John Austin

Standard Name: Austin, John,, 1790 - 1859


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Birth Lucie Duff Gordon
Lucie Austin (later LDG ), only child of Sarah and John Austin , was born at the then 1 Queen Square in London.
This part of the square was later replaced by what is now Queen Anne's Gate.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Frank, Katherine. Lucie Duff Gordon: A Passage to Egypt. Hamish Hamilton, 1994.
Cultural formation Lucie Duff Gordon
Presumably white, LDG grew up in a radical liberal, professional family of English descent. Both her parents were highly intellectual and prominent in political circles, and both were published authors. Her mother brought her up...
Family and Intimate relationships Sarah Austin
Her husband, John Austin , died on 17 December 1859.
Hamburger, Lotte, and Joseph Hamburger. Troubled Lives: John and Sarah Austin. University of Toronto Press, 1985.
He had been hardly known during his lifetime, outside the couple's small gathering of acquaintances. SA 's success was the foundation of his posthumous reputation.
Hamburger, Lotte, and Joseph Hamburger. Troubled Lives: John and Sarah Austin. University of Toronto Press, 1985.
Family and Intimate relationships Lucie Duff Gordon
John Austin , Lucie's father, legal philosopher, was the son of a successful miller and corn merchant.
Frank, Katherine. Lucie Duff Gordon: A Passage to Egypt. Hamish Hamilton, 1994.
A pupil of Jeremy Bentham , he held a number of positions relating to jurisprudence throughout his...
Family and Intimate relationships Sarah Austin
Sarah Taylor married John Austin at St George's, Colegate, Norfolk.
Frank, Katherine. Lucie Duff Gordon: A Passage to Egypt. Hamish Hamilton, 1994.
Family and Intimate relationships Lucie Duff Gordon
Their marriage was delayed for a while because the Dowager Lady Duff Gordon was opposed to Lucie as a match for her son since she lacked a dowry. Lucie's father , who was by that...
Family and Intimate relationships Sarah Austin
In 1814, the engagement between Sarah Taylor and John Austin was sanctioned by her parents after considerable opposition.
Ross, Janet. Three Generations of Englishwomen. John Murray, 1888, 2 vols.
John Austin might have seemed unsuitable because of his service in the army and the...
Family and Intimate relationships Sarah Austin
John Austin was called to the bar in 1818, following which he began to practice.
Hamburger, Lotte, and Joseph Hamburger. Troubled Lives: John and Sarah Austin. University of Toronto Press, 1985.
Frank, Katherine. Lucie Duff Gordon: A Passage to Egypt. Hamish Hamilton, 1994.
Family and Intimate relationships Sarah Austin
On 24 June 1821, Lucie Austin (the future writer Lady Duff Gordon) was born to SA and John Austin . She was their only child. Financial uncertainty prevented them from increasing their family. As her...
Family and Intimate relationships Sarah Austin
John Austin experienced various humiliations and disappointments in his career, because he was ineffective as a lecturer and in his political roles.
Hamburger, Lotte, and Joseph Hamburger. Troubled Lives: John and Sarah Austin. University of Toronto Press, 1985.
In addition, he suffered from several illnesses, including manic depressive disorder, that...
Friends, Associates John Stuart Mill
He was introduced to Jeremy Bentham through his father. He also associated with John Austin and George Grote .
Mill, John Stuart, and John Jacob Coss. Autobiography. Columbia University Press, 1924.
38, 51
Friends, Associates Sarah Austin
John Austin was a pupil of Bentham , and intimate with all the friends of his master.
Ross, Janet. Three Generations of Englishwomen. John Murray, 1888, 2 vols.
They had met well before his marriage.
Hamburger, Lotte, and Joseph Hamburger. Troubled Lives: John and Sarah Austin. University of Toronto Press, 1985.
At first he completely embraced Bentham's philosophies and political...
Health Lucie Duff Gordon
After her father 's death in this year, LDG suffered a violent lung haemorrhage, an event she rightly believed to be a symptom of tuberculosis.
Frank, Katherine. Lucie Duff Gordon: A Passage to Egypt. Hamish Hamilton, 1994.
Residence Lucie Duff Gordon
Facing financial retrenchment after John Austin resigned from his teaching job, the parents of Lucie Austin (later LDG ) moved with her from their house in Queen Square to 26 Park Road in Regent's Park.
Frank, Katherine. Lucie Duff Gordon: A Passage to Egypt. Hamish Hamilton, 1994.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Residence Lucie Duff Gordon
In Bonn, LDG 's father studied Roman Law under Niebuhr and Schlegel in preparation for his upcoming appointment as Professor of Jurisprudence at the University of London .
Frank, Katherine. Lucie Duff Gordon: A Passage to Egypt. Hamish Hamilton, 1994.
Ross, Janet, and Lucie Duff Gordon. “Memoir”. Letters from Egypt, Virago, 1983, pp. 1-17.


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