Charles Morgan

Standard Name: Morgan, Charles


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Storm Jameson
Jameson met Romer Wilson , Charles Morgan , and J. W. N. Sullivan through her Knopf connections. By about 1924 she and Edith Sitwell had visited each other's homes. Jameson felt that in spite of...
Friends, Associates Helen Waddell
Friends from HW 's time at Somerville included Maude Clarke , whom she had known as a child and whose Oxford position had been one of the incentives to go there, and archaelogist Helen Lorimer
Literary responses Margaret Kennedy
Novelist and critic Charles Morgan reviewed the London stage performance for the Times, praising the brutal vulgarity of Sanger's mistress Linda, but finding the dramatised version of Florence too harsh.
Powell, Violet. The Constant Novelist. W. Heinemann.
Cyril Connolly ...
Literary responses Marie Belloc Lowndes
Charles L. Morgan reviewed both With All John's Love and The Key, A Love Drama
British Library Catalogue.
for the Times Literary Supplement on 8 January 1931. He appreciated the way that in With All John's LoveMBL
Residence Stella Benson
During this visit to London, SB met many cultural, political, and social figures, including Wyndham Lewis (who drew a sketch of her), David Garnett , Kingsley Martin , Charles Morgan , Phyllis Bottome ,...
Residence Margaret Kennedy
Artists of many kinds lived in their neighbourhood, including the novelist and Times reviewer Charles Morgan , and his wife, Hilda Vaughan , who was well known as an author. Also living close by was...
Textual Features Stella Gibbons
Set in the last years of the Second World War, the novel traces the over-earnest heroine's initial excitement and subsequent disillusionment with a charming, privileged, artistic family she meets when she moves to London to...


No timeline events available.


Morgan, Charles. “Mrs Belloc Lowndes’s Plays”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 1510, p. 27.
Morgan, Charles. “Natural Plays and Made Pieces”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 1586, p. 461.