Ashfield, Andrew. Emails to Isobel Grundy about Maria Barrell. 13 Apr. 2017.
Newgate Prison
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
death | Sir Thomas Malory | He was, however, buried at Newgate
: at St Francis's Chapel in Greyfriars. |
death | Maria Barrell | MB
, having having had her death sentence commuted to transportation to New South Wales, died in Newgate Prison
, London, while waiting for the sentence to be carried out. |
death | Sir Thomas Malory | STM
, narrator of Arthurian legends, died in London. Contrary to most accounts before recent times, it is not certain that he died at Newgate Prison
. Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Reiss, Edmund. Sir Thomas Malory. Twayne, 1966. 11 Field, P. J. C. The Life and Times of Sir Thomas Malory. D. S. Brewer, 1993, p. x; 218 pp. 132 |
Family and Intimate relationships | Anne Whitehead | He paid heavily for his Quaker beliefs. He was arrested and imprisoned in London'sNewgate
prison, where he died on 5 February 1665. Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. |
Family and Intimate relationships | Sarah Flower Adams | Sarah' s father, Benjamin Flower
, was a political writer, a religious dissenter, and the editor and publisher of the Cambridge Intelligencer, which first published six of Coleridge
's early poems. In 1799 he... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Hester Biddle | HB
's son Daniel
, one of the four children of her marriage, was born. Historian Lydia L. Rickman
speculates that Daniel may have been born while HB
was in Newgate Prison. Rickman, Lydia L. “Esther Biddle and Her Mission to Louis XIV”. Friends Historical Society Journal, Vol. 47 , 1955, pp. 38-45. 45n1 |
Friends, Associates | Maria Edgeworth | Among her many social engagements, she attended a house-party at the home of Whig MP and agriculturalist Sir John Sebright
, whose guests included Dr Wollaston
and the science-writers Jane Marcet
and Mary Somerville
... |
Material Conditions of Writing | Hester Biddle | |
Material Conditions of Writing | Anne Askew | AA
is said to have composed and sung the ballad which is her best-known work, in Newgate Prison
the night before her execution. Beilin, Elaine V., and Anne Askew. “Introduction”. The Examinations of Anne Askew, Oxford University Press, 1996. xxxii Askew, Anne. The Examinations of Anne Askew. Editor Beilin, Elaine V., Oxford University Press, 1996. 149 |
Other Life Event | Mary Carleton | MC
was committed to Newgate
on a charge of bigamy, having further antagonised the presiding magistrate, Sir Edmund Berry Godfrey
, by answering back and cracking jokes. Extra charges of theft and of being a... |
Other Life Event | Maria Barrell | She claimed she had done some business for a widow: enabling her to receive prize-money of some unidentified description which the widow was unable to get hold of without help. This widow, she said, had... |
Other Life Event | Maria Barrell | This was also the term now used in court for the crime for which she had served her sentence in Newgate
two years before. Counterfeiting was a capital offence: she was found guilty and condemned... |
politics | Hester Biddle | HB
was imprisoned in Newgate Prison for speaking publicly in the street. Hobby, Elaine. Virtue of Necessity: English Women’s Writing 1646-1688. Virago, 1988. 46 |
politics | Elizabeth Cellier | The double agent Willoughby (otherwise Thomas Dangerfield
) had concealed the evidence in order to incriminate her. Interrogated in Newgate PrisonNewgate Prison, EC
proved bold and disrespectful of authority. She was, she said, not the... |
politics | Thomas Holcroft | TH
was indicted for high treason under government legislation against sedition. He refused to flee abroad, but gave himself up and was confined in Newgate Prison
. Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Goodwin, Albert. The Friends of Liberty: The English Democratic Movement in the Age of the French Revolution. Hutchinson, 1979. 332-3 |
22 May 1685: Titus Oates, the informer in the alleged...
National or international item
22 May 1685
Titus Oates
, the informer in the alleged Popish Plot, was whipped through the London streets at a cart's tail from Newgate Prison
, where he was incarcerated, to Tyburn.
Evelyn, John. The Diary of John Evelyn. Editor De Beer, Esmond Samuel, Oxford University Press, 1959.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
17 June 1721: Newspapers reported the royal plan for an...
Building item
17 June 1721
Newspapers reported the royal plan for an experiment as to the safety of inoculation against smallpox, to be conducted on inmates of Newgate Prison
in London.
Grundy, Isobel. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu: Comet of the Enlightenment. Clarendon, 1999.
211 and n30
Winslow, Ola Elizabeth. A Destroying Angel: The Conquest of Smallpox in Colonial Boston. Houghton Mifflin, 1974.
Razzell, Peter E. The Conquest of Smallpox. Caliban Books, 1977.
9 August 1721: Charles Maitland, under the patronage of...
Building item
9 August 1721
Charles Maitland
, under the patronage of Princess Caroline
, experimentally inoculated six Newgate
prisoners (three of each sex) against smallpox.
Grundy, Isobel. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu: Comet of the Enlightenment. Clarendon, 1999.
27 January 1722: Daniel Defoe anonymously published The Fortunes...
Writing climate item
27 January 1722
Daniel Defoe
anonymously published The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the famous Moll Flanders, his first fictional autobiography of a criminal woman.
Moore, John Robert. A Checklist of the Writings of Daniel Defoe. Indiana University Press, 1960.
8 November 1728: The mercury Anne Dodd was sentenced to Newgate...
Building item
8 November 1728
The mercuryAnne Dodd
was sentenced to Newgate Prison
for publishing a libel; she had petitioned against the sentence, as a working woman not as a figure of pathos.
McDowell, Paula. The Women of Grub Street: Press, Politics, and Gender in the London Literary Marketplace, 1678-1730. Clarendon, 1998.
7 November 1783: The last public hanging took place at Tyburn...
Building item
7 November 1783
The last public hanging took place at Tyburn in London (near where Marble Arch now stands), putting an end to the practice of parading the condemned through town en route to the scene of execution...
1813: Elizabeth Gurney Fry first visited Newgate...
Building item
Elizabeth Gurney Fry
first visited Newgate Prison
in London; horrified at conditions there, she began providing food and education for female and child prisoners, and agitated for prison reform.
Dolan, Josephine A. History of Nursing. 12th ed., Saunders, 1968.
Rose, June. Elizabeth Fry. Macmillan, 1980.
30 November 1824: A banker, Henry Fauntleroy, was hanged for...
Building item
30 November 1824
A banker, Henry Fauntleroy
, was hanged for forgery at Newgate Prison
in London, before a crowd of 100,000. The bank he had worked for was that of Anne Marsh
's husband's family.
Reader, John. “Scram from Africa”. London Review of Books, 16 Mar. 2000, pp. 31-4.
Haydn, Joseph. Haydn’s Dictionary of Dates and Universal Information. Editor Vincent, Benjamin, 23rd ed., Ward, Lock, 1904.
3 May 1834: William Harrison Ainsworth published his...
Writing climate item
3 May 1834
William Harrison Ainsworth
published his hugely successful first novel, Rookwood.
Drabble, Margaret, editor. The Oxford Companion to English Literature. 5th ed., Oxford University Press, 1985.
Turner, Ernest Sackville. “Delightful to be Robbed”. London Review of Books, 9 May 2002, pp. 32-3.
Cox, Michael, editor. The Oxford Chronology of English Literature. Oxford University Press, 2002, 2 vols.
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