Royal Astronomical Society


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Mary Somerville
In London the Somervilles enjoyed participating in a rich scientific community: Mary's time there was much happier than during her first marriage. She attended many lectures at the Royal Institution , and took lessons in...
Publishing Agnes Mary Clerke
AMC also wrote several smaller works on astronomy, including Modern Cosmogonies (1906) as well as The Herschels and Modern Astronomy (1895), which was published in the Century Science Series.
Who Was Who. A. and C. Black, 1897–2025, Many volumes.
From 1886 until her death...
Reception Mary Somerville
On the Connexion of the Physical Sciences generated a particularly positive reception: it boasted an initial printing of two thousand copies; it ran to at least seven editions and many more re-printings, and was soon...
Reception Mary Somerville
Mary Somerville and Caroline Herschel were awarded honorary memberships by the Royal Astronomical Society (until recently called the Astronomical Society of London).
Phillips, Patricia. The Scientific Lady. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1990.
They were its first women members.
Reception Caroline Herschel
The Astronomical Society awarded its gold medal to CH for her Catalogue of . . . Star-Clusters and Nebulae, which, although unpublished, was accessible to and very highly valued by astronomers.
Brock, Claire. The Comet Sweeper: Caroline Herschel’s astronomical ambition. Thriplow, 2007.
207 and n91
Reception Caroline Herschel
In old age CH was loaded with other honours, including honorary membership in the Royal Astronomical Society , along with Mary Somerville , in 1835. (Each woman said she felt it a particular honour to...
Reception Agnes Mary Clerke
AMC was the fourth woman to be admitted as an honorary member into the Royal Astronomical Society .
Commire, Anne, and Deborah Klezmer, editors. Women in World History: A Biographical Encyclopedia. Yorkin Publications, 1999–2002, 17 vols.
Textual Production Margaret Bryan
MB 's surviving letters all have to do with her career in science. In the two about Lectures on Natural Philosophy mentioned above, she sought to increase the circulation of her writings. In one to...


By 10 June 1820: The Astronomical Society of London (later...

National or international item

By 10 June 1820

The Astronomical Society of London (later the Royal Astronomical Society) was founded: on this day it held an early meeting.
Gascoigne, Robert Mortimer. A Chronology of the History of Science, 1450-1900. Garland, 1987.
Brock, William H. Science for All: Studies in the History of Victorian Science and Education. Variorum, 1996.
Gentleman’s Magazine. Various publishers.
90 (1820): ii: 632

1830: The Geographical Society was founded, with...

Building item


The Geographical Society was founded, with the help of prominent Astronomical Society members.
Cannon, Susan Faye. Science in Culture: The Early Victorian Period. Dawson; Science History Publications, 1978.

1835: Caroline Herschel and Mary Somerville were...

National or international item


Caroline Herschel and Mary Somerville were awarded honorary memberships by the Royal Astronomical Society .
Franck, Irene, and David Brownstone. Women’s World: A Timeline of Women in History. HarperCollins; HarperPerennial, 1995.
Alic, Margaret. Hypatia’s Heritage: A History of Women in Science. Women’s Press, 1985.
Phillips, Patricia. The Scientific Lady. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1990.
114-16, 137-9, 159-162
Phillips, Patricia. The Scientific Lady. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1990.
Phillips, Patricia. The Scientific Lady. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1990.

6 November 1919: Published observations of a solar eclipse,...

Building item

6 November 1919

Published observations of a solar eclipse, made in Brazil and West Africa by two sets of British astronomers, confirmed Albert Einstein 's theory of relativity.
“Albert Einstein”. School of Mathematics and Statistics: University of St Andrews, Scotland.
Smith, Peter D. “’With fame I become more stupid’”. Guardian Weekly, 12–18 Sept. 2002, p. 16.

1994: The Royal Astronomical Society elected its...

Building item


The Royal Astronomical Society elected its first female president, Carole Jordan .
“Women’s History Timeline”. BBC: Radio 4: Woman’s Hour.


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