Cooke, Cassandra. Battleridge. C. Cawthorn, 1799, 2 vols.
1: 1
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Characters | Cassandra Cooke | The novel opens [t]owards the end of Oliver Cromwell
's usurpation, Cooke, Cassandra. Battleridge. C. Cawthorn, 1799, 2 vols. 1: 1 |
Characters | Elizabeth Gaskell | It details the way cultural difference proves fatal when an orphaned young Englishwoman is transplanted to the home of unsympathetic Puritan
relatives in New England. She ends up being burned alongside a native woman during... |
Characters | Emmuska Baroness Orczy | The story is set among the Puritans
under Oliver Cromwell
, and many of the characters bear names that convey the earnest desire of their parents that they should grow up to be rigidly virtuous. |
Characters | Sybille Bedford | In the earliest generation a puritan
New England woman marries an Italian prince who turns out to be a philanderer. Their daughter is restless and unsettled, with an active sex-life which her mother cannot bring... |
Characters | Sybille Bedford | The protagonist, whose mother was a female rake and whose grandmother was a Yankee puritan
, has become a successful writer and reached the age of fifty, but she is still troubled with guilt over... |
Characters | Aphra Behn | This hilarious comedy is set in Rome, with a conspicuously stupid, lustful, and venial puritan
clergyman guyed as Tickletext, in transparent allusion to Titus Oates
and the Popish Plot. The three heroines all... |
Cultural formation | Margaret Hoby | |
Cultural formation | Anne Bradstreet | |
Cultural formation | Lucy Hutchinson | She grew up in the Puritan
part of the Anglican
faith. She came to share some of the beliefs of the Baptist
s, and later still of the Presbyterian
s or Independents
. She then... |
Cultural formation | Anne Bradstreet | |
Cultural formation | Elizabeth Warren | EW
was apparently a conservative, Puritan
Englishwoman of the gentry or professional class. She belonged to the Church ofEngland
; she attacks both sectaries and Catholics. In politics she was a monarchist. |
Cultural formation | Cicely Bulstrode | Her family belonged to the English gentry class. She seems to have favoured the reformed religion, that is puritanism
. At this distance of time there is no prospect of determining whether the promiscuity attributed... |
Cultural formation | John Bunyan | JB
's spiritual struggle dated back to his unregenerate teens. Under the influence of his first wife he began attending the establishedchurch
and developed exaggerated reverence for its priests, Bunyan, John. Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners. George Larkin, 1666. 5 |
Cultural formation | Elizabeth Stirredge | She grew up in a strict Puritan
, English household. Before she was ten she suffered religious fears: I was so filled with fears and doubts, that I could take no delight in any thing... |
Cultural formation | Elizabeth Joscelin | EJ
's parents came from the English landowning and professional classes. They were Anglican
s and their daughter evidently later leaned towards Puritanism
. |
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