

Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Anthologization Deborah Moggach
In 2010 DM (with Tim Butcher, Irvine Welsh, and others) was one of seven authors commissioned by Plan International to travel to seven countries to gather the stories of girls and young women...
Literary responses Susan Hill
Margaret Reynolds and Jonathan Noakes published in 2003Susan Hill; The Essential Guide to Contemporary Literature as one in Vintage 's Living Texts series. Intended for teachers, students, and reading groups, this book discusses four...
Publishing Michèle Roberts
For this novel (dedicated to Howard Burns) the idea came to Roberts in connection with her first transformation into a married woman. She did her extensive, highly enjoyable research for it in libraries in...
Publishing Michèle Roberts
She revised her manuscript at the kitchen table of a friend's flat in Florence (while her own flat, or her husband's, was uninhabitable because of delayed building work) and again in Boston, Massachusetts, early...
Publishing Deborah Levy
This was reissued by Vintage and reissued again by And Other Stories in 2014.
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online. 18 July 2011,
Publishing Nancy Mitford
This was reprinted in a Vintage edition for Knopf Doubleday in 2013, along with re-issues of other NM novels, both early and better-known.
Publishing Nancy Mitford
Wigs on the Green and its predecessor, Christmas Pudding were re-issued in Vintage editions for Knopf Doubleday in 2013, in one volume with an introduction by Jane Smiley.
Publishing Simone de Beauvoir
This translation remained standard for a long time: later re-issues include one from Vintage in 1989 with an introduction by Deirdre Bair, and one from David Campbell in 1993 with an introduction by Margaret Crosland
Publishing A. S. Byatt
ASB later said she wrote the first draft of this book as an undergraduate, in libraries and lectures, between essays and love affairs. One lecturer supposed she was taking unnecessarily assiduous notes when she was...
Publishing A. S. Byatt
This book was reprinted as a Vintage paperback in November 1992. After it came a ten-year break in ASB's publishing career as a novelist.
Publishing A. S. Byatt
It was reprinted as a Vintage paperback next year.
Reception A. S. Byatt
In her introduction for Vintage ASB has written of influences on this novel: the visual influence of Samuel Palmer's painting Cornfield with the Evening Star and of other representations of moonlight and harvest fields...
Textual Features A. S. Byatt
This discusses Murdoch's first eight novels. An enlarged Vintage paperback reprint of about thirty years later, entitled Degrees of Freedom: The Early Novels of Iris Murdoch, adds ASB's later writings on Murdoch: essays...
Textual Production Ruth Padel
RP joined with five other poets in Machinery of Grace. A Tribute to Michael Donaghy (1954-2004), published by the Poetry Society in 2005. That same year she read some of her poems for the...
Textual Production Jackie Kay
JK wrote one of the two introductions for the Vintage classics edition of Virginia Woolf's Between the Acts; a second introduction was written by academic Lisa Jardine.
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, Accessed 1999.


No timeline events available.


Over. Vintage, 2007.
Bair, Deirdre. Samuel Beckett: A Biography. Vintage, 1990.
Smith, Stevie. “Introduction”. Me Again, edited by Jack Barbera and William McBrien, Vintage, 1983, pp. 1-10.
Carson, Anne. Float. Vintage, 2016.
Desai, Anita. Fasting, Feasting. Vintage, 2000.
Hill, Susan. Black Sheep. Vintage, 2013.
Hobsbawm, Eric John. The Age of Revolution 1789-1848. Vintage, 1996.
Jack, Belinda. George Sand: A Woman’s Life Writ Large. Vintage, 2001.
Mackay, Shena. The Orchard on Fire. Vintage, 1999.
Moggach, Deborah. Tulip Fever. Vintage, 2000.
Reynolds, Margaret et al. Susan Hill: The Essential Guide to Contemporary Literature. Vintage, 2003.
Shields, Carol. The Collected Stories. Vintage, 2005.
Smith, Stevie. Me Again. Editors Barbera, Jack and William McBrien, Vintage, 1983.
Soboul, Albert. The French Revolution 1787-1799. Translators Forrest, Alan and Colin Jones, Vintage, 1975.
Tremain, Rose. The Road Home. Vintage, 2007.
Warner, Marina. Managing Monsters: Six Myths of Our Time. Vintage, 1994.
Winterson, Jeanette. Great Moments in Aviation and Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit: Two Filmscripts. Vintage, 1994.