
Standard Name: Ovid


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Anthologization Aphra Behn
Apart from many more or less creatively distant imitations, AB produced several actual translations.
Scholars sometimes differ about what to class as largely original and what not.
She was invited by Dryden to contribute to...
Education Mary Eleanor Bowes Countess of Strathmore
As a girl, Mary Eleanor Bowes received an excellent education and could speak several languages, reading French and Italian authors in the original. It was said that she did not learn Latin, but also that...
Education Anna Kingsford
She was an avid reader from her youth up and enjoyed free access to her father's library. She devoured various translations from the classics—notably the Metamorphoses of Ovid —and assimilated the contents of Lemprière and...
Education Marie de France
MF was an effective user of both the English and Latin languages, though she wrote in French (that is, Old French). She also had some Breton. She was familiar with the Latin poet Ovid as...
Education Melesina Trench
After the deaths of her parents Melesina Chenevix was committed to the care of a governess who had a determination to rule by rigour. . . . The fear and distaste I had for her...
Education Isabella Whitney
IW says she read the Bible, then history, then Latin authors both classical and Renaissance: Virgil , Ovid , and Mantuan .
Whitney, Isabella. A Sweet Nosegay, or Pleasant Posy. Editor Students of Sara Jayne Steen, An Academic Edition, Montana State University, 1 Sept.–30 Nov. 1995.
Family and Intimate relationships Sappho
Interest in her sexuality was disseminated in Europe by Ovid in his Heroides (or Heroines), a collection from the first century AD of fictional epistles, mostly from women (all of them except Sappho mythological)...
Friends, Associates Mary Matilda Betham
As well as meeting at Llangollen with Lady Eleanor Butler and Sarah Ponsonby (who later talked with high praise of her),
Betham, Ernest, editor. A House of Letters. Jarrold and Sons, 1905.
69, 70
MMB acquired a wide acquaintance in London. She became a close friend...
Intertextuality and Influence Sarah Green
This preface is headed by two Latin words (one with a faulty grammatical ending) from Ovid 's description of chaos. SG slams both male and female novelists, chiefly authors of gothic or horrid novels and...
Intertextuality and Influence Isabella Whitney
IW 's verse has dash and pace; her stanzas are jaunty despite the ungainly poulter's measure. In the persona of jilted woman she eschews either pathos or revenge; her tirades are not without humour. She...
Intertextuality and Influence Sarah Green
The plot owes something to Charlotte Lennox 's Female Quixote. The father of Green's heroine has lived through many crazes for novelists: first Burney , then Radcliffe , then Owenson , then Rosa Matilda
Intertextuality and Influence Aphra Behn
This hilarious comedy is set in Rome, with a conspicuously stupid, lustful, and venial puritan clergyman guyed as Tickletext, in transparent allusion to Titus Oates and the Popish Plot. The three heroines all...
Intertextuality and Influence Ali Smith
Smith's take on Iphis and Ianthe begins with sisters Anthea and Imogen listening to their grandfather's stories from when I was a girl in the women's suffrage movement: a sure induction into matters of gender...
Intertextuality and Influence Ann Hatton
The title-page quotes Ovid and the first chapter is headed by Byron . The convoluted Italian plot of action and mystery opens with a vivid, modern-seeming summer scene suddenly intruded on by horror. The young...
Intertextuality and Influence Ali Smith
Autumn centres around the intergenerational friendship of 32-year-old art-history lecturer Elisabeth Demand and her childhood neighbour, the clever and lively Daniel Gluck, now 101 years old and quietly existing in a care home. Through silent...


1495: In a bonfire of the vanities in Florence,...

Writing climate item


In a bonfire of the vanities in Florence, Italy, Girolamo Savonarola destroyed texts by Ovid , Dante , Boccaccio and others.
Langer, William L., editor. An Encyclopedia of World History: Ancient, Medieval, and Modern, Chronologically Arranged. 4th ed., Houghton Mifflin, 1968.
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. “Editorial Materials”. Casa Guidi Windows, edited by Julia Markus, Browning Institute, 1977, p. Various pages.

1555: French poet Louise Labé (c. 1520-1566), a...

Writing climate item


French poet Louise Labé (c. 1520-1566), a salonnière in the city of Lyons, daughter and wife of rope-makers, published her Oeuvres at Lyons.
Ehrengardt, Thibault. “Louise Labé, Head Corner Stone”. Rare Book Hub, Oct. 2015.

1567: George Turbervile published Heroycall Epistles...

Writing climate item


George Turbervile published Heroycall Epistles (London: Henry Denham), a translation of Ovid 's Heroides.
British Library Catalogue. http://explore.bl.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?dscnt=0&tab=local_tab&dstmp=1489778087340&vid=BLVU1&mode=Basic&fromLo.
Lyne, Raphael. A Case for Isabella Whitney: Aeneas and Isabella Homepage. http://www.english.cam.ac.uk/ceres/aeneas/attrib.htm.

12 October 1597: Michael Drayton's England's Heroicall Epistles...

Writing climate item

12 October 1597

Michael Drayton 's England's Heroicall Epistles was entered in the Stationers' Register ; it appeared the same year.
Drayton, Michael. Minor Poems of Michael Drayton. Editor Brett, Cyril, Clarendon Press, 1907.
Arber, Edward, editor. A Transcript of the Registers of the Company of Stationers of London 1554-1660, A. D. Privately Printed, 1875–1894, 5 vols.

1680: John Dryden, with others, published a collaborative...

Writing climate item


John Dryden , with others, published a collaborative verse translation of Ovid 's Epistles (or Heroides).
Watson, George, and Ian Roy Wilson, editors. The New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature. Cambridge University Press, 1969, 5 vols., http://U of A, HSS Ruth N Flr 1 Ref.


Ovid,. Ovid’s Epistles. Translator Dryden, John, J. Tonson, 1680.
Ovid,. The Fable of Phaeton. Translator Wolferstan, Elizabeth Pipe, Nichol, 1828.