Catharine Amy Dawson Scott

Standard Name: Scott, Catharine Amy Dawson
Birth Name: Catharine Amy Dawson
Married Name: Catharine Amy Scott
Indexed Name: C. A. Dawson Scott
Nickname: Sappho
Nickname: Mrs Sappho
Indexed Name: Catharine Amy Dawson Scott
Used Form: C. A. Dawson-Scott
Used Form: C. A. Dawson Scott
CADS was first a poet; then after a long break in her publishing career she produced almost twenty novels, including works that make her a significant regional novelist of the Cornish coast. She also wrote plays, a travel book, short stories, and books about the occult and her psychic experiences. Both her poetry and fiction express her feminist conviction of the necessity of women's sexual, personal, and financial freedom. Her work was progressive for its era, tackling taboo subjects such as domestic violence, adultery, and premarital sex. She achieved critical commendation, but never a particularly wide readership, and is chiefly remembered today for having founded the literary organization PEN .


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Dedications E. M. Delafield
It is dedicated to C. A. Dawson-Scott , in affectionate admiration of the novelist and the woman.
Delafield, E. M. The Optimist. Macmillan, 1922.
Family and Intimate relationships Charlotte Mew
There has been much speculation, both at the time and more recently, about the nature of the relationship between the two writers. CM seems to have fallen in love, but Sinclair was not receptive, not...
Family and Intimate relationships Charlotte Mew
Novelist C. A. Dawson Scott introduced them, hoping that the better-known Sinclair would promote CM 's work (which she did). Mew gave Sinclair a piece of her embroidery for Christmas 1913 and helped her to...
Friends, Associates Flora Annie Steel
One dinner-party at William Heinemann 's featured the artist James McNeill Whistler (whose paintings were much in evidence on the walls), Edmund Gosse and his wife , FAS and her daughter, and Catharine Amy Dawson Scott
Friends, Associates May Sinclair
She had an extremely strong sense of privacy. Though at first she was pleased by the suggestion of an American journalist, Witter Bynner , that he should interview her, and though she liked him when...
Friends, Associates Gladys Henrietta Schütze
On her first attendance at PEN , taken there by an American friend, Sarah MacConnell , she met Catharine Amy Dawson Scott (whom she took to at once), Galsworthy (whose work she much admired), Roma Wilson
Friends, Associates Dorothy Richardson
Throughout the late 1910s and 1920s, DR 's other friends and acquaintances included Violet Hunt , May Sinclair , Marianne Moore , C. A. Dawson-Scott , Catherine Carswell , and Sinclair Lewis .
Richardson, Dorothy. Windows on Modernism: Selected Letters of Dorothy Richardson. Editor Fromm, Gloria G., University of Georgia Press, 1995.
39, 107, 138, 141, 170, 284
Friends, Associates Beatrice Harraden
Apart from Eliza Lynn Linton , her close literary friends included Evelyn Glover , Catharine Amy Dawson Scott , Evelyn Sharp , and Flora Annie Steel (with whom she corresponded).
Intertextuality and Influence Elizabeth Barrett Browning
American poet Emily Dickinson loved EBB 's poetry. The language of Aurora Leigh crops up throughout her oeuvre, and she recalls the transformative experience, sanctifying the soul, of her early reading in one poem: I...
Intertextuality and Influence Sappho
Elizabeth Moody engagingly converts Sappho into a contemporary in Sappho Burns her Books and Cultivates the Culinary Arts, 1798.
Jay, Peter, and Caroline Lewis. Sappho Through English Poetry. Anvil Press Poetry, 1996.
But many women poets accepted the notion of her rejected love for Phaon: Robinson
Intertextuality and Influence Dorothy Richardson
DR 's effect on other writers has been estimated as very strong. Those she influenced include May Sinclair (whose novel Mary Olivier was also serialised in the Little Review), Romer Wilson , and C. A. Dawson-Scott
Occupation May Sinclair
These events, however, did not put an end to MS 's spiritualist activity. At sessions held by Catharine Dawson Scott she had several encounters with her dead brother Frank. She was ambivalent about whether or...
politics Violet Hunt
During the summer and autumn of 1921, VH helped her friend and colleague C. A. Sappho Dawson Scott with the establishment of the P.E.N. Club (later PEN International ), originally a writers' association designed to...
politics Storm Jameson
SJ became president of the English Centre of PEN International . She held this position through the Second World War, until 1945.
The international body had first met in New York on 13 May 1924...
Author summary John Galsworthy
JG was a novelist and dramatist who began publishing just before the end of the nineteenth century. The series of novels for which he is now best known, The Forsyte Saga, is historical, since...


