Thomas Adolphus Trollope

Standard Name: Trollope, Thomas Adolphus


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
death Frances Trollope
She had continued to exercise regularly and take day trips, and died peacefully in her bed at the Villino Trollope. She was buried in the English CemeteryFlorence by her son Thomas Adolphus ...
Dedications Frances Eleanor Trollope
FET wrote to publisher Richard Bentley as follows regarding the possibility of compiling these memoirs: I have been looking over a great mass of papers relating to Frances Trollope. There is a vast deal of...
Family and Intimate relationships Anthony Trollope
Anthony's older brother, Thomas Adolphus Trollope , took after both his parents in becoming a barrister and a novelist.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
His books, however, were less well-known than those of his second wife, Frances Eleanor Trollope .
Family and Intimate relationships Frances Trollope
FT travelled across revolution-torn Europe
Nadel, Ira Bruce, and William E. Fredeman, editors. Dictionary of Literary Biography 21. Gale Research, 1983.
21: 324
to nurse her dying daughter , and to care for the latter's five children. A few days after her daughter's death, she wrote to her son Tom ...
Family and Intimate relationships Frances Eleanor Trollope
In her early thirties, Frances Eleanor Ternan was married in Paris to her employer, Thomas Adolphus Trollope , who was a writer (though not so well known as his younger brother) and was fifty-six years...
Family and Intimate relationships Frances Eleanor Trollope
Thomas Adolphus Trollope died at the cottage he shared with FET at Budleigh Salterton in Devon.
Stebbins, Lucy Poate, and Richard Poate Stebbins. The Trollopes. The Chronicle of a Writing Family. Columbia University Press, 1945.
Family and Intimate relationships Frances Trollope
FT 's husband and their eldest son, Thomas Anthony Trollope and Thomas Adolphus , joined her in Cincinnati, where she had been living for almost a year.
Trollope, Frances Eleanor. Frances Trollope: Her Life and Literary Work from George III to Victoria. AMS Press, 1975, 2 vols.
I: 116
Johnston, Johanna. The Life, Manners, and Travels of Fanny Trollope: A Biography. Hawthorn Books, 1978.
Heineman, Helen. Mrs. Trollope: The Triumphant Feminine in the Nineteenth Century. Ohio University Press, 1979.
Family and Intimate relationships Frances Eleanor Trollope
FET 's stepdaughter Bice had died in childbirth in July 1881. This, combined with Thomas 's age, may have encouraged them to move closer to their families.
Stebbins, Lucy Poate, and Richard Poate Stebbins. The Trollopes. The Chronicle of a Writing Family. Columbia University Press, 1945.
327, 337
Family and Intimate relationships Frances Trollope
In the eight years following her marriage, FT had seven children. One died in infancy and another at a young age. In fact, only her eldest and youngest sons, Thomas Adolphus and Anthony , survived...
Family and Intimate relationships Frances Trollope
The eldest of her sons, Thomas Adolphus wrote travel books, articles for periodicals, and his memoirs. FT also remained close to him, and the two lived and travelled together often over the years.
Sutherland, John, b. 1938. The Stanford Companion to Victorian Fiction. Stanford University Press, 1989.
Friends, Associates Edward Robert Bulwer Lytton first Earl Lytton
His international travel and family ties to England's literary scene ensured him a wide social circle. He knew Charles Dickens , John Forster , and Frances Mary Peard . While living in Florence, he became...
Friends, Associates Jessie White Mario
About this time JWM was introduced to Thomas Adolphus Trollope (another long-term English resident of Italy). She also knew George Henry Lewes and later met his partner George Eliot .
Daniels, Elizabeth Adams. Jessie White Mario: Risorgimento Revolutionary. Ohio University Press, 1972.
104, 112
Friends, Associates Isa Blagden
Thomas Adolphus Trollope described IB as a very bright, warm-hearted, very clever little woman, who knew everybody and was, I think, more universally beloved than any other individual among us.
qtd. in
Raymond, William O. “Our Lady of Bellosguardo: A Pastel Portrait”. University of Toronto Quarterly, Vol.
, 1943, pp. 446-63.
Friends, Associates Frances Power Cobbe
FPC 's connections from home gave her introductions into the circles of US and British women living in Italy, including Harriet Hosmer (who became a close friend). She met Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning ...
Friends, Associates Frances Power Cobbe
During her months in Florence, FPC visited the Brownings, Thomas Adolphus Trollope , and Walter Savage Landor . While there she also became a close friend of Mary Somerville .
Cobbe, Frances Power. Life of Frances Power Cobbe. Houghton, Mifflin, 1894, 2 vols.
2: 346-9, 358


9 April 1855: American Daniel Dunglas Home arrived in England...

Building item

9 April 1855

American Daniel Dunglas Home arrived in England as a self-proclaimed spiritualist missionary.
Porter, Katherine H. Through a Glass Darkly: Spiritualism in the Browning Circle. Octagon, 1972.
3-4, 115

By Christmas 1869: Francis Galton, mathematician, scientist,...

Writing climate item

By Christmas 1869

Francis Galton , mathematician, scientist, and eugenicist, published Hereditary Genius: An Enquiry into its Laws and Consequences,
Saturday Review. Chawton.
28.739 (25 December 1869): 832-3


Stieler, Karl et al. Italy from the Alps to Mount Etna. Trollope, Thomas AdolphusEditor & translator , Chapman and Hall, 1877.
Trollope, Frances Eleanor, and Thomas Adolphus Trollope. The Homes and Haunts of the Italian Poets. Chapman and Hall, 1881, 2 vols.
Trollope, Thomas Adolphus. What I Remember. Harper and Brothers, 1888.