Amabel Williams-Ellis

Standard Name: Williams-Ellis, Amabel
Birth Name: Mary Annabel Nassau Strachey
Self-constructed Name: Amabel
Married Name: Mary Annabel Nassau Williams-Ellis
Titled: Mary Annabel Nassau, Lady Williams-Ellis
Across her long career, AWE worked as an author, editor, compiler, and translator. She wrote periodical articles, novels, and books of information on politics, culture, women's lives, and science: both historical and contemporary, for both children and adults. She is now best known for editing multitudinous volumes of fairy tales, folk legends, and science fiction.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Dedications Storm Jameson
She interrupted her work on The Mirror in Darkness in order to write more intensively on the pressing issue of fascism. The others in the new series are With Europe to Let, Cloudless May...
Family and Intimate relationships Dorothy Bussy
DB was a great-niece of the diarist and memoirist Elizabeth Grant (later Smith) . The writers Julia Strachey and Amabel Williams-Ellis , and painter Duncan Grant , all belonged to the same extended family.
Holroyd, Michael. Lytton Strachey: A Biography. Penguin.
248, 292, 373
Family and Intimate relationships Anne Grant
AG was distantly related to the diarist and memoirist Elizabeth Grant , and thus to the forebears of twentieth-century writers Julia Strachey , Lytton Strachey , Dorothy Bussy , and Amabel Williams-Ellis .
Friends, Associates Storm Jameson
Jameson met Romer Wilson , Charles Morgan , and J. W. N. Sullivan through her Knopf connections. By about 1924 she and Edith Sitwell had visited each other's homes. Jameson felt that in spite of...
Friends, Associates Storm Jameson
At Portmeirion SJ enjoyed the friendship of both Williams-Ellises, Clough and his wife Amabel (née Strachey). She later wrote warmly of her affection for Amabel, though she said that in the early stages of their...
Literary responses Nancy Cunard
The reviews for this book were mixed. Amabel Williams-Ellis said in The Spectator that the poems showed a permeating sense of effort not to be young lady-ish.
Chisholm, Anne. Nancy Cunard. Knopf.
F. R. Leavis dismissed Parallaxas simple...
Literary Setting Rose Macaulay
This novel, dedicated to the Philistines, the Barbarians, the Unsociable, has one of them as protagonist: the non-intellectual, extrovert, outdoor woman Denham Dobie, whose remote South American upbringing has done nothing to prepare her for...
Occupation Gillian Clarke
She and Meic Stephens had first seen the house in August 1989: a building of Queen Anne appearance, with some parts dating from more than a century earlier, once owned by David Lloyd George ...
politics Marghanita Laski
On 30 October 1958 ML was one of the signatories to a letter to the editor of theTimes urging the government to cease testing nuclear weapons; others who signed included Peggy Ashcroft , Storm Jameson
politics Rosamond Lehmann
She recalled in a letter of this month a demonstration which was probably the last official one of the campaign: To my pained surprise I found myself committed to walking in a procession down Whitehall...
politics Dora Russell
She prepared evidence with John Maynard Keynes , St John Hutchinson , and John St Loe Strachey (father of writer Amabel Williams-Ellis ). At issue, ostensibly, was the inclusion of diagrams in the pamphlet. DR
politics Sylvia Townsend Warner
Warner and Ackland were members of publisher Victor Gollancz 's Left Book Club , and wrote assiduously for left-wing papers and magazines. (After the second world war, however, Ackland developed divergent and comparatively right-wing views.)...
Publishing Storm Jameson
SJ also wrote for the Times Literary Supplement and Left Review (launched in October 1934 by Amabel Williams-Ellis and others), as well as for Fact (a journal whose editors included Stephen Spender ). Her changing...
Textual Production Q. D. Leavis
In her essays, reviews, introductions, and lectures, QDL also developed varied critiques of such authors as Charlotte Brontë , George Eliot , Charlotte Yonge , Marie Corelli , Edith Wharton , Naomi Mitchison , Amabel Williams-Ellis
Textual Production Cecily Mackworth
CM wryly describes lecturing for the Army Bureau of Current Affairs , whose aim was to teach the working classes to learn to think and express themselves. She spoke for ten minutes, [s]tiff with terror...


21-25 June 1935: The First International Congress of Writers...

National or international item

21-25 June 1935

The First International Congress of Writers for the Defence of Culture (an anti-fascist event urging the responsibility of writers to their society) was held in Paris.


Williams-Ellis, Amabel et al. A History of English Life, Political and Social. Methuen, 1949.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel. All Stracheys Are Cousins. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1983.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel. An Anatomy of Poetry. B. Blackwell, 1922.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel. But We Know Better. J. Cape, 1926.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel. Clough Williams-Ellis. Golden Dragon Books, 1981.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel. Darwin’s Moon. Blackie, 1966.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel, and Wilma Hickson. Fairies and Enchanters. T. Nelson and Sons, 1933.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel. Good Citizens. Gerald Howe, 1938.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel et al. H.M.S. Beagle in South America. Watts, 1930.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel et al. Headlong Down the Years. University Press, 1951.
Williams-Ellis, Susan et al. In and Out of Doors. Routledge, 1937.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel. Is Woman’s Place in the Home?. Labour Party, 1947.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel, and Euan Cooper-Willis. Laughing Gas and Safety Lamp. Methuen, 1951.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel. Learn to Love First. Gollancz, 1939.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel. Noah’s Ark. J. Cape, 1925.
Russell, Bertrand. Out of this World. Editors Williams-Ellis, Amabel and Mably Owen, Blackie, 1972.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel et al., editors. Tales From the Galaxies. Pan Books, 1973.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel. The Art of Being a Parent. Bodley Head, 1952.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel. The Art of Being a Woman. Bodley Head, 1951.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel. The Big Firm. Collins, 1938.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel, and Dan Woods. The Enchanted World. Hodder and Stoughton, 1987.
Williams-Ellis, Clough, and Amabel Williams-Ellis. The Pleasures of Architecture. J. Cape, 1924.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel. The Sea-Power of England. A.C. Curtis; Oxford University Press, 1913.
Williams-Ellis, Clough et al. The Tank Corps. Published at the offices of Country Life Ltd. and by G. Newnes, 1919.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel. The Tragedy of John Ruskin. J. Cape, 1928.