Chapman and Hall


Connections Sort ascending Author name Excerpt
Textual Production May Laffan
Chapman and Hall published ML 's novella A Singer's Story, as by the author of Flitters, Tatters and the Counsellor. This was her single work in the moral tale genre, and probably her...
Textual Production Mary Angela Dickens
All the Year Round published MAD 's best-known novel, Cross Currents, in serial form. Chapman and Hall issued the novel in three volumes during the same year.
Bassett, Troy J. “Title Information at the Circulating Library”. At the Circulating Library: A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837-1901.
Textual Production Sarah Macnaughtan
Four years after SM 's death, her friend Beatrice Home (a writer of guidebooks and other works) edited and published her book of travel memoirs, My Canadian Memories, through Chapman and Hall .
“Reviews: My Canadian Memories”. Woman’s Leader and the Common Cause, Vol.
, No. 46, p. 986.
12.46 (17 December 1920): 986
Textual Production Ethel Smyth
ES 's writings about her own times included individual studies of other people. As well as writing of Mrs Pankhurst in Female Pipings in Eden, she published Beecham and Pharoah in May 1935 with...
Reception Ouida
This novel was successful enough to make publisher Richard BentleyRichard Bentley and Son consider taking over publication of Ouida 's novels from Chapman and Hall .
Jordan, Jane. “Ouida: The Enigma of a Literary Identity”. Princeton University Library Chronicle, Vol.
, No. 1, pp. 75-105.
Reception Geraldine Jewsbury
Many Victorian readers found Zoe shocking, and GJ 's publisher feared negative repercussions for printing it. Anna Maria Hall complained that it was a most dangerous book, shaking the foundations of all sound doctrine.
Howe, Susanne. Geraldine Jewsbury: Her Life and Errors. George Allen and Unwin.
Publishing Katharine S. Macquoid
KSM switched publishers after this book. She asked the advice of Lewes , and he recommended her to Frederic Chapman of Chapman and Hall . But the next book she published, Elinor Dryden's Probation...
Publishing Elizabeth Gaskell
EG entered into the first known English agreement for royalty payment on a new edition of Cranford and a collection of Lizzie Leigh and Other Tales put out by Chapman and Hall .
Gaskell, Elizabeth. The Letters of Mrs Gaskell. Editors Chapple, J. A. V. and Arthur Pollard, Harvard University Press.
406-7, 967
Sutherland, John. Victorian Novelists and Publishers. University of Chicago Press.
Publishing Elizabeth Gaskell
EG gave the manuscript of Mary Barton to William Howitt for his advice—he later claimed to have suggested the novel—and he in turn showed it to John Forster , a reader for Chapman and Hall
Publishing Elizabeth Gaskell
EG referred to the novel before its publication as A Manchester Love Story, but the character of her hero, John Barton, after whom she initially named it, was central to her conception of it...
Publishing Edith Mary Moore
EMM issued another new novel with another new publisher: The Spirit and the Law, through Chapman and Hall .
TLS Centenary Archive Centenary Archive [1902-2012].
(13 January 1916): 17
Publishing Elizabeth Gaskell
Again she published with Chapman and Hall , who put out a second edition within the year.
Publishing Edith Mary Moore
She dedicated this book to her son Edward Lovell Moore , then on active service. Chapman and Hall advertised the novel repeatedly in the Times Literary Supplement
TLS Centenary Archive Centenary Archive [1902-2012].
(13 January 1916): 17; (3 February 1916): 53; (2 March 1916): 100; (6 April 1916): 163
Publishing Anna Steele
The first American edition came out the same year from James R. Osgood . Chapman and Hall , the original publisher, produced a new edition in 1879.
OCLC WorldCat. Accessed 1999.
Publishing Beryl Bainbridge
Hodder and Stoughton turned it down, then Chapman and Hall , then Chatto and Windus , all with words of encouragement which BB felt too insecure to take in. These were later joined by Weidenfeld and Nicolson


No timeline events available.


Colenso, Frances, and Edward Durnford. History of the Zulu War and Its Origin. Chapman and Hall, 1880.
Colenso, Frances, and Edward Durnford. My Chief and I; or, Six Months in Natal After the Lagalibalele Outbreak. Chapman and Hall, 1880.
Craik, Dinah Mulock. Agatha’s Husband. Chapman and Hall, 1853.
Craik, Dinah Mulock. Agatha’s Husband. Chapman and Hall, 1858.
Craik, Dinah Mulock, and James Godwin. Alice Learmont: A Fairy Tale. Chapman and Hall, 1852.
Craik, Dinah Mulock. Olive. Chapman and Hall, 1850.
Craik, Dinah Mulock. The Head of the Family. Chapman and Hall, 1852.
Craik, Dinah Mulock. The Head of the Family. Chapman and Hall, 1878.
Craik, Dinah Mulock. The Ogilvies. Chapman and Hall, 1849.
Dickens, Charles, and John Leech. A Christmas Carol. Chapman and Hall, 1843.
Dickens, Charles, and Marcus Stone. Our Mutual Friend. Chapman and Hall, 1865.
Dickens, Charles. The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby. Chapman and Hall, 1839.
Dickens, Charles, and Luke Fildes. The Mystery of Edwin Drood. Chapman and Hall, 1870.
Dickens, Charles et al. The Old Curiosity Shop. Chapman and Hall, 1841.
Dickens, Charles et al. The Pickwick Papers. Chapman and Hall, 1837.
Fane, Violet. Anthony Babington. Chapman and Hall, 1877.
Fane, Violet. Autumn Songs. Chapman and Hall, 1889.
Fane, Violet. Denzil Place. Chapman and Hall, 1875.
Fane, Violet. The Queen of the Fairies. Chapman and Hall, 1876.
Fane, Violet. The Story of Helen Davenant. Chapman and Hall, 1889.
Gaskell, Elizabeth. Cranford. Chapman and Hall, 1853.
Gaskell, Elizabeth. Lizzie Leigh and Other Tales. Chapman and Hall, 1855.
Gaskell, Elizabeth. Mary Barton. Chapman and Hall, 1848.
Gaskell, Elizabeth. North and South. Chapman and Hall, 1855.
Gaskell, Elizabeth. Ruth. Chapman and Hall, 1853.