Publishing from her provincial home over three decades spanning the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, Margaret Holford the elder
, tried her hand at poetry, three novels (stuffed with the clichés of the genre, but lively...
Margaret Holford
The first published work of Margaret Holford (whose mother was a writer bearing the same name) was an extended oriental tale in prose, which has often been ascribed to the mother instead of the daughter...
A seventeenth-century woman who used the familiar letter as an instrument both for religious understanding and for taking control of her own life, CH
is known as a convent autobiographer. She also wrote other texts...
Constance Holme
, writing during the earlier part of the twentieth century, was a playwright, novelist, short-story writer, and poet. Her plays (her own favourite genre) had little success, but her eight novels and single volume...
Winifred Holtby
's posthumous reputation is based on her final novel, South Riding, published after her death. During her lifetime, she was better known as a prominent journalist, invited by Virginia Woolf
in February 1935...
, the earliest of the female Quaker
writers, left a printed prophecy, petition, and testimony, as well as a manuscript attack on colonial settlements in New England. Literary historian Phyllis Mack
observes that...
Laurence Hope
, a writer of exotic, Orientalist love lyrics, published three volumes of immensely successful poetry in the early twentieth century. They remained popular for a number of years after her death. Favourites among...
, whose desire to publish his poetry was frustrated in his Victorian lifetime by his Jesuit
superiors, was first published in 1918 by his trusted friend and informal archivist Robert Bridges
. During the...
Susanna Hopton
's intense involvement in the religious controversies of the later seventeenth century led her to study, write, and publish texts both theological and devotional, often adapting Roman Catholic
sources to make them usable by...
Richard Hengist Horne
Frances Horovitz
Late twentieth-century poet and broadcaster FH
published during her short lifetime four volumes of poetry, as well as individual poems, a series for Gallery 5
, and collaborations with her second poet-husband, Roger Garfitt
A. E. Housman
, who was also a classical scholar, editor, and critic, is best known for his poetry, mostly in ballad form. His first publication happened in 1896, and the last was posthumous. His characteristic subjects...
Matilda Charlotte Houstoun
produced, and had moderate success with, close to thirty novels, three travel narratives, a biography, several volumes of autobiographical writings, and a short story. She also did some writing for periodicals. Her later writings...
Elizabeth Jane Howard
, a novelist of the later twentieth century, has also written short stories (some of them ghost stories), plays, film and television scripts, reviews and articles, biographies, a memoir, and she has edited several...
, nineteenth-century American woman of letters, is chiefly remembered for having composed The Battle-Hymn of the Republic, and for her highly popular lecture tours. She also published poetry, travel writings, journalism including powerful...
Anna Mary Howitt
was connected on the one hand with the social and publishing circles of her parents, the hard-working pillars of the London literary establishment, and on the other hand with a group of...
Between them, Mary Howitt
and her husband William
wrote and published over 180 books. Hers alone, at her death, occupied forty pages of the British Museum
printed catalogue.
Dunicliff, Joy. Mary Howitt: Another Lost Victorian Writer. Excalibur Press of London, 1992.
Hrotsvit of Gandersheim
, living in Germany in the tenth century and writing in Latin, produced six (or seven, depending on the method of counting) short plays as well as poems (legendary saints' lives, historical...
, a niece of Jane Austen
, began her publishing career in the mid nineteenth century with her completed version of a novel left unfinished by her famous aunt, of whom she also wrote...
E. M. Hull
Between 1919 and 1939 EMH
produced seven novels, among them her three famous desert romances, and one travel book. Her first novel, the ground-breaking desert romance The Sheik, virtually established the conventions of the...