
Standard Name: Petrarch
Birth Name: Francesco Petrarca
Nickname: Petrarch


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Christina Rossetti
She came of fully Italian blood on her father's side, and half-Italian, half-English on her mother's. In a piece on Petrarch , she claimed that family documents proved her descent from his muse, Laura...
Dedications Susannah Dobson
SD dated the dedication of The Life of Petrarch to Soame Jenyns ; the book was published the same year.
Sade, Jacques François Paul Aldonce de. The Life of Petrarch. Translator Dobson, Susannah, James Buckland.
Dedications Susannah Dobson
SD dated the dedication of her translation Petrarch 's View of Human Life to Andrew Stuart ; the book was published in 1791.
Petrarch,. Petrarch’s View of Human Life. Translator Dobson, Susannah, J. Stockdale.
Education Edmund Spenser
ES attended Merchant Taylors' School (which had been founded in 1561). His first publication (translations from Petrarch and Du Bellay ) appeared in print (with another translation) before he entered university.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Family and Intimate relationships Lady Mary Walker
Foscolo read Petrarch and Sterne together with Hamilton's daughter Sophia. Then he seduced her, and went back to Italy leaving her pregnant. The baby was called Mary after her grandmother, and stayed with Lady Mary...
Friends, Associates Giovanni Boccaccio
He became a close friend of his fellow-poet Petrarch in 1350, and remained so for the rest of Petrarch's life.
Drabble, Margaret, editor. The Oxford Companion to English Literature. Oxford University Press.
Each has been called the earliest humanist, because of their knowledge of ancient Greek.
“The Catholic Encyclopedia”. New Advent.
Intertextuality and Influence Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Shorter pieces here include many sonnets, the most striking and complex of which are perhaps the two dedicated to George Sand that explore the apparent contradictions of gender and genius. To George Sand. A Desire...
Intertextuality and Influence Selina Davenport
The title-page quotes Milton on the false dissembler (Satan). The story opens with Edmund Dudley, the lover and the poet, confiding to a married friend, Leopold Courtenay, his love for Althea, to whom he has...
Intertextuality and Influence Anne Burke
The letters are unaffected and moral, but tend to look favourably on suicide. The first, from Eleanora, is dated 19 May 1770. She writes to Maria of her growing love for Werter, who seems to...
Intertextuality and Influence Mary Shelley
The epigraph is a quotation from Milton 's Paradise Lost about not seeking to know the future. MS frames the story with a visit she made to the Sybil's Cave near Naples (though some have...
Intertextuality and Influence Eleanor Sleath
The story opens in the year 1605 in a cottage near the Jura Mountains. Later scenes set in Salzburg convinced Devendra P. Varma that Sleath was personally acquainted with that city.
Varma, Devendra P., and Eliza Parsons. “Introduction”. Castle of Wolfenbach, Folio Press, p. xiii - xxiv.
Julie de...
Intertextuality and Influence Christina Rossetti
Her early work and the passages she copied into her mother's commonplace-book show the influence of Tennyson and Wordsworth ; she also acknowledged the impact of Gray and Crabbe , and wrote several poems inspired...
Intertextuality and Influence Eleanor Sleath
The story is set in a Scottish border castle in the reign of Henry VII . ES again quotes learnedly: Ariosto and Petrarch in the original Italian, and Horace in Latin. The widowed Gertrude Baroness...
Intertextuality and Influence Anne Francis
AF writes in the style of mid-century poets Gray and especially Collins , whose names she specifically invokes and whose words she echoes, along with classics of the past like Petrarch . She records an...
Intertextuality and Influence Elizabeth Sarah Gooch
ESG quotes a stanza from Burns 's A Prayer in the Prospect of Death on her title-page, and says she can offer her reader no ghosts or artificial terrors.
Gooch, Elizabeth Sarah. Fancied Events. George Cawthorn.
1: iv
She takes up...


1349: Francesco Petrarca (Petrarch), Italian father...

Writing climate item


Francesco Petrarca (Petrarch ), Italian father of the sonnet, circulated in manuscript his Canzoniere or Rime sparse or Rerum Vulgarium Fragmenta, which include his most famous love poems to Laura (who, he wrote, had recently died).

1776: Maria Maddelena Morelli, or Corilla Olimpica,...

Building item


Maria Maddelena Morelli , or Corilla Olimpica, a member of the Italian Accademia degli Arcadi , was crowned on the Capitoline Hill in Rome (as Petrarch had been before her).


Petrarch,. Petrarch’s View of Human Life. Translator Dobson, Susannah, J. Stockdale, 1791.
Petrarch,. The Sonnets, Triumphs, and Other Poems of Petrarch. G. Bell and Sons, 1879.
Hume, Anna, and Petrarch. The Triumphs of Love: Chastitie: Death: Translated out of Petrarch. 1644.