Freya Stark

Standard Name: Stark, Freya
Birth Name: Freya Madeline Stark
Pseudonym: Tharaya
Styled: Mrs Freya Stark
Married Name: Freya Madeline Perowne
Titled: Dame Freya Stark
Famous as a twentieth-century explorer and traveller, FS was also a prominent travel-writer, essayist, autobiographer, letter-writer, geographic historian, photo journalist, and cartographer. Reprints of Stark's texts, along with recent biographies by Molly Izzard (1993) and Jane Fletcher Geniesse (1999), and other critical works, have contributed to the lasting interest in her career.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Intertextuality and Influence Jan Morris
In a review of two travel books about Arab countries by women (Barbara Toy and Dr Claudie Fayein ) JM uses a flagrantly and fascinatingly gendered approach, professing patronizing affection for the naive and...
Intertextuality and Influence E. M. Hull
The years after World War One saw a rise in foreign travel-books by such women adventurers as Gertrude Bell , Freya Stark , Rosita Forbes , and Lady Dorothy Mills .EMH 's desert travel-book...
Literary responses Mildred Cable
In its first four years, the book went through nine editions.
Warner, Marina et al. “Introduction”. The Gobi Desert, Beacon Press, 1987, p. xi - xxi.
The New York Times called it a fascinating record. . . . It is, besides, though the writer says little of herself, the...
Textual Features Dorothy Wellesley
The title reflects a dominant metaphor in the narrative. DW identifies strongly here with her own sex, particularly with such travellers as Freya Stark , Gertrude Bell , or Ella Maillart : in her Epilogue...
Textual Features Viola Meynell
Correspondents represented in the volume include Freya Stark , as well as Bernard Shaw , Siegfried Sassoon , and Walter de la Mare . This volume was adapted for television by the BBC in 1988, without crediting VM .
MacKenzie, Raymond N. A Critical Biography of English Novelist Viola Meynell, 1885-1956. Edwin Mellen, 2002.
Textual Production Betty Miller
Six months before publication she visited Freya Stark to see the Browning house at Asolo.
Miller, Sarah, and Betty Miller. “Introduction”. On the Side of the Angels, Virago, 1985, p. vii - xviii.
The book appeared as a Penguin paperback in 1958.
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online. 18 July 2011,


1917: John Murray (publishers of Isabella Bird...

Writing climate item


John Murray (publishers of Isabella Bird and later Freya Stark ) took over Smith, Elder (publishers of Charlotte Brontë , Charlotte Chanter , and Queen Victoria ).
Murray, John R. “Going Strong”. The Author, Vol.
, No. 4, 1 Dec.–28 Feb. 2000, pp. 182-4.


Stark, Freya. A Peak in Darien. J. Murray, 1976.
Stark, Freya. A Winter in Arabia. J. Murray, 1940.
Stark, Freya. Alexander’s Path, from Caria to Cilicia. J. Murray, 1958.
Stark, Flora, and Freya Stark. An Italian Diary. J. Murray, 1945.
Stark, Freya, and E. N. Prescott. Baghdad Sketches. Times Press, 1932.
Stark, Freya, and Reynolds Stone. Beyond Euphrates. J. Murray, 1951.
Stark, Freya. Dust in the Lion’s Paw. J. Murray, 1961.
Stark, Freya. East is West. J. Murray, 1945.
Ruthven, Malise, and Freya Stark. “Introduction and biographical commentaries”. Freya Stark in Iraq and Kuwait, Garnet, 1994, pp. 7 - 14; various pages.
Stark, Freya. Ionia: A Quest. J. Murray, 1954.
Stark, Freya. Letters. Editors Moorehead, Lucy and Caroline Moorehead, Compton Russell, 1982, 8 vols.
Stark, Freya. Letters from Syria. J. Murray, 1942.
Stark, Freya. Over the Rim of the World. J. Murray with M. Russell, 1988.
Stark, Freya. Perseus in the Wind. J. Murray, 1948.
Stark, Freya. Riding to the Tigris. J. Murray, 1959.
Stark, Freya, and Alexander Maitland. Rivers of Time. Blackwood, 1982.
Stark, Freya. Rome on the Euphrates. J. Murray, 1966.
Stark, Freya. Seen in the Hadhramaut. J. Murray, 1938.
Stark, Freya. The Coast of Incense. J. Murray, 1953.
Stark, Freya. The Journey’s Echo. J. Murray, 1963.
Stark, Freya. The Lycian Shore. J. Murray, 1956, http://HSS DS 156 L8 S79.
Stark, Freya. The Minaret of Djam. J. Murray, 1970.
Stark, Freya. The Southern Gates of Arabia. J. Murray, 1936.
Stark, Freya. The Valleys of the Assassins. J. Murray, 1934.
Stark, Freya. The Zodiac Arch. J. Murray, 1968.