixteen and Beb (born in 1881) was twenty-two. His mother had died in 1891, and three years later his...
Family and Intimate relationships Cassandra Cooke
CC 's father, Theophilus Leigh , the second in a large family, was a clergyman who became Master of Balliol College, Oxford . The college website says that his election was a bizarre and scandalously...
Occupation Walter Pater
Some time during the Balliol scandal, Benjamin Jowett gave WP a stern warning, and may have advised him not to apply for university positions. Soon afterwards he was passed over for a university Proctorship. During...
Reception Rhoda Broughton
As a result of the novel's satire of Oxford society, and in particular its alleged caricature of Pattison, RB was never again admitted to dinner parties given by Benjamin Jowett , Master of Balliol College
Reception Robert Browning
The praise in 1869 was resounding. Robert Buchanan in the Athenæum hailed it as beyond all parallel the supremest poetical achievement of our time, and the London Quarterly was convinced that Pompilia would rank among...
Residence Margaret Oliphant
MO let her Windsor house, and took the lease of a house in Oxford, in order to be near her sons at Balliol .
Williams, Merryn. Margaret Oliphant: A Critical Biography. St Martin’s Press, 1986.
Residence Cassandra Cooke
Until her marriage Cassandra Leigh lived with her parents in the Master's lodgings at Balliol College , Oxford.


1263: Balliol College, Oxford, was founded by Sir...

Building item


Balliol College , Oxford, was founded by Sir John de Balliol , with the eventual help of his wife, Dervorguilla .
The World of Learning. 47th ed., Allen and Unwin, 1997.
Whitaker’s Almanack. 119th ed., J. Whitaker, 1987.

22 August 1282: Dervorguilla sealed the statutes for Balliol...

Building item

22 August 1282

Dervorguilla sealed the statutes for Balliol College , Oxford, thus confirming and completing its foundation by her late husband, John de Balliol .
Jones, John, 1942 -. Balliol College: A History. 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, 1997.
Jones, John, 1942 -. Balliol College: A History. 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, 1997.

Between 1637 and 1640: John Evelyn, an undergraduate at Balliol...

Building item

Between 1637 and 1640

John Evelyn , an undergraduate at Balliol College , Oxford, first saw coffee drunk (by a visiting Greek), thirty years before the custom became established.
Evelyn, John. The Diary of John Evelyn. Editor De Beer, Esmond Samuel, Oxford University Press, 1959.

November 1860: Thomas Hill Green became one of the first...

Building item

November 1860

Thomas Hill Green became one of the first laymen to hold a fellowship at Balliol College .
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.

1873: Administrative consternation was caused when...

Building item


Administrative consternation was caused when the top-ranked candidate in the Oxford Senior Local Examination turned out to be a woman, or girl: the seventeen-year-old Annie Rogers . Girls had been eligible to sit these exams...


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