was a Scotswoman who during the earlier seventeenth century edited work by her father, David Hume of Godscroft
, for publication and herself translated Petrarch
into English verse.
Mary Catherine Hume
, who following her marriage published as Mary Hume-Rothery, wrote in a number of genres from the mid-nineteenth century onwards Her works include a biography, several collections of poems (many of which reflect her...
Sophia Hume
was a leading Quaker
pamphleteer of the mid eighteenth century. She published religious and moral exhortations, an anthology, and a diatribe against smallpox inoculation, in England and America.
Charlotte Eliza Humphry
Mrs C. E. Humphry
, a journalist at a time when the field was just opening up to women, began her career with a popular newspaper column aimed at women. This chatty column appeared in...
Leigh Hunt
Violet Hunt
Known mainly as a popular novelist, VH
also published book and theatre reviews, translations, short stories, non-fiction, memoirs, and a biography. Her publishing career covers the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Though often initially...
was admired during the Romantic period for her poetry, most of it songs and ballads. She wrote her own music for some; Haydn
set many others. She also wrote occasional poetry of many kinds...
, who published six novels and a conduct-book between 1801 and 1810, says that she began writing at an advanced age. Her novels are sprawling and over-crowded; but her ingenious, role-playing critical prefaces, and...
Zora Neale Hurston
was an anthropologist who published articles on the subject of African-American folklore, and who also wrote plays, novels, short stories, political and cultural criticism, and an autobiography. She was a central contributor to the...
has been long known as the author of memoirs of her husband which are also a significant historical account of the Englich Civil War. Her petitions and religious writings were also known, though less...
was a woman of letters publishing in the early nineteenth century. She began early to write letters and journals; she edited her father's autobiography and his local history, as well as a book of...
In her single extant, late eighteenth-century work, LH
sounds like a trenchantly feminist theologian, a biblical and in some sense a literary critic. She chose the form of epistles for an earlier printed work which...
In addition to Brave New World, 1932, one of the most famous dystopian novels of the twentieth century, AH
penned more than forty other novels, often satirical, frequently mystical, that confront the dogmas, idiosyncrasies...
Elspeth Huxley
Most of EH
's writing reflects on her experiences growing up in Kenya and her continued interest in African development. Her output includes both novels and non-fiction: autobiography, travel writing, political exposition, biography, and journalism...
Henrik Ibsen
The plays of Henrik Ibsen
, nineteenth-century Norwegian poet and dramatist, were both controversial and enormously influential in Britain; their use of realist techniques to address contemporary social problems helped to bring about a revolution...
was a diarist from her teens. Before and after her debut on as an actress on the London stage in 1780, she considered writing as a way to make a living. Before she had...
's writings spanned the second half of the nineteenth century and led to an immense popularity during her lifetime. She published five volumes of poetry, eighteen works for children, five novels, and a verse...
Although KEI
is today a little-known author, some of her works on literary criticism and Hampshire local history remained in print into the 1980s. During and beyond the first half of the twentieth century, she...
Lucille Iremonger
published articles in periodicals, an exotic cookery book, travel and autobiographical works, novels, an anthology, and in particular historical biographies and studies of psychology. Having grown up in Jamaica, she sometimes wrote about...
Luce Irigaray
is a French feminist theorist who is by profession a psychoanalyst and a philosopher. Her writing is considered among the most dense and difficult produced by French feminism, as her language is often deconstructive...