George Grote

Standard Name: Grote, George


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Bessie Rayner Parkes
Joseph Parkes , Bessie's father, was a solicitor and a Unitarian of Radical sympathies. In 1833 he was secretary to a parliamentary commission on municipal reform, which recommended important changes in local government. At about...
Family and Intimate relationships Flora Macdonald Mayor
FMM 's mother, born Alexandrina Jessie Grote , was a musician
Morgan, Janet. “Introduction: The Squire’s Daughter”. The Rector’s Daughter, Virago, 1987, p. v - xii.
and a linguist who studied multiple languages,
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
under Flora Macdonald Mayor
mostly Germanic and including Danish and Icelandic. With this gift she was...
Friends, Associates Emily Shirreff
ES 's circle of friends included Sir William Grove (inventor of the Grove battery), scientist Mary Somerville , lawyer and Royal Society president Lord Wrottesley , astronomer Sir George Biddell Airy , Sir John Herschel
Friends, Associates Maria Grey
The Shirreffs were a sociable family whose friends and acquaintances were varied. The scientist Mary Somerville , geologist Sir Charles Lyell , and Sir William Grove , inventor of the Grove battery, were numbered among...
Friends, Associates Harriet Martineau
HM 's social circle vastly expanded at this time until she knew virtually all the prominent people, particularly the political men, of her day. As she recorded in her Autobiography, however, she refused to...
Friends, Associates John Stuart Mill
He was introduced to Jeremy Bentham through his father. He also associated with John Austin and George Grote .
Mill, John Stuart, and John Jacob Coss. Autobiography. Columbia University Press, 1924.
38, 51
Friends, Associates Sarah Austin
The couple were also good friends with Thomas and Jane Carlyle . SA helped the Carlyles with their house-hunting in London,
Tarr, Rodger L. “’Let us burn our ships’: Carlyle, Sarah Austin, and House-Hunting in London”. Studies in Scottish Literature, edited by G. Ross Roy, University of South Carolina Press, 1987, pp. 91-94.
and introduced Thomas Carlyle to John Stuart Mill . Other friends included...
Friends, Associates Lucie Duff Gordon
Her friends and acquaintances included (besides Caroline Norton , a particularly close friend) politicians Lord Lansdowne and Lord Monteagle ; writers William Thackeray , Charles Dickens , Emily Eden , Elliot Warburton , Alfred Tennyson
politics Emily Davies
ED 's petition was a request for funding to establish a College for women. It was signed by 521 teachers of girls and 175 others, including Robert Browning , George Grote , Thomas Huxley ,...
Publishing Harriet Martineau
In 1855 HM 's pamphlet entitled The Factory Controversy, A Warning Against Meddling Legislation, was issued by the National Association of Factory Occupiers (based in Manchester, where it was published). She had initially...
Wealth and Poverty Geraldine Jewsbury
Mary Aitken Carlyle and John Forster aided in the campaign. The twenty-two names in support of her application included Alfred Tennyson , Thomas Carlyle , John Ruskin , and Thomas Hardy . Harriet and George Grote were also involved.
Howe, Susanne. Geraldine Jewsbury: Her Life and Errors. George Allen and Unwin, 1935.


17 November 1794: George Grote, historian, was born at Clay...

Writing climate item

17 November 1794

George Grote , historian, was born at Clay Hill near Beckenham, in Kent.
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2025, 22 vols. plus supplements.

By 28 March 1846: George Grote published the first volume of...

Writing climate item

By 28 March 1846

George Grote published the first volume of his History of Greece; the eighth and last volume followed a decade later.
Athenæum. J. Lection.
961 (1846): 309
Drabble, Margaret, editor. The Oxford Companion to English Literature. 5th ed., Oxford University Press, 1985.

18 June 1871: George Grote, historian, died in London....

Writing climate item

18 June 1871

George Grote , historian, died in London.
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2025, 22 vols. plus supplements.


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