Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2025, 22 vols. plus supplements.
Henrietta Battier
Standard Name: Battier, Henrietta
Birth Name: Henrietta Fleming
Married Name: Henrietta Battier
Pseudonym: Polly Pindar
Pseudonym: A Lady
Pseudonym: Patt. Pindar
Pseudonym: Pat. T. Pindar
Pseudonym: Countess of Laurel
Used Form: Pat. Pindar
Used Form: Polly Pindar, half-sister to Peter Pindar
, an Irishwoman writing at the end of the eighteenth century, is a fine occasional poet, author of short pieces in many poetic genres. Her particular talent, unmatched by any of her generation male or female, was for political satire.
Battier, Henrietta. An Address on the Projected Union. Printed for the author, 1799.
Battier, Henrietta. An Epistle from Patrick Pindar. 1790.
Battier, Henrietta. Irregular Ode to Edward Byrne, Esq. 1797.
Battier, Henrietta. Marriage Ode Royal. Sold at No. 17, Fade Street, 1795, 16 pp.
Battier, Henrietta. The Gibbonade. 3 pt.
Battier, Henrietta. The Kirwanade. Printed for the author, 1791, 2 pt.
Battier, Henrietta. The Lemon. 1797, http://Bodleian: G Pamph 1281.
Battier, Henrietta. The Lemon: Canto II. For the Author, 1798.
Battier, Henrietta. The Mousiad. P. Byrne, 1787.
Battier, Henrietta. The Protected Fugitives. James Porter, 1791, http://Bodleian: 280 i 105.