, already the author of five novels, resigned from her job with Random House
in order to become a full-time author (though she continued to take short-term appointments in the university world).
Cooke, Rachel. “America is going backwards”. The Observer, 19 Sept. 2004, p. 15.
Toni Morrison
Meanwhile, after her divorce, TM
came north and became an associate editor with a subsidiary of Random House
publishers, then transferred to the parent company. With two small children and little social life, she held...
Intertextuality and Influence
Toni Morrison
dedicated this book (which is based on the actual case of Margaret Garner) to the memory of the sixty million people who died on the slave-trade route (the middle passage) from Africa. Some...
Literary responses
Mary Taylor
It appears that Miss Miles received very little critical response. As Juliet Barker
recently noted, it sank without a trace, perhaps because its belated publication (more than forty years after it was begun) meant that...
Literary responses
Gertrude Stein
In his introduction to this text, Thornton Wilder
wrote that the fundamental preoccupation of Miss Stein's life was not the work of art but the shaping of a theory of knowledge, a theory of time...
Literary responses
Toni Morrison
Rachel Kaadzi Ghansah
has argued that of all the books Morrison dealt with at Random House
, this one stands out as a strange and singular creation and one that vividly captures her notion of...
Material Conditions of Writing
Toni Morrison
Soon after TM
left her editor's position at Random House
, she contributed to an anthology by Mari Evans
(Black Women Writers (1950-1980): A Critical Evaluation) an essay entitled Rootedness: The Ancestor as Foundation.
Ghansah, Rachel Kaadzi. “The Radical Vision of Toni Morrison”. New York Times Magazine, 8 Apr. 2015.
Material Conditions of Writing
Penelope Mortimer
also wrote for the cinema. She adapted Galsworthy
's The Apple Tree as a screenplay for Warner Brothers
, but it was decades before the film was made. In June 1972, at the request...
Sylvia Beach
was launching a lawsuit against Samuel Roth
at this time for illegally pirating Ulysses in the United States. He stated in a deposition against Roth that the book was not his property but...
Bessie Head
Toni Morrison
in her capacity as an editor at Random House
annoyed BH
by wanting to classify these two as young people's books.
Then in early 1979 Heinemann
(the last publisher that could...
Elizabeth Jane Howard
Its early working title was The Deep Blue Sea. She mentioned it as work in progress to Terence Rattigan
, who thought it a very good title indeed. She later wrote that she liked...
Kathleen Jamie
published with Random House
of Toronto her book The Golden Peak: Travels in Northern Pakistan.
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online. 18 July 2011,
Alice Walker
's usual publishers, Random House
, were put off by the spirituality that drives this book, and did not want to issue it.
Walker, Alice. “A Conversation with David Swick from Shambhala Sun (2006)”. The World Has Changed: Conversations with Alice Walker, edited by Rudolph P. Byrd, The New Press, 2010, pp. 301-10.
She began this novel during the extremely fertile year of 1939, under the title The Bride and Her Brother. She finished it in summer 1945, and declined an offer from Random House
to publish...
Maya Angelou
She found it hard to write this volume, to reconcile her desire to write something uplifting with such painful material as the assassinations of Malcolm X
and Martin Luther King
, race riots, and the...
Following the Net Book Agreement, Random House
became the first publisher in Britain to install an automated packing line in warehousing at Tiptree in Essex. Though it was not a success, this did not...
1999: Gail Rebuck became head executive of Random...
Writing climate item
Gail Rebuck
became head executive of Random House
, one of the largest publishers of English language books.
“Women’s History Timeline”. BBC: Radio 4: Woman’s Hour.
August 2002: Random House published War Torn: Stories...
Writing climate item
August 2002
Random House
published War Torn: Stories of War from the Women Reporters Who Covered Vietnam.
Tran, Mark. “So what did you do in the war, mommy?”. Guardian Unlimited, 21 Oct. 2002.
“Bowker’s Global Books in Print”.
Early November 2012: A merger was proposed between the publishers...
Writing climate item
Early November 2012
A merger was proposed between the publishers Penguin
and Random House
, that would create a mega-company with worldwide revenues of 4.1 billion dollars US.