Edmund Spenser

Standard Name: Spenser, Edmund


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Christina Rossetti
From 1878 to 1880, she took classes on Dante 's Divine Comedy at University College, London , perhaps in part because she was helping Alexander Grosart to trace references from Italian poets for his edition...
Education Maria Riddell
The future MR was in all probability privately educated. At sixteen she wrote a poem to commemorate the pleasure of reading with a friend the works of Milton , Pope , Spenser , Shakespeare ...
Education Jane Porter
Their mother, when she was widowed, moved her family to Edinburgh in 1780, partly for the sake of the future advantage of a good education at a moderate expense. In Scotland, wrote JP later, a...
Education Marjorie Bowen
To educate herself further, she read widely, setting herself literary exercises, writing verse imitating or dramatising Chaucer , Spenser , and Browning . However, she writes that at that time, I had read no really...
Education Frances Mary Peard
However, according to her biographer, Mary J. Y. Harris , she was largely self-taught. Her mother never restricted her reading, and she later remembered tackling at an early age such classics as Scott , Shakespeare
Education Dora Greenwell
Thereafter, she taught herself, studying philosophy, Latin, German, Italian, French, political economy, and theology.
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
Dorling, William. Memoirs of Dora Greenwell. James Clarke, 1885.
She was very well read and took a particular interest in the writings of Caroline Norton , Felicia Hemans
Family and Intimate relationships Queen Elizabeth I
In the minds of the country's ruling class, a marriage for the queen was also necessary. Some have supposed that at this stage Elizabeth may have hoped to marry one day, although she herself publicly...
Intertextuality and Influence Constance Smedley
The Fortunate Shepherds (which brings hill shepherds into contact with Forest of Dean miners) uses the twelve verse-metres used by Spenser in his Shepheards' Calendar.
Intertextuality and Influence Jessie Ellen Cadell
JEC prefaced her poem with a quatrain of her own (the only original poetry by her which Richard Garnett knew of). Addressing Una (presumably as a character standing, as does Spenser 's personage of that...
Intertextuality and Influence Barbara Hofland
The title-page quotes from Spenser , and the first chapter from Johnson 's Rambler. This sophisticated novel, with a North Yorkshire setting, a large cast of upper-class characters, and a wide range of reference...
Intertextuality and Influence An Collins
AC writes in many different metres (some unusual, a few somewhat uncertainly used). In a prose address to the Christian Reader
Collins, An. Divine Songs and Meditacions. Editor Stewart, Stanley N., William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, 1961.
she says she has achieved a peacefull temper and spirituall calmnesse.
Collins, An. Divine Songs and Meditacions. Editor Stewart, Stanley N., William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, 1961.
Intertextuality and Influence Alicia D'Anvers
ADA 's immortal Sing-Song / How all th'old Dons were at it Ding-dong
D’Anvers, Alicia. The Oxford-Act. Randal Taylor, 1693.
describes and exploits the annual university carnival of misrule which employed a licensed burlesque speaker. She drops, with cheerful irreverence, a...
Intertextuality and Influence Selina Davenport
The title-page quotes Milton on the false dissembler (Satan). The story opens with Edmund Dudley, the lover and the poet, confiding to a married friend, Leopold Courtenay, his love for Althea, to whom he has...
Intertextuality and Influence Katharine S. Macquoid
A Bad Beginning's title-page quotes Spenser , on the wrongness of binding in love those whom God has not ordained for each other. As every English reader would have expected, the French marriage of...
Intertextuality and Influence Isak Dinesen
She divided her life into five stages, supplying a motto for each stage, in Latin, French, and English. The English motto, for the final stage, came from Spenser 's The Faerie Queene: Be bold...


10 April 1579: E. K. dated the epistle to Gabriel Harvey...

Writing climate item

10 April 1579

E. K. dated the epistle to Gabriel Harvey which prefaced the youthful Edmund Spenser 's cycle of eclogues, The Shepheardes Calender. It was published with this year's date, which at the time included the...

9 November 1580: At Smerwick on the Dingle peninsula in Ireland...

National or international item

9 November 1580

At Smerwick on the Dingle peninsula in Ireland the English Lord Deputy, Arthur, Lord Grey of Wilton , ordered the massacre about 600 European mercenary soldiers who had already surrendered to him.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
under Spenser

23 January 1590: Edmund Spenser dated (using the old-style...

Writing climate item

23 January 1590

Edmund Spenser dated (using the old-style reckoning of 1589) his letter to Sir Walter Raleghexpounding his whole intention in the first three books of The Faerie Queene, which was published soon afterwards.
Spenser, Edmund. The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser. Editors Smith, James Cruikshank and Ernest De Selincourt, Henry Frowde, Oxford University Press, 1916.
407-8, 394

19 November 1594: Edmund Spenser's Amoretti (sonnets) and Epithalamium...

Writing climate item

19 November 1594

Edmund Spenser 's Amoretti (sonnets) and Epithalamium were entered in the Stationers' Register .
Arber, Edward, editor. A Transcript of the Registers of the Company of Stationers of London 1554-1660, A. D. Privately Printed, 1875–1894, 5 vols.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.

By about July 1596: Edmund Spenser probably finished A View of...

National or international item

By about July 1596

Edmund Spenser probably finished A View of the Present State of Ireland, written in dialogue form, which remained unpublished until 1633.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
under Spenser

20 May 1707: Jacob Tonson the elder signed the first of...

Writing climate item

20 May 1707

Jacob Tonson the elder signed the first of two copyright agreements giving him sole right in Shakespeare 's plays.
Nichol, Donald W. “Warburton (Not!) on copyright: Clearing up the Misattribution of An Enquiry into the Nature and Origin of Literary Property”. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Vol.
, No. 2, 1996, pp. 171-82.
Bernard, Stephen. Whig Literary Culture and the Canon: the Legacy of the Tonsons. Oxford University Press, 2015.

May 1742: William Shenstone (poet and landscape gardener,...

Writing climate item

May 1742

William Shenstone (poet and landscape gardener, creator of a famous ferme ornée, The Leasowes at Halesowen in Shropshire) anonymously published his supposedly Spenserian poem The Schoolmistress.
English Short Title Catalogue. http://estc.bl.uk/.

May 1748: Only a few months before his death, James...

Writing climate item

May 1748

Only a few months before his death, James Thomson published The Castle of Indolence, an allegorical poem in Spenserian stanzas, which had been about fifteen years in the making.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.

By April 1754: Thomas Warton published Observations on the...

Writing climate item

By April 1754

Thomas Warton published Observations on the Faerie Queene of Spenser.
Gentleman’s Magazine. Various publishers.
24 (1754): 195


Spenser, Edmund. “Introduction”. The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser, edited by Ernest De Selincourt et al., Henry Frowde, Oxford University Press, 1916, p. vii - lxvii.
Pembroke, Mary Sidney Herbert, Countess of, and Edmund Spenser. “The Doleful Lay of Clorinda”. Colin Clouts Come Home Againe, William Ponsonbie, 1595.
Spenser, Edmund. The Faerie Queene. William Ponsonbie, 1596, 2 vols.
Spenser, Edmund. The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser. Editors Smith, James Cruikshank and Ernest De Selincourt, Henry Frowde, Oxford University Press, 1916.
Spenser, Edmund. The Shepheardes Calender. Printed by Hugh Singleton, 1579.
Royde-Smith, Naomi et al. Una and the Red Cross Knight. J. M. Dent, 1905.