Hill, Jane, and Michael Holroyd. The Art of Dora Carrington. Herbert Press, 1994.
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Cultural formation | Dora Carrington | DC
was born into a middle-class family with primarily English roots, whose strict moral and religious codes she rejected in favour of a more socially relaxed or bohemian painting and writing life in London and... |
Cultural formation | Dora Carrington | Here, Morrell
and another guest, writer Aldous Huxley
(who were both friends of and loyal to Carrington's admirer Mark Gertler
), confronted Carrington about her reluctance to give up her virginity. She described the episode... |
death | Dora Carrington | Distraught by the recent death of her dearest companion, Lytton Strachey
, DC
made a second suicide attempt. This time she shot herself, and died. Hill, Jane, and Michael Holroyd. The Art of Dora Carrington. Herbert Press, 1994. 131-3 |
Family and Intimate relationships | Dorothy Bussy | DB
's most famous brother was (Giles) Lytton Strachey
(1880-1932), author and Bloomsbury Group member, whose works include Eminent Victorians (1918), Queen Victoria (1921), and Elizabeth and Essex (1928). |
Family and Intimate relationships | Dora Carrington | Carrington rejected the offer, and she and Gertler did not begin their physical affair until early 1917. Gerzina, Gretchen. Carrington: A Life of Dora Carrington, 1893-1932. John Murray, 1989. 35, 52, 111 |
Family and Intimate relationships | Virginia Woolf | Adrian
(1883-1948) was the youngest Stephen child. After Vanessa's marriage he lived with Virginia at 29 Fitzroy Square, then moved with her to 38 Brunswick Square. Like Thoby, he studied at Trinity College, Cambridge
... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Dora Carrington | Their friendship was at first somewhat shaky, but warmed considerably. Writing in her diary on 6 June 1918, Woolf described DC
as such a bustling eager creature, so red & solid, & at the same... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Julia Strachey | Lytton Strachey
, one of Julia's uncles, was a hugely successful writer whose works include the revolutionary Eminent Victorians (1918). Hussey, Mark. Virginia Woolf A to Z. Facts on File, 1995. 275 |
Family and Intimate relationships | Virginia Woolf | Leonard Woolf was a close Cambridge
friend of Virginia's brother Thoby Stephen
and a member of the Apostles
. A Jew, with family roots in London and Amsterdam, he grew up in London, first... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Dora Carrington | Carrington's husband then moved in officially with Carrington and Lytton Strachey
. Extramarital affairs of the parties to this unusual marriage had begun by March 1922, yet Carrington and Partridge remained married for the rest... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Virginia Woolf | Leonard had met Virginia and Vanessa in Thoby's rooms in 1901, and had fallen in love with Vanessa. Hussey, Mark. Virginia Woolf A to Z. Facts on File, 1995. 370 |
Family and Intimate relationships | Dora Carrington | DC
met her greatest love, the writer Lytton Strachey
, during a three-day stay at Asheham, the Sussex home of Virginia
(and Leonard) Woolf
. This was a year which in Virginia Woolf's life was... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Dora Carrington | Quite soon after this all her deepest concern became focussed on Lytton Strachey
, who was dying painfully from undiagnosed stomach cancer. Gerzina, Gretchen. Carrington: A Life of Dora Carrington, 1893-1932. John Murray, 1989. 292-3 |
Family and Intimate relationships | Dora Carrington | As part of a suicide watch around Carrington organized by her friends, Virginia
and Leonard Woolf
visited her at Ham Spray on 10 March. Virginia
later wrote in her diary: She burst into tears &... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Agnes Giberne | AG
's paternal aunts were closely associated in their youth with the young John Henry Newman
and his brother Francis W. Newman
. Sarah married a curate working for William Wilson (AG
's grandfather).... |