Robert Bridges

Standard Name: Bridges, Robert


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Gerard Manley Hopkins
GMH entered the noviciate of the Jesuits , as a step towards joining the Order; at this time he symbolically burned many of his poems—but he first sent some copies to Robert Bridges .
Drabble, Margaret, editor. The Oxford Companion to English Literature. Oxford University Press.
Education Gerard Manley Hopkins
GMH attended Highgate School as a boarder, winning a poetry prize, but was in constant trouble over various acts of rebellion against authority. The headmaster several times threatened to expel him. He gained, however, two...
Family and Intimate relationships Elizabeth Daryush
ED 's father, Robert Bridges , had a career as a physician before, once a family inheritance gave him an unearned income, giving up medicine for the practice of poetry. He was appointed Poet Laureate...
Family and Intimate relationships Elizabeth Daryush
Robert Bridges , Poet Laureate and father of ED , died at his home, Chilswell just south of Oxford, on 21 April 1930.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
under Robert Seymour Bridges
Friends, Associates Mary Elizabeth Coleridge
She was a close friend of other poets as well: Robert Bridges and Richard Watson Dixon . Her increasing literary success, by bringing her into contact with new and interesting people, eventually induced her to...
Friends, Associates Rosamund Marriott Watson
The stigma resulting from this second divorce followed RMW for many years, though in 1895 Edmund Clarence Stedman (who included her in A Victorian Anthology) dismissed the scandal in a letter to Robert Bridges
Friends, Associates Frances Cornford
Frances's association with Rupert Brooke began with the rehearsals for the play and grew into friendship. They discussed their poetry with each other, and Frances counselled and consoled Rupert in his many love affairs. She...
Literary responses Elizabeth Daryush
ED 's Times obituary called her a self-possessed traditionalist, unimpressed by the twentieth century, with a clear mind, an agile and introspective wit, and nobility of rhythm,but with no gift for metaphor and other...
Literary responses Vita Sackville-West
The enthusiastic review by J. C. Squire was not entirely welcome to VSW , since she regarded Squire as a silly old ass and all that.
Glendinning, Victoria. Vita. Penguin.
She feared being relegated to the category of...
Material Conditions of Writing Elizabeth Daryush
Yvor Winters ascribed this productivity to her father 's death on 21 April 1930.
Dowson, Jane, editor. Women’s Poetry of the 1930s: A Critical Anthology. Routledge.
Performance of text Elizabeth Daryush
A masque entitled Demeter by Robert Bridges was performed in the college gardens by students of Somerville, Oxford , to celebrate the opening of their new library; it included verses by his daughter Elizabeth .
OCLC WorldCat. Accessed 1999.
Author summary Gerard Manley Hopkins
GMH , whose desire to publish his poetry was frustrated in his Victorian lifetime by his Jesuit superiors, was first published in 1918 by his trusted friend and informal archivist Robert Bridges . During the...
Reception Vita Sackville-West
VSW was one of those in the running for the position of Poet Laureate in succession to Robert Bridges in summer1929. She later secretly hoped to succeed Bridges' successor, John Masefield , and wrote a...
Residence Elizabeth Daryush
With the inheritance left to the Bridges family by Alfred Waterhouse , grandfather of Elizabeth Bridges (later ED ), her father had a family home built for them: Chilswell on Boars Hill, overlooking Oxford...
Textual Production Gerard Manley Hopkins
Almost thirty years after Hopkins's death, Robert Bridges , Poet Laureate, first edited and secured publication of most of his surviving work: Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins.
British Library Catalogue.
White, Norman. Hopkins: A Literary Biography. Clarendon Press.


1899: Oxford University Press printed the Yattendon...

Writing climate item


Oxford University Press printed the Yattendon Hymnal, edited by Robert Bridges and H. Ellis Wooldridge .

1925: Arrighi type was used for the first time...

Writing climate item


Arrighi type was used for the first time in Robert Bridges ' Tapestry, privately printed by F. W. and S. M. (Frederick Warde and Stanley Morison ).


Hopkins, Gerard Manley. “Introduction to the Third Edition”. Poems, edited by W. H. Gardner et al., Oxford University Press, 1956, p. xiii - xxvi.
Hopkins, Gerard Manley. Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins. Editor Bridges, Robert, Humphrey Milford, 1918.
Coleridge, Mary Elizabeth, and Richard Watson Dixon. “Preface”. The Last Poems of Richard Watson Dixon, edited by Robert Bridges and Robert Bridges, H. Frowde, 1905, p. iii - xv.