National Library of Ireland


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Occupation Harriet Shaw Weaver
The relevant clause in his will states: I leave all my manuscripts to Harriet Shaw Weaver and direct that she have sole decision in all literary matters relating to my writings published and unpublished.
qtd. in
Lidderdale, Jane, and Mary Nicholson. Dear Miss Weaver. Viking, 1970.
Publishing Mary Tighe
A copy of the privately printed edition, beautifully inscribed to John Richardson at London on 24 July 1805, is now British Library C. 95 b. 38. A copy once owned by Lytton Strachey (with his...
Publishing Charlotte O'Conor Eccles
The National Library of Ireland holds a copy of No.18 Blank Street: a Story of Dublin by the late Charlotte O'Conor Eccles, published at the office of the Irish Messenger in 1927 and described...
Publishing Maria Edgeworth
ME intended her fiction to serve the same broadly didactic purpose, adapted to each rank of society and period of life, as did the directly educational writings in which she collaborated with her father.
Butler, Marilyn. Maria Edgeworth: A Literary Biography. Clarendon, 1972.
Reception Seamus Heaney
Unusually for a poet, SH sold copies of his works in the thousands. A critical study by Blake Morrison appeared in 1982.
Fox, Margaret, journalist, and James, Jr McKinley. “Keeper of the Irish Essence”. The Globe and Mail, 31 Aug. 2013, p. S12.
Heaney was a founding member of Aosdana , and an Honorary Fellow of...
Reception Frances Browne
Browne's applications to the Royal Literary Fund survive in the Fund's archive (available on microfilm), and the National Library of Ireland has two letters she wrote in 1844. The National Library of Scotland holds several...
Reception Sydney Owenson Lady Morgan
Professionally, Morgan was a notable success. She was a canny businesswoman, never afraid to assert herself against an established publisher or seek out a new one. This paid off in a remarkable level of earnings...
Textual Production George Egerton
GE 's letters and papers are held at the National Library of Ireland , at Boston University 's Mugar Memorial Library in the Terence de Vere White Collection, and at Princeton University .
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Textual Production Mary Tighe
In 1805 MT filled a manuscript album with 121 lyric poems, seventy-two of them illustrated with her own end-piece ornamentation, often depicting places where Tighe had stayed, or objects from the emblem tradition. She titled...
Textual Production Mary Tighe
MT left with her brother-in-law an unpublished autobiographical courtship novel, Selena. The manuscript (a copy made by William Tighe, now in the National Library of Ireland as MS 49,155/2)
Tighe, Mary. The Works of Mary Tighe, Published and Unpublished. Editor Henchy, Patrick, No. 6, Bibliographical Society of Ireland, 1957.
is the only witness...
Textual Production Mary Tighe
MT 's diary was destroyed after her death, though some passages were copied first by Caroline Tighe Hamilton . Hamilton's transcript is in the National Library of Ireland .
Tighe, Mary. The Works of Mary Tighe, Published and Unpublished. Editor Henchy, Patrick, No. 6, Bibliographical Society of Ireland, 1957.
Textual Production Augusta Gregory
In preparing the book, AG consulted nineteenth-century editions of Middle Irish texts at the British Museum , the National Library in Dublin , and the Royal Irish Academy . From these, she aimed to produce...
Textual Production Frances Sarah Hoey
Her letters to Edmund Downey survive in the National Library of Ireland , while correspondence between her and her publishers is in the British Library and the National Library of Scotland .
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Textual Production Henrietta Battier
Once again HB sold this work from her home (by now 60 Stephen Street). It survives in copies at the National Library of Ireland and the Royal Irish Academy ; the second of these contains...
Textual Production May Laffan
According to scholar Helena Kelleher Kahn , the first American edition of ML 's realist novel Christy Carew appeared in 1878, although standard library catalogues record no edition before 1880.
Kahn, Helena Kelleher. Late Nineteenth-Century Ireland’s Political and Religious Controversies in the Fiction of May Laffan Hartley. ELT, 2005.
Kahn stands almost alone...


1877: The Dublin Science and Art Museum Act established...

Building item


The Dublin Science and Art Museum Act established the National Library of Ireland .
“History of the Library”. National Library of Ireland.


No bibliographical results available.