Henrietta Battier

Standard Name: Battier, Henrietta
Birth Name: Henrietta Fleming
Married Name: Henrietta Battier
Pseudonym: Polly Pindar
Pseudonym: A Lady
Pseudonym: Patt. Pindar
Pseudonym: Pat. T. Pindar
Pseudonym: Countess of Laurel
Used Form: Pat. Pindar
Used Form: Polly Pindar, half-sister to Peter Pindar
HB , an Irishwoman writing at the end of the eighteenth century, is a fine occasional poet, author of short pieces in many poetic genres. Her particular talent, unmatched by any of her generation male or female, was for political satire.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Mary Ann Cavendish Bradshaw
Mary Ann's maternal uncle John FitzGibbon, first Earl of Clare (1748-28 January 1802), a lawyer like his father, became Lord Chancellor of Ireland in 1789. Earl of Clare from 1795, he acquired the English title...
Fictionalization Lady Rachel Russell
LRR seems to have set a low value on her personal, religious writings. To a relation who apparently hoped to read them, she wrote, Pray, my Lord, be not in care about my writings. Indeed...
Friends, Associates Mary Leadbeater
While in England ML visited Edmund Burke at Beaconsfield. He had attended school and university with her father and had been taught by her grandfather; he made his final visit to Ballitore in 1786...
Friends, Associates Thomas Moore
His social circle included prominent literary women: Mary Tighe , sisters Lady Morgan (Sydney Owenson) and Olivia Clarke , Mary Shelley , Marguerite Blessington , Louisa Stuart Costello , and Caroline Norton . He knew...
Friends, Associates Samuel Johnson
Boswell's is Johnson's most famous friendship, but his women friends were immensely important to him. Carter and Lennox were joined by Hester Thrale (though Johnson always reckoned her husband, Henry Thrale , if anything the...
Author summary Samuel Johnson
Arriving in eighteenth-century London as one more young literary hopeful from the provinces, SJ achieved such a name for himself as an arbiter of poetry, of morality (through his Rambler and other periodical essays and...


19 April 1780: Henry Grattan made an impassioned declaration...

National or international item

19 April 1780

Henry Grattan made an impassioned declaration to the Irish parliament of the legislative independence of Ireland from England.
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2025, 22 vols. plus supplements.

8 April 1795: The Prince of Wales (later George IV) married...

National or international item

8 April 1795

The Prince of Wales (later George IV) married Princess Caroline of Brunswick.
Ayling, Stanley. George the Third. Collins, 1972.
Carretta, Vincent. George III and the Satirists from Hogarth to Byron. University of Georgia Press, 1990.


Battier, Henrietta. An Address on the Projected Union. Printed for the author, 1799.
Battier, Henrietta. An Epistle from Patrick Pindar. 1790.
Battier, Henrietta. Irregular Ode to Edward Byrne, Esq. 1797.
Battier, Henrietta. Marriage Ode Royal. Sold at No. 17, Fade Street, 1795, 16 pp.
Battier, Henrietta. The Gibbonade. 3 pt.
Battier, Henrietta. The Kirwanade. Printed for the author, 1791, 2 pt.
Battier, Henrietta. The Lemon. 1797, http://Bodleian: G Pamph 1281.
Battier, Henrietta. The Lemon: Canto II. For the Author, 1798.
Battier, Henrietta. The Mousiad. P. Byrne, 1787.
Battier, Henrietta. The Protected Fugitives. James Porter, 1791, http://Bodleian: 280 i 105.