Laffan, May. A Singer’s Story. Chapman and Hall, 1885.
May Laffan
Standard Name: Laffan, May
Birth Name: Mary Laffan
Nickname: May
Married Name: Mary Hartley
Titled: Mary, Lady Hartley
Although she is relatively unknown today, Ireland (most published anonymously) were controversial and well-known in her time. She was also responsible for a translation and miscellaneous political writings. Her work deals with explicitly political subjects, such as Irish Home Rule, the Fenians, and poverty. She voices sympathy for the condition of the Irish people melded with a desire to achieve change through educational reform. Her writing is lively, and her characterizations particularly good.
's journal attack on the convent education system, her four novels, one novella, and four short stories about late nineteenth-century Timeline
Laffan, May et al. Baubie Clark. William Blackwood and Sons, 1880.
Laffan, May. Christy Carew. Henry Holt, 1880.
Laffan, May. Christy Carew. Richard Bentley, 1880.
Laffan, May. “Convent Boarding-Schools for Young Ladies”. Fraser’s Magazine, Vol.
, No. 54, pp. 778-86. Laffan, May. Flitters, Tatters and the Counsellor. Simpkin, Marshall; Hodges, Foster and Figgis, 1879.
Laffan, May. Flitters, Tatters, and the Counsellor, and Other Sketches. Macmillan, 1881.
Laffan, May. Hogan, M.P. H. S. King, 1876.
Laffan, May. Hogan, M.P. Macmillan, 1881.
Laffan, May. Ismay’s Children. Macmillan, 1887.
Laffan, May. “Katty the Flash”. Temple Bar, Vol.
, pp. 255-63. Wolff, Robert Lee, and May Laffan. “May Laffan Hartley and Two Examples of her Irish Fiction”. Hogan, M.P., Garland, 1979, p. v - ix.
Malot, Hector Henri. No Relations. Translator Laffan, May, Bentley, 1880.
Malot, Hector Henri. The Boy Wanderer; or, No Relations. Translator Laffan, May, J. B. Lippincott, 1887.
Laffan, May. The Game Hen. Gill, 1880.
Laffan, May. The Hon. Miss Ferrard. Bentley, 1877.
Laffan, May. The Honorable Miss Ferrard. Henry Holt, 1878.
Laffan, May. “Weeds”. Macmillan’s Magazine, No. 44, pp. 379-00.