Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Anthologization | Aphra Behn | Apart from many more or less creatively distant imitations, AB
produced several actual translations. Scholars sometimes differ about what to class as largely original and what not. |
Anthologization | Catharine Trotter | |
Anthologization | Elizabeth Singer Rowe | Thirty of her poems from The Athenian Mercury were recycled with other contents of the magazine in a new venture of Dunton's, a collection entitled The Athenian Oracle. Her poems also appeared in Divine... |
Anthologization | Sarah Lady Piers | SLP
was one of the contributors to The Nine Muses, the all-female anthology of elegies on the death of Dryden
which was edited by Delarivier Manley
, and published in 1700. She expressed some... |
Anthologization | Sarah Fyge | SF
contributed an elegy on Dryden
's death to The Nine Muses; she wrote the same year for another collection on the same topic. Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990. Bowyer, John Wilson. The Celebrated Mrs Centlivre. Duke University Press, 1952. 30-1 |
Education | Tabitha Tenney | Whether or not TT
's education was Puritanical (most sources about her life have no higher status than gossip) she was well read in the emergent canon of English literature, from Shakespeare
and Milton
through... |
Education | Sybille Bedford | The idea had been that Jack and Suzan Robbins should select a boarding school for Sibylle and have her to stay for the holidays. Instead, with the money provided by her family and trustees, they... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Elizabeth Isham | She had already had enquiries from prospective husbands when she was in London, but the time of wooing came after her return home: a time marked also by her sister's illness and her own religious... |
Friends, Associates | William Congreve | As a young man Congreve formed a friendship with the older and distinguished Dryden
. He later belonged to the Whig Kit-Cat Club
, and counted most of its members among his friends, while remaining... |
Friends, Associates | Elizabeth Thomas | |
Friends, Associates | Mary Lady Chudleigh | MLC
's circle of friends was largely maintained by correspondence. She discussed literary and philosophical ideas with John Dryden
, Mary Astell
(Almystrea in Chudleigh's poetry), Elizabeth Thomas
, and other women who are... |
Friends, Associates | Virginia Woolf | Leonard Woolf wrote to Eliot, whose Prufrock and Other Observations he had read, to invite him to send some work to the Hogarth Press
. The letter led to a meeting, and ultimately to the... |
Intertextuality and Influence | Susan Smythies | The novel offers in passing an amusing catalogue of an old-fashioned library, whose first items are heroic romances like Ibraham; Cassandra; Cleopatra [by Madeleine de Scudéry
and Gauthier de La Calprenède
]. Several... |
Intertextuality and Influence | Elizabeth Meeke | The title-page quotes from Dryden
. The story opens in 1800 with Mr Hamilton left guardian to Lenmore, the son of his dead correspondent in Jamaica. Early scenes are set among a group of... |
Intertextuality and Influence | Anna Miller | Along with works of art she describes, but more briefly, the way of life of places she passes through. She has, however, little sympathy with working people's needs. She remarks that actresses and dancers have... |
1658: Aurangzeb seized the Mughal (or Mogul) throne,...
National or international item
seized the Mughal (or Mogul) throne, becoming Emperor of a territory including most of present-day India and parts of what are now other countries. His near fifty-year rule was less than half over at...
May 1660: John Dryden published Astræa Redux, a poem...
Writing climate item
May 1660
John Dryden
published Astræa Redux, a poem of welcome to the returning Charles II
; he followed it with other monarchist poems.
English Short Title Catalogue.
5 February 1663: John Dryden's first play, The Wild Gallant,...
Writing climate item
5 February 1663
John Dryden
's first play, The Wild Gallant, a comedy, opened on stage.
Watson, George, and Ian Roy Wilson, editors. The New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature. Cambridge University Press, 1969, 5 vols., http://U of A, HSS Ruth N Flr 1 Ref.
16 January 1664: The Indian Queen, the first heroic tragedy...
Writing climate item
16 January 1664
The Indian Queen, the first heroic tragedy on the English stage, by John Dryden
and Sir Robert Howard
, opened in London.
Dryden, John. “Biographical Table”. Dryden: Poetry, Prose and Plays, edited by Douglas Grant, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1952.
: John Dryden's The Indian Emperour (sequel...
Writing climate item
Spring 1665
John Dryden
's The Indian Emperour (sequel to The Indian Queen) was first performed in London.
Dryden, John. “Biographical Table”. Dryden: Poetry, Prose and Plays, edited by Douglas Grant, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1952.
3 June 1665: The English fleet defeated the Dutch in a...
National or international item
3 June 1665
The English fleet defeated the Dutch in a sea-battle fought close enough to shore for the cannonade to be heard in London; John Dryden
set the dialogue of An Essay of Dramatick Poesie (1667...
January or February 1667: John Dryden published his heroic, or epic,...
Writing climate item
January or February 1667
John Dryden
published his heroic, or epic, poem Annus Mirabilis.
