Royal Irish Academy


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education John Millington Synge
JMS took his first violin lesson in Dublin. Two years later, in November 1889, he enrolled in the Royal Irish Academy of Music while also attending Trinity College .
Saddlemyer, Ann. “Introduction and Chronology”. The Collected Letters of John Millington Synge, Oxford University Press, 1983, p. ix - xxvi.
Leisure and Society Jane Francesca Lady Wilde
Jane Francesca Elgee was a belle of Dublin society. Her engagements included formal balls and the theatre. During a ball at the Royal Irish Academy she found herself treated like a local literary celebrity, and...
Occupation Charlotte Brooke
The Brooke family had been progressive farmers, introducing improvements both in growing and processing produce, but failing to make a profit by their efforts. Some years after her father's death CB applied for, but did...
Reception Mary Somerville
MS was elected a member of both the Société de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Genève, and the Royal Irish Academy .
Patterson, Elizabeth Chambers. “Mary Fairfax Greig Somerville (1780-1872)”. Women of Mathematics: A Biobiliographic Sourcebook, edited by Louise S. Grinstein and Paul J. Campbell, Greenwood Press, 1987, pp. 208-16.
Reception Edith Somerville
ES was awarded the Gregory Medal, highest award of the Irish Academy of Letters .
Collis, Maurice. Somerville and Ross: A Biography. Faber and Faber, 1968.
Reception Caroline Herschel
In old age CH was loaded with other honours, including honorary membership in the Royal Astronomical Society , along with Mary Somerville , in 1835. (Each woman said she felt it a particular honour to...
Reception Mary Lavin
Apart from the honour represented by her Writer in Residence posts, ML was in 1968 awarded an honorary Doctorate of Literature by University College, Dublin, where she had been a student. From 1971 to...
Reception Iris Murdoch
Other honours in 1987 included being made a Companion of Literature, and receiving an Honorary DLitt from Oxford University . Cambridge University awarded her a Honorary LittD in 1993. She received Honorary Fellowships from St Anne's College, Oxford
Reception Teresa Deevy
TD was elected to the Irish Academy of Letters in 1954.
Reception Helen Waddell
HW 's remarkable popularity—as an academic scholar whose name was well-known in non-academic, cultivated households—went hand in hand with some scholarly condemnation. She was said to have been barred from British Academy membership by opposition...
Textual Production Augusta Gregory
In preparing the book, AG consulted nineteenth-century editions of Middle Irish texts at the British Museum , the National Library in Dublin , and the Royal Irish Academy . From these, she aimed to produce...
Textual Production Henrietta Battier
Once again HB sold this work from her home (by now 60 Stephen Street). It survives in copies at the National Library of Ireland and the Royal Irish Academy ; the second of these contains...
Textual Production Eavan Boland
In late 2018 EB wrote a poem entitled Mnà na hÉireann (Women of Ireland) commemorating the women who voted in Ireland in the first election open to them, on 14 December 1918. Her title repeats...
Textual Production Charlotte Brooke
She began her project as a money-earning one, but was later able to declare that the proceeds would go to charity. A further motive was patriotic and nationalistic: to counter the English (even, sometimes, the...


15 April 1785: The Royal Irish Academy, founded this year,...

Building item

15 April 1785

The Royal Irish Academy , founded this year, held its first meeting at Charlemont House in Dublin, the town house of Lord Charlemont .
Curley, Thomas. “Johnson and the Irish: A Post-Colonial Survey of the Irish Literary Renaissance in Imperial Great Britain”. The Age of Johnson, edited by Paul J. Korshin and Jack Lynch, Vol.
, AMS Press, 2001, pp. 67-197.

1949: The Royal Irish Academy elected its first...

Building item


The Royal Irish Academy elected its first women members: art historian Françoise Henry , botanist and plant virologist Phyllis Clinch , Celtic scholar Eleanor Knott , and mathematical physicist Sheila Tinney .
Royal Irish Academy (RIA): About RIA: Academy Brochure.


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