9 April 1887: Following the appeal judgment which ordered...

Women writers item

9 April 1887

Following the appeal judgment which ordered her to cohabit with her husband, Dadaji Bhikaji , a letter by Rukhmabai appeared in the LondonTimes.
Burton, Antoinette. “Conjugality on Trial: the Rukhmabai Case and the Debate on Indian Child-Marriage in Late-Victorian Britain”. Disorder in the Court: Trials and Sexual Conflict at the Turn of the Century, edited by George Robb and Nancy Erber, New York University Press, 1999, pp. 33-56.
44-8, 50

5 October 1921: The P.E.N. Club (later PEN International),...

Writing climate item

5 October 1921

The P.E.N. Club (later PEN International ), a world association of authors, was founded in London by writers C. A. Dawson Scott and Violet Hunt .
Bozman, Ernest Franklin, editor. Everyman’s Encyclopaedia. 4th Edition, J. M. Dent, 1958, 12 vols.
9: 694


Scott, Catharine Amy Dawson. Against the Grain. William Heinemann, 1919.
Scott, Catharine Amy Dawson. Beyond. Glaisher, 1912.
Scott, Catharine Amy Dawson. Bitter Herbs. William Heinemann, 1923.
Scott, Catharine Amy Dawson. Blown by the Wind. Hutchinson, 1926.
Scott, Catharine Amy Dawson. Charades for Home Acting. Woodford Fawcett, 1888.
Scott, Catharine Amy Dawson, and May Sinclair. From Four Who Are Dead. Arrowsmith, 1926.
Scott, Catharine Amy Dawson. Idylls of Womanhood. Heinemann, 1892.
Scott, Catharine Amy Dawson. Kitty Leslie at the Sea. Hutchinson, 1927.
Scott, Catharine Amy Dawson, and Mabel Ince. Madcap Jane. Chapman and Hall, 1910.
Scott, Catharine Amy Dawson. Mrs. Noakes. Chapman and Hall, 1911.
Scott, Catharine Amy Dawson. Nooks and Corners of Cornwall. E. Nash, 1911.
Scott, Catharine Amy Dawson. Oh! Foolish Kitty. Selwyn and Blount, 1929.
Scott, Catharine Amy Dawson. Sappho. Kegan Paul, Trench, 1889.
Scott, Catharine Amy Dawson. The Agony Column. Chapman and Hall, 1909.
Scott, Catharine Amy Dawson. The Burden. William Heinemann, 1908.
Scott, Catharine Amy Dawson. The Caddis-Worm. Hurst and Blackett, 1914.
Scott, Catharine Amy Dawson. The Haunting. William Heinemann, 1921.
Scott, Catharine Amy Dawson. The Headland. William Heinemann, 1920.
Scott, Catharine Amy Dawson. The House in the Hollow. Ernest Benn, 1933.
Scott, Catharine Amy Dawson, and Frank Rogers. The Seal Princess. George Philip and Son; Philip, Son, and Nephew, 1930.
Scott, Catharine Amy Dawson. The Story of Anna Beames. William Heinemann, 1907.
Scott, Catharine Amy Dawson. The Vampire. Robert Holden, 1925.
Scott, Catharine Amy Dawson. They Green Stones. William Heinemann, 1925.
Scott, Catharine Amy Dawson. Treasure Trove. William Heinneman, 1909.
Scott, Catharine Amy Dawson. Wastralls. William Heinemann, 1918.