Cox, Michael, editor. The Oxford Chronology of English Literature. Oxford University Press, 2002, 2 vols.
2 March 1667: Dryden's Secret Love, or the Maiden Queen...
Writing climate item
2 March 1667
's Secret Love, or the Maiden Queen had its first performance at Drury Lane Theatre
, with Nell Gwyn
in the cast and Samuel Pepys
, Charles II
, and the future James II
in the audience.
Pepys, Samuel. Diary. Editor Wheatley, Henry B., G. Bell and Sons, 1952, 8 vols.
6: 192-3
August 1667: John Dryden published An Essay of Dramatick...
Writing climate item
August 1667
John Dryden
published An Essay of Dramatick Poesie, bearing the title-page date of 1668.
British Library Catalogue.
Johnson, Samuel. The Lives of the Poets. Editor Lonsdale, Roger, Clarendon Press, 2006, 4 vols.
2: 314n27
13 April 1668: Six days after the death of Sir William Davenant,...
Writing climate item
13 April 1668
Six days after the death of Sir William Davenant
, the Poet Laureate, John Dryden
was appointed to fill the position.
Johnson, Samuel. The Lives of the Poets. Editor Lonsdale, Roger, Clarendon Press, 2006, 4 vols.
2: 314n26
7 November 1670: The joint operatic adaptation of Shakespeare's...
Writing climate item
7 November 1670
The joint operatic adaptation of Shakespeare
's The Tempest by John Dryden
and the late Sir William Davenant
was first staged.
The London Stage 1660-1800. Southern Illinois University Press, 1960–1968, 5 vols.
1: 123
December 1671: The Rehearsal, containing Buckingham's merciless...
Writing climate item
December 1671
The Rehearsal, containing Buckingham
's merciless satirical portrait of Dryden
, finally reached the stage.
Polwhele, Elizabeth. “Introduction: A ’Lost’ Play and its Context”. The Frolicks, edited by Judith Milhous and Robert D. Hume, Cornell University Press, 1977, pp. 13-49.
By 17 November 1675: John Dryden's heroic tragedy Aureng-Zebe...
Writing climate item
By 17 November 1675
John Dryden
's heroic tragedy Aureng-Zebe had its first performance.
Watson, George, and Ian Roy Wilson, editors. The New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature. Cambridge University Press, 1969, 5 vols., http://U of A, HSS Ruth N Flr 1 Ref.
Johnson, Samuel. The Lives of the Poets. Editor Lonsdale, Roger, Clarendon Press, 2006, 4 vols.
2: 321n75
12 December 1677: John Dryden's tragedy All for Love; or, The...
Writing climate item
12 December 1677
John Dryden
's tragedy All for Love; or, The World Well Lost (a blank-verse re-writing of Shakespeare
's Antony and Cleopatra) received its first known (perhaps not its first) performance at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane
Watson, George, and Ian Roy Wilson, editors. The New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature. Cambridge University Press, 1969, 5 vols., http://U of A, HSS Ruth N Flr 1 Ref.
Dryden, John. Dryden, Poetry, Prose and Plays. Editor Grant, Douglas, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1952.
1680: John Dryden, with others, published a collaborative...
Writing climate item
John Dryden
, with others, published a collaborative verse translation of Ovid
's Epistles (or Heroides).
Watson, George, and Ian Roy Wilson, editors. The New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature. Cambridge University Press, 1969, 5 vols., http://U of A, HSS Ruth N Flr 1 Ref.
Dryden, John. Absalom and Achitophel. J. Tonson, 1681.
Dryden, John. All for Love. H. Herringman, 1678.
Dryden, John. Annus Mirabilis. H. Herringman, 1667.
Dryden, John. Astræa Redux. H. Herringman, 1660.
Dryden, John. Aureng-Zebe. H. Herringman, 1676.
Dryden, John. “Biographical Table”. Dryden: Poetry, Prose and Plays, edited by Douglas Grant, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1952.
Dryden, John. Dryden, Poetry, Prose and Plays. Editor Grant, Douglas, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1952.
Dryden, John. Mac Flecknoe. D. Green.
Dryden, John. Miscellany Poems. J. Tonson, 1684.
Dryden, John. Of Dramatick Poesie. H. Herringman, 1668.
Ovid,. Ovid’s Epistles. Translator Dryden, John, J. Tonson, 1680.
Dryden, John. Selected Poetry and Prose of John Dryden. Editor Miner, Earl, Modern Library College Editions, The Modern Library, 1985.
Dryden, John. The Letters of John Dryden: With Letters Addressed to Him. Editor Ward, Charles E., Duke University Press, 1942.
Juvenal, and Persius. The Satires of Decimus Junuis Juvenalis. Translator Dryden, John, J. Tonson, 1693.
Virgil,. The Works of Virgil. Translator Dryden, John, J. Tonson, 1697.