
Standard Name: Voltaire


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Textual Production Nancy Mitford
NM published Voltaire in Love, another of her biographical studies.
British Book News. British Council.
(1957): 762
Textual Production Elizabeth Montagu
In a counterblast to Voltaire , EM published, anonymously, An Essay on Shakespear.
Blunt, Reginald, and Elizabeth Montagu. Mrs Montagu, "Queen of the Blues", Her Letters and Friendships from 1762 to 1800. Constable, 1923, 2 vols.
1: 217-18
Textual Production Mary Berry
MB had begun to read these letters, found among Walpole's papers, in autumn 1807. She was still working on her preface in April 1810. Longman paid her two hundred pounds for her editorial work.
Berry, Mary, and Agnes Berry. The Berry Papers. Editor Melville, Lewis, John Lane, 1914.
Textual Production Mary Julia Young
MJY reported to the Royal Literary Fund that she had selected and translated a collection of extracts from works by Voltaire : Voltairiana, 1805, in four volumes.
Batchelor, Jennie. Women’s Work: Labour, Gender, Authorship, 1750-1830. Manchester University Press, 2010.
Lloyd, Nicola. “Mary Julia Young. A Biographical and Bibliographical Study”. Romantic Textualities, No. 18, 1 June 2008– 2024.
British Library Catalogue. http://explore.bl.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?dscnt=0&tab=local_tab&dstmp=1489778087340&vid=BLVU1&mode=Basic&fromLo.
Textual Production Elizabeth Griffith
EG and her husband both contributed translations to Voltaire 's works in English, issued by William Kenrick in these years.
Gentleman’s Magazine. Various publishers.
49 (1779): 198
Griffith, Elizabeth. “Introduction”. The Delicate Distress, edited by Cynthia Booth Ricciardi and Susan Staves, University Press of Kentucky, 1997, p. vii - xviii.
Textual Production Elizabeth Montagu
Her full title is An Essay on the Writings and Genius of Shakespear, compared with the Greek and French Dramatic Poets, With some Remarks Upon the Misrepresentations of Mons. de Voltaire.
Montagu, Elizabeth. Essay on Shakespear. 1st ed., J. Dodsley, 1769.
She spelled...
Textual Production Charlotte Lennox
An anonymous translation from Voltaire , The Age of Lewis XIV, published by Dodsley , has been thought to be by CL ; her biographer Susan Carlile denies this.
Isles, Duncan. “The Lennox Collection”. Harvard Library Bulletin, Vol.
, No. 4, Oct. 1970, pp. 317-44.
Carlile, Susan. Charlotte Lennox. An Independent Mind. University of Toronto Press, 2018.
Textual Production Dorothea Celesia
The month after this success DC was planning to adapt another tragedy by Voltaire (Sémiramis, 1746) and asked Garrick if it had ever been translated into English. But it seems that she never...
Textual Production Anna Maria Mackenzie
The first volume has a frontispiece (two women meeting a man in armour) and the title-page quotes some lines about the insecurity of a throne won through ambition. These are ascribed to Fielding 's Merope...
Textual Production Laura Riding
Voltaire : A Biographical Fantasy, a long poem by Laura Gottschalk (later LR ), was published by the Hogarth Press .
Wexler, Joyce Piell. Laura Riding: A Bibliography. Garland, 1981.
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Nancy Mitford
Her book covers the years 1733-1749, that is, the period of Voltaire 's involvement with Emilie du Châtelet , up to the latter's death following childbirth. It uses then-unpublished letters. It has been variously assessed...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Mary Augusta Ward
The contemporary story features a self-educated working-class intellectual and freethinker whose characterisation draws on many strands of thought of the day. Drawn after the model of self-made men such as Daniel Macmillan , William Lovett
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Hester Mulso Chapone
The first letter is entitled On the Principles of Religion; HMC assures her niece that she is one of your warmest friends.
Feminist Companion Archive.
She cautions about choice of friends and even more about choice of...
Travel Elizabeth Montagu
She waxed satirical to Elizabeth Vesey about the two poems entered for the Academy's prize, and especially about the reading of Voltaire 's paper against Shakespeare (whose plays, recently translated into French, he thought capable...


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