Sir Joshua Reynolds

Standard Name: Reynolds, Sir Joshua


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Dedications Elizabeth Cobbold
EC (as Eliza Knipe) published Six Narrative Poems by subscription, at London, dedicated to Sir Joshua Reynolds .
Critical Review. W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, 5 series.
64 (1787): 308
Education Jane Marcet
Jane Haldimand was educated at home, where she read widely in both English and French. She had lessons from tutors in mathematics, astronomy, and philosophy (the last-named a close relation of modern science. Her...
Education Maria Callcott
MC later remembered this, like her former school, as anti-intellectual. She was warned against too much study. I used to hear that it was a pity I was not a boy . . . but...
Family and Intimate relationships Mary Palmer
The best-known among MP 's siblings was her brother Joshua , seven years her junior, whose work as a portrait painter eventually won him a knighthood and the first Presidency of the Royal Academy ...
Family and Intimate relationships Mary Robinson
MR 's affairs with the prince and with Fox overlapped with the beginning of what turned out to be her most enduring relationship: with Banastre Tarleton , an army colonel and a pitiless hero in...
Family and Intimate relationships Barbarina Brand Baroness Dacre
The senior Wilmots' circle of friends included people still remembered, like Hannah More , David Garrick , Sir Joshua Reynolds , and Lady Charlotte Finch .
Grey, Barbarina Charlotte, Lady. A Family Chronicle. Editor Lyster, Gertrude, John Murray, 1908.
Valentine Wilmot had a taste for recklessness with...
Family and Intimate relationships Frances Reynolds
The painter Sir Joshua Reynolds (estranged brother of FR ) died of liver disease at his house in Leicester Square, London.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
under Sir Joshua Reynolds
Family and Intimate relationships Sarah Fielding
SF 's most important sibling was her brother Henry , first as the eldest child and later as a highly successful novelist and playwright (as well as theatre manager and lawyer). She kept house for...
Family and Intimate relationships Frances Reynolds
Of five brothers, two died young, one became a naval officer and another an ironmonger. Joshua , who was six years older than Frances, became the most successful portrait painter of his generation. His life...
Friends, Associates Margaret Bingham Countess Lucan
She was a well-known figure in London cultural circles, particularly that of the Bluestockings. Charles Burney called her at-home evenings blue conversazioni's and Horace Walpole called them quite Mazarine-blue. Others specifically mentioned in...
Friends, Associates Frances Brooke
FB 's friendship with Woffington led to her meeting Peg's sister Polly , who became her lifelong friend. Eight years older than Brooke, Polly Woffington was a close friend of Samuel Johnson , Sir Joshua Reynolds
Friends, Associates Frances Burney
FB made friends in the older generation as well as her own. The whole Burney family loved and were loved by David Garrick . Sir Joshua Reynolds , who lived barely fifty yards away from...
Friends, Associates Hannah More
Here she began to gather the circle of friends which by the end of her long life had touched every cranny of English society. She had already met Edmund Burke in Bristol the previous September...
Friends, Associates Elizabeth Cobbold
EC corresponded with members of the London scientific intelligentsia: Sir James Edward Smith , first President of the Linnean Society (who encouraged Charlotte Smith to introduce botanical information into her novels, but proved singularly unhelpful...
Friends, Associates Mary Robinson
Robinson found good friends among the male cultural and social leaders with whom she remained free to mix. Her daughter particularly mentions, as well as Sheridan , Sir Joshua Reynolds , Edmund Burke , and...


1734: John Williams's Method to Learn to Design...

Building item


John Williams 's Method to Learn to Design the Passions, translated from a manual by French painter Charles Le Brun , appeared; it proved highly influential.
McMaster, Juliet. “Reading Body Language: A Game of Skill”. Persuasions, Vol.
, 2001, pp. 90-104.
95-6, 104

December 1768: George III signed the papers for establishing...

Building item

December 1768

George III signed the papers for establishing the Royal Academy of Arts . Angelica Kauffman or Kauffmann was among the twenty-eight founding members who first met in January 1769 to hear an address by Sir Joshua Reynolds

1771: In a year when Sir Joshua Reynolds painted,...

Women writers item


In a year when Sir Joshua Reynolds painted, as Girl Reading, his niece Theophila Palmer perusing Richardson 's Clarissa, five novels by women advertised their Clarissa kinship.
Perry, Ruth. “Clarissa’s Daughters, or The History of Innocence Betrayed. How Women Writers Rewrote Richardson”. Clarissa and Her Readers: New Essays for the Clarissa Project, edited by Carol Houlihan Flynn and Edward Copeland, AMS Press, 1999, pp. 119-41.

July 1773: The Westminster Magazine printed, along with...

Building item

July 1773

The Westminster Magazine printed, along with its account of Oxford University 's annual degree-giving, an article by L. P.On the Propriety of Bestowing Academical Honours on the Ladies.
Myers, Sylvia Harcstark. The Bluestocking Circle: Women, Friendship, and the Life of the Mind in Eighteenth-Century England. Clarendon, 1990.

1797: The complete set of addresses delivered over...

Writing climate item


The complete set of addresses delivered over the years to students at the Royal Academy by Sir Joshua Reynolds was published as Fifteen Discourses on Art.

10 May to 14 August 1813: The British Institution held a retrospective...

Building item

10 May to 14 August 1813

The British Institution held a retrospective exhibition of 141 paintings by Sir Joshua Reynolds at its Pall Mall Picture Galleries: a major event of the social season, both cultural and patriotic.
Barchas, Janine. What Jane Saw. 2013,

November 2003: A painting by John Hoppner entitled Portrait...

Women writers item

November 2003

A painting by John Hoppner entitled Portrait of a Lady as Evelina (Frances Burney 's earliest heroine, born in January 1778) sold at Sotheby 's to an unnamed private buyer for £173,600.
Sabor, Peter. “Burneyana”. Johnsonian News Letter, edited by Robert, Jr DeMaria, Vol.
, No. 2, Sept. 2004, pp. 38-40.


Reynolds, Sir Joshua. The Letters of Sir Joshua Reynolds. Editors Ingamells, John and John Edgcumbe, Yale University Press, 2000.