Romer Wilson

Standard Name: Wilson, Romer
Birth Name: Florence Roma Muir Wilson
Married Name: Florence Roma Muir O'Brien
Pseudonym: Romer Wilson
During a brief writing career (almost entirely limited to the 1920s) RW wrote produced novels, two novellas, a play, a biography, and a posthumously published collection of short stories. She compiled and edited three volumes of fairy tales from around the world. Her novels, highly philosophical and sometimes lyrically overblown, treat the existential and epistemological dilemmas facing postwar Europe. Many of her protagonists are artists or philosophers struggling to achieve or understand perfection in a world riven with suffering and imperfection. She often explores the impact of love and the effects on society of war or of mechanisation, in fiction which suggests a longing for a pre-industrial pastoral past.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates E. B. C. Jones
During the war she and Romer Wilson shared a London flat.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Friends, Associates Gladys Henrietta Schütze
On her first attendance at PEN , taken there by an American friend, Sarah MacConnell , she met Catharine Amy Dawson Scott (whom she took to at once), Galsworthy (whose work she much admired), Roma Wilson
Friends, Associates Storm Jameson
Jameson met Romer Wilson , Charles Morgan , and J. W. N. Sullivan through her Knopf connections. By about 1924 she and Edith Sitwell had visited each other's homes. Jameson felt that in spite of...
Intertextuality and Influence Dorothy Richardson
DR 's effect on other writers has been estimated as very strong. Those she influenced include May Sinclair (whose novel Mary Olivier was also serialised in the Little Review), Romer Wilson , and C. A. Dawson-Scott
Occupation E. B. C. Jones
When war came she found a job in the Ministry of Food Control , and also worked as assistant editor on the suffragist weekly The Common Cause (which ran under this title or some variant...


No timeline events available.


Wilson, Romer. All Alone. Chatto and Windus, 1928.
Wilson, Romer. Dragon’s Blood. W. Collins, 1926.
Wilson, Romer. Dragon’s Blood. Knopf, 1926.
Brunton, Violet. Green Magic. Editor Wilson, Romer, Jonathan Cape, 1928.
Wilson, Romer. Greenlow. W. Collins, 1927.
Wilson, Romer. If All These Young Men. Methuen, 1919.
Wilson, Romer. Latterday Symphony. Nonesuch Press, 1927.
Wilson, Romer. Martin Schüler. Methuen, 1918.
Wilson, Romer. Martin Schüler. Henry Holt, 1919.
Nielsen, Kay. Red Magic. Editor Wilson, Romer, Jonathan Cape, 1930.
Brunton, Violet. Silver Magic. Editor Wilson, Romer, Jonathan Cape, 1929.
Wilson, Romer. Tender Advice. W. Heinemann, 1935.
Wilson, Romer. The Death of Society. W. Collins, 1921.
Wilson, Romer. The Death of Society. George H. Doran, 1921.
Wilson, Romer. The Grand Tour. Methuen, 1923.
Wilson, Romer. The Hill of Cloves. W. Heinemann, 1929.
Wilson, Romer. The Social Climbers. E. Benn, 1927.