Thomas Anthony Trollope

Standard Name: Trollope, Thomas Anthony


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Family and Intimate relationships Frances Trollope
Her husband's presence disrupted their domestic harmony.
Trollope, Thomas Adolphus. What I Remember. Harper and Brothers, 1888.
Thomas Anthony Trollope was not a violent or vicious man, but despite his affection for his family, his bad temper and melancholy ensured that [n]o one of...
Family and Intimate relationships Frances Trollope
FT carried on writing, socializing and spending time with her children, but the contrast between her lively nature and the depressing state of her home life was great. Frances Eleanor suggests that this was due...
Family and Intimate relationships Frances Trollope
Frances Milton married Thomas Anthony Trollope , on his thirty-fifth birthday, in her father 's parish of Heckfield in Hampshire.
Heineman, Helen. Mrs. Trollope: The Triumphant Feminine in the Nineteenth Century. Ohio University Press, 1979.
Trollope, Frances Eleanor. Frances Trollope: Her Life and Literary Work from George III to Victoria. AMS Press, 1975, 2 vols.
I: 39
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2025, 22 vols. plus supplements.
Family and Intimate relationships Anthony Trollope
His father, Thomas Anthony Trollope , was a barrister in the Court of Chancery until his career was jeopardized by his unacceptably rude behaviour.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Family and Intimate relationships Frances Trollope
FT 's husband and their eldest son, Thomas Anthony Trollope and Thomas Adolphus , joined her in Cincinnati, where she had been living for almost a year.
Trollope, Frances Eleanor. Frances Trollope: Her Life and Literary Work from George III to Victoria. AMS Press, 1975, 2 vols.
I: 116
Johnston, Johanna. The Life, Manners, and Travels of Fanny Trollope: A Biography. Hawthorn Books, 1978.
Heineman, Helen. Mrs. Trollope: The Triumphant Feminine in the Nineteenth Century. Ohio University Press, 1979.
Family and Intimate relationships Frances Trollope
FT 's husband, Thomas Anthony Trollope , died at their home outside Bruges.
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2025, 22 vols. plus supplements.
Family and Intimate relationships Frances Trollope
Frances Milton met her future husband, Thomas Anthony Trollope , in 1808, when Henry Milton brought him to their house. Thomas was thirty-four, a barrister, and the son of a clerk in Holy Orders. In...
Family and Intimate relationships Frances Trollope
Eventually, Thomas wrote to Frances a timid and reserved marriage proposal, to which she responded in a forthright manner, claiming that his choice, although so flattering to me, is for yourself a very imprudent one...
Friends, Associates Frances Trollope
It took several years for the Trollopes' financial difficulties to turn into a financial catastrophe, and during those years, FT entertained many friends and acquaintances, including Lady Milman , whose husband had been Queen Charlotte
Health Frances Trollope
Shortly before the bazaar was set to open, FT contracted malaria and was in bed for eleven weeks. Never missing an opportunity to let her wit shine, she later wrote to her friend Julia Garnett
politics Frances Trollope
Mary Russell Mitford later recalled that FTused to be such a Radical that her house in London was a perfect emporium of escaped state criminals. I remember asking her at one of her parties...
Residence Frances Trollope
Following their marriage, they moved into 16 Keppel Street, a few houses away from FT 's first London residence; they spent the first seven years of their married life there.
Heineman, Helen. Mrs. Trollope: The Triumphant Feminine in the Nineteenth Century. Ohio University Press, 1979.
Trollope, Frances Eleanor. Frances Trollope: Her Life and Literary Work from George III to Victoria. AMS Press, 1975, 2 vols.
I: 11, 42
Residence Frances Trollope
Frances Eleanor writes of FT 's determination to fix the family's financial situation by eventually having all the Trollopes move to Cincinnati, where they planned to sell imported goods and perhaps establish a market...
Residence Frances Trollope
Frances Trollope's husband, Thomas , took out a twenty-one year lease from Lord Northwick on Illots Farm near Harrow.
Trollope, Frances Eleanor. Frances Trollope: Her Life and Literary Work from George III to Victoria. AMS Press, 1975, 2 vols.
I: 45
Heineman, Helen. Mrs. Trollope: The Triumphant Feminine in the Nineteenth Century. Ohio University Press, 1979.
Residence Frances Trollope
Financial difficulties forced FT and family to rent out their newly built house, Julians, and resign themselves to the small farmhouse on their leased land in Harrow; their new home was the basis...


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