Caroline of Anspach, Queen of England

Standard Name: Caroline of Anspach,, Queen of England
Used Form: Princess of Wales
Used Form: Princess Caroline
Used Form: Caroline Princess of Wales


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Characters Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
All the mock eclogues (written, like most of Montagu's more ambitious poetry, in heroic couplets with the occasional triplet) target actual individuals and refer to events which were gossip of the day. Monday, Wednesday...
Dedications Sarah Stone
She had completed it by 1736.
Grundy, Isobel. “Sarah Stone: Enlightenment Midwife”. Clio Medica: Medicine in the Enlightenment, edited by Roy Porter, Rodopi, pp. 128-44.
Publication was probably intended as a means to ensure the success of a daring career step: moving her practice from the West Country to London. Her full...
Dedications Elizabeth Thomas
She says that at some time a publisher offered her £30 for a Manuscript Folio of my Poems
Thomas, Elizabeth, and Richard Gwinnett. Pylades and Corinna.
2: 289
In her dedication of this volume to Caroline Princess of Wales , the Honour and...
Dedications Elizabeth Elstob
The first of these works, dedicated to Caroline, Princess of Wales , is sometimes called the first grammar of Anglo-Saxon; in fact Elstob was preceded by her friend and patron George Hickes , who published...
Dedications Mary Jones
This volume was dedicated to the Princess of Orange : Anne, daughter of George II and the late Queen Caroline . The princess's mother had been a patron of MJ 's friend Martha Lovelace, later...
Employer Frances Seymour, Countess of Hertford
Frances Seymour, Countess of Hertford , was officially appointed a Lady of the Bedchamber to Caroline, Princess of Wales .
“Office-Holders in Modern Britain: Household of Princess Caroline 1721-27”. Institute of Historical Research.
Employer Anne Irwin
AI travelled to Germany, appointed by Queen Caroline to escort Princess Augusta of Saxe-Gotha to England to marry the Prince of Wales .
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Family and Intimate relationships Elizabeth, Margravine of Anspach
This scandal-sheet made a point of de Guïnes' support for the rebellious American colonists, and of Lord Craven having married his wife without receiving a fortune appropriate to his own wealth; each of these facts...
Family and Intimate relationships Elizabeth, Margravine of Anspach
Christian Frederick Charles Alexander, margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach-Bayreuth , sprang from a petty ruling family in Germany. He was a nephew both of Frederick the Great of Prussia and of Queen Caroline , wife of George...
Friends, Associates Frances Seymour, Countess of Hertford
She and Lady Pomfret (another amateur writer) together mourned for the death of Queen Caroline , who had been their admired friend as well as their employer.
Hughes, Helen Sard. The Gentle Hertford, Her Life and Letters. Macmillan.
Friends, Associates Mary Jones
MJ corresponded with Charlotte Lennox and with publisher Ralph Griffiths and his wife Isabella . Her friendship was valued by literary men like Samuel Johnson , Joseph Spence , Thomas Warton , and apparently Bonnell Thornton
Friends, Associates Sarah Chapone
SC was a great networker. Having met George Ballard , a local man (perhaps because her sister was a patient of his mother, who was a midwife), she introduced him to Elizabeth Elstob and to...
Friends, Associates Mary, Countess Cowper
MCC made some good friends at Court. She was particularly fond of Charlotte Clayton (later Lady Sundon) . Her close relationship with Penelope Schutz (née Madan) became a liability when Penelope fell out of favour...
Intertextuality and Influence Anne Conway
AC 's work was of particular interest to the Philadelphian Society associated with Jane Lead . It is now believed to have influenced Leibnitz (who owned and annotated a copy of her treatise), and through...
Material Conditions of Writing Mary, Countess Cowper
On her appointment as Lady in Waiting to Caroline of Anspach , the new Princess of Wales, MCC began keeping a private diary to record the true version of what went on at Court, in...


April 1717: The Prince of Wales critically antagonized...

National or international item

April 1717

The Prince of Wales critically antagonized his father, George I , by arrogating too much power to himself.

17 June 1721: Newspapers reported the royal plan for an...

Building item

17 June 1721

Newspapers reported the royal plan for an experiment as to the safety of inoculation against smallpox, to be conducted on inmates of Newgate Prison in London.

9 August 1721: Charles Maitland, under the patronage of...

Building item

9 August 1721

Charles Maitland , under the patronage of Princess Caroline , experimentally inoculated six Newgate prisoners (three of each sex) against smallpox.

21 April 1722: The first alleged death from smallpox inoculation...

Building item

21 April 1722

The first alleged death from smallpox inoculation followed by only four days the inoculation of two royal princesses (daughters of Princess Caroline ).

20 January 1724: Elizabeth Harrison wrote for publication,...

Women writers item

20 January 1724

Elizabeth Harrison wrote for publication, with her name, A Letter to Mr. John Gay , On his Tragedy, call'd The Captives. To which is annex'd a copy of verses to the Princess.

19 June 1725: Dorothy Stanley, née Milborne, published...

Women writers item

19 June 1725

Dorothy Stanley , née Milborne, published by subscription Sir Philip Sidney 's Arcadia Moderniz'd, in four books (coinciding with the thirteenth edition of the original romance).
English Short Title Catalogue.

By 11 September 1730: Stephen Duck published The Thresher's Labour,...

Writing climate item

By 11 September 1730

Stephen Duck published The Thresher's Labour, a georgicpoem that was unique as an account of labour by a labouring man.

By September 1735: Merlin's Cave at Richmond in Surrey, brainchild...

Building item

By September 1735

Merlin's Cave at Richmond in Surrey, brainchild of Queen Caroline , was opened to the public.

15 April 1736: The Porteous Riots occurred in Edinburgh...

National or international item

15 April 1736

The Porteous Riots occurred in Edinburgh.

20 November 1737: Caroline of Anspach, Queen of England, died...

National or international item

20 November 1737

Caroline of Anspach , Queen of England, died of a rupture after eleven days of excruciating illness.

By 2 April 1756: Stephen Duck, the poet and former farm labourer...

Writing climate item

By 2 April 1756

Stephen Duck , the poet and former farm labourer who had been taken up by patrons including Queen Caroline and supplied with a living as a clergyman, drowned himself in the trout stream behind the...


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