Edmund Kean

Standard Name: Kean, Edmund


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Ann Hatton
Jim Henderson thinks this might be Edmund Kean , who had acted in Swansea, but Kean, in his twenties, was already married.
Henderson, Jim. “Ann of Swansea: a life on the edge”. National Library of Wales Journal, Vol.
, No. 1, pp. 1-47.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
under Kean
Intertextuality and Influence Charlotte Nooth
CN refers to several canonical English names (Pope , Reynolds , Garrick , Shakespeare , and Edmund Kean in her first poem), and relates closely to continental women. She praises Germaine de Staël for...
Performance of text Jane Porter
When the curtain rose Kean (possibly drunk) appeared to have lost his memory, and his power of action.—The other Performers became disconcerted in their parts . . . the whole became a chaos of uproar...
Publishing Alicia Tyndal Palmer
Her title-page quotes a wish voiced on 1 December 1814 in the House of Lords that it were possible to summon Sobieski to attend the Congress of Vienna which was even then deciding the political...
Textual Features Matilda Hays
Woven into the novel is considerable commentary on the art, music, and literary productions of the day. Quotations are given from or allusions made to a wide range of authors including Tennyson , Longfellow (used...
Textual Production Ann Hatton
AH continued to write after she and her husband returned from North America. The ODNB mentions her anonymous story The Unknown, or, The Knight of the Blood-Red Plume in a collection called Welsh Legends...
Textual Production Ngaio Marsh
NM 's mother played the witch, and her grandfather Edward William Seager made a present to her of two theatrical treasures: a book entitled Actors of the [Nineteenth] Century by Frederic White and a shirt...
Textual Production Jane Porter
JP wrote several plays. She had already refused one invitation to write for Drury Lane when in March 1816 she met and was impressed by both Edmund Kean and his wife, Mary . Mary described...
Textual Production Jane Porter
JP 's next play had a long gestation. Nearly finished in November 1817, it was accepted by Drury Lane in January 1818, then postponed to accommodate Kean 's revival of The Jew of Malta...
Textual Production Joanna Baillie
Produced by J. P. Kemble in a version adapted by himself, this performance included an epilogue by Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire .
Howells, Coral Ann. Joanna Baillie and Her Circle, 1790-1850. Camden History Society.
Dowd, Maureen A. “’By the Delicate Hand of a Female’: Melodramatic Mania and Joanna Baillie’s Spectacular Tragedies”. European Romantic Review, Vol.
, No. 4, pp. 469-00.
The play was revived by Edmund Kean in 1821, for five nights...
Textual Production Ann Hatton
A play called Zaffine, or the Knight of the Bloody Cross by a Lady of Swansea (who was probably AH ) was given at Swansea for the benefit of Edmund Kean .
Henderson, Jim. “Ann of Swansea: a life on the edge”. National Library of Wales Journal, Vol.
, No. 1, pp. 1-47.
25 and n
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Mary Matilda Betham
Since crow quills were the cheapest form of writing implement (as opposed to goose, for instance) the title is self-deprecating. The volume was to be short in itself, as well as containing short pieces originally...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Mary Elizabeth Braddon
Theatrical metaphors and characters associated with the stage recur in much of MEB 's later work, including Across the Footlights (1884), The Cloven Foot (1879), The Venetians (1892), and A Lost Eden (1904). Too Bright...


1810: James Sheridan Knowles's first play, Leo;...

Writing climate item


James Sheridan Knowles 's first play, Leo; or the Gypsy, was performed in Waterford, Ireland.

June 1856: Adelaide Ristori, famous Italian actress,...

Building item

June 1856

Adelaide Ristori , famous Italian actress, made her British debut in London at the Lyceum Theatre .


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