Sir Walter Ralegh

Standard Name: Ralegh, Sir Walter
Used Form: Sir Walter Raleigh


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Lucy Hutchinson
LH 's mother, born Lucy St John, came from a family with a strong Puritan tradition, and was the third wife of her husband.
Hutchinson, Lucy. Memoirs of the Life of Colonel Hutchinson. Editor Sutherland, James, Oxford University Press, 1973.
Greer, Germaine. “Horror like Thunder”. London Review of Books, 21 June 2001, pp. 22-4.
She learned medical knowledge and skills from Sir Walter Ralegh
Friends, Associates Sir Philip Sidney
He became a friend at Shrewsbury of Fulke Greville and was a contemporary at Oxford of such later luminaries as Richard Hakluyt , Thomas Bodley , and Walter Raleigh . He made other intellectual friends...
Intertextuality and Influence Lady Hester Pulter
LHP 's source appears to be the romance titled The Life and Death of Muhammad, 1637, which until recently was ascribed to Sir Walter Raleigh . The Unfortunate Florinda traces the motive for the...
Occupation Bathsua Makin
BM practised medicine or healing. She had access to prescriptions that had been used by Sir Walter Ralegh , and she scored a success in curing palpitations of the heart.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Teague, Frances. Bathsua Makin, Woman of Learning. Bucknell University Press, 1998.
politics Lady Arbella Stuart
Two plots, the Bye and the Main plots, followed James's accession. The Bye plot was a scheme by Catholic priests to kidnap James and force him to grant religious toleration. The Main plot, in which...
Textual Features Anne Bradstreet
AB 's Four Monarchies is a verse chronicle, like those popular in the middle ages, relating the history of the Assyrian, Persian, Greek, and Roman empires. It draws on Ralegh 's The History of the...
Textual Features Rosemary Sutcliff
Each of these books is based around the life of an actual historical figure. The first features Bess Throckmorton : her secret marriage to Sir Walter Raleigh and her experiences after it. The second follows...
Textual Features Sheenagh Pugh
Her first collection demonstrates her consuming interest in other people, an eclectic range of individuals from history and the present, who are mostly finding life bleak or difficult. It demonstrates an equally wide range of...
Textual Features Elizabeth Goudge
Towers in the Mist, the second book in this main series, is set in a different cathedral city, Oxford (more precisely in Christ Church ), during the reign of Elizabeth I , and the...
Textual Features Seamus Heaney
In a twenty-page introduction, SH explains what this poem meant for him. He discusses its diction, and the way that fragments of its language have survived, embedded in, for instance, the speech of Heaney's own...
Textual Production Norah Lofts
NL published her first historical fiction: Here Was a Man: A Romantic History of Sir Walter , His Voyages, His Discoveries, and His Queen.
Contemporary Authors: New Revision Series. Gale Research, 1981–2025, Numerous volumes.
Textual Production John Buchan
JB produced a number of biographies, mostly of male public figures, beginning with Sir Walter Ralegh, 1911.
Parker, Peter, editor. A Reader’s Guide to Twentieth-Century Writers. Oxford University Press, 1996.
He did not undertake archival research but worked from a thorough command of the secondary material...
Textual Production Anne Lady Southwell
As a miscellany or anthology, the commonplace-book includes, beginning on its second page, The Lie, a poem by Walter Raleigh (whose Devon connections may have made ALS acquainted with him). She added some lines...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Anna Eliza Bray
The cast of characters includes royalists and outlaws, as well as the widow and child of Sir Walter Raleigh 's nephew.
Bray, Anna Eliza. The Novels and Romances of Anna Eliza Bray. Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1845–1846, 10 vols.
1: xxvi


13 July 1584: A reconnaissance expedition sent by Sir Walter...

National or international item

13 July 1584

A reconnaissance expedition sent by Sir Walter Ralegh or Raleigh landed in North America, in what became the colony of Virginia. The next summer Ralegh, having received a patent or royal permission as a colonist...

: A party of soldiers were landed at Roanoke...

National or international item

Summer 1585

A party of soldiers were landed at Roanoke Island, North Carolina, to form the earliest English North American settlement. The demoralised survivors were picked up by Francis Drake