John Maynard, Baron Keynes

Standard Name: Keynes, John Maynard,,, Baron
Used Form: Lord Keynes
Used Form: J. M. Keynes


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Amber Reeves
She had set her heart on philosophy when as a schoolgirl she read in Kant about reason vanquishing religion. A report from her tutor, J. N. Keynes (father of the more famous John Maynard Keynes
Family and Intimate relationships Virginia Woolf
Leonard Woolf was a close Cambridge friend of Virginia's brother Thoby Stephen and a member of the Apostles . A Jew, with family roots in London and Amsterdam, he grew up in London, first...
Friends, Associates Mary Agnes Hamilton
One of Lee's beliefs, pronounced that evening, was: Patriotism . . . is the power to be ashamed of your country.
Hamilton, Mary Agnes. Remembering My Good Friends. Jonathan Cape.
MAH credits Lady Ottoline with holding the pacifist movement together; many meetings took...
Friends, Associates Hope Mirrlees
After her return from Paris, HM was occupied with various friendships and interests. By now she could count Vivien and T. S. Eliot , Lytton Strachey , Molly and Desmond MacCarthy , Duncan Grant ,...
Friends, Associates Katherine Mansfield
The same year she got to know Edward Marsh . Her early years with Murry (and her visits to Garsington Manor) further developed her network of relationships with writers and artists. At Runcton in 1912...
Friends, Associates Katherine Mansfield
This time Mary Hutchinson , Clive Bell , Aldous Huxley , T. W. Earp , Brett , J. M. Keynes , and J. T. Sheppard were there. KM was back for further weekends in September...
Friends, Associates Edith Sitwell
ES had many friendships, and there were few notables in the artistic world whom she did not meet. Her friendships were quite volatile, with frequent quarrels, sometimes caused by the practical jokes and the heightened...
Friends, Associates Ray Strachey
After her return from Bryn Mawr in 1909, Ray Costelloe (later RS ) stayed with her friend Ellie Rendel (whose mother was an elder sister of Lytton Strachey ) at the Stracheys' home in Hampstead...
Friends, Associates Dorothy Bussy
La Souco was visited regularly by all of their Bloomsbury Group friends, among them Lytton and the other Strachey siblings, the Vanessa and Clive Bell , Virginia and Leonard Woolf , John Maynard Keynes and...
Friends, Associates Virginia Woolf
Early members of what VW called Old Bloomsbury (to distinguish the original members of the group from later additions) included Virginia and Vanessa Stephen , Leonard Woolf , Clive Bell , E. M. Forster ,...
Friends, Associates Dora Carrington
Shortly after this they rented a house at 3 Gower Street: Carrington paid £9 to stay nine months in the attic, while Mansfield and her husband occupied the bottom floor, Brett the second, and...
Friends, Associates Virginia Woolf
The cultural production of members of Bloomsbury was prodigious, embracing the imaginative, critical, and political writing of Virginia and Leonard Woolf , E. M. Forster , and Lytton Strachey , the economic theories of Maynard Keynes
Friends, Associates E. M. Forster
EMF went up to study at King's College , Cambridge . While there, he became a member of the Apostles, and met several future member of the Bloomsbury Group, including J. M. Keynes , Thoby Stephen
Friends, Associates Virginia Woolf
The household in Brunswick Square comprised Virginia and Adrian Stephen , John Maynard Keynes , and Duncan Grant . On 4 December 1911 Leonard Woolf joined it.
Bishop, Edward. A Virginia Woolf Chronology. Macmillan.
Friends, Associates Antonia Fraser
Family friends and frequent visitors to the Pakenham household included J. M. Keynes , William Beveridge (whom AF 's father had assisted in plans for the postwar Welfare State), Hugh Gaitskell , and (particularly good...


Early August 1591: Sir John Harington's translation of Ariosto's...

Writing climate item

Early August 1591

Sir John Harington 's translation of Ariosto 's heroicromanceOrlando Furioso (which means something like Roland Run Mad) was published.

From early summer 1915: Garsington Manor, near Oxford, the home of...

Building item

From early summer 1915

Garsington Manor, near Oxford, the home of Lady Ottoline and Philip Morrell , became a centre for many pacifists, conscientious objectors, and non-pacifist critics of the war.

28 June 1919: The Treaty of Versailles was signed, settling...

National or international item

28 June 1919

The Treaty of Versailles was signed, settling the peace terms imposed by the victors of World War I on Germany and its allied nations.

Summer 1919: John Maynard Keynes published The Economic...

Writing climate item

Summer 1919

John Maynard Keynes published The Economic Consequences of the Peace.

1921: John Maynard Keynes published A Treatise...

Writing climate item


John Maynard Keynes published A Treatise on Probability.

1930: Kingsley Martin took over from Clifford Sharp...

Writing climate item


Kingsley Martin took over from Clifford Sharp as editor of the New Statesman; in the same year it merged with The Nation to form the New Statesman and Nation.

9 August 1946: The Arts Council of Great Britain received...

Building item

9 August 1946

The Arts Council of Great Britain received its royal charter; its purpose was to make fine arts more accessible to the public by organizing exhibitions and preserving art.

October 1947: Stafford Cripps, recently appointed Minister...

Building item

October 1947

Stafford Cripps , recently appointed Minister for Economic Affairs in the postwar Labour government, delivered the landmark Economic Survey for 1947. This government white paper set out the principles of democratic planning, reconciling...

November 1955: At a time when economic orthodoxy was by...

Building item

November 1955

At a time when economic orthodoxy was by consensus Keynes ian, a deed of trust was signed for setting up the Institute of Economic Affairs , the UK's original free-market think-tank.
“About the IEA”. IEA (Institute of Economic Affairs).
Clarke, Peter. “Knights’ Moves”. London Review of Books, pp. 11-14.

25 September 1968: The prospective new town of Milton Keynes...

Building item

25 September 1968

The prospective new town of Milton Keynes in North Buckinghamshire was advertised in the Times with a view to attracting interest, residents, and particularly industry and businesses.

May 1969: The Open University based at the barely-begun...

Building item

May 1969

The Open University based at the barely-begun new town of Milton Keynes in Buckinghamshire (fruit of Jennie Lee 's University of the Air Advisory Committee) received its royal charter.


John Maynard, Baron Keynes,. The Economic Consequences of the Peace. Macmillan, 1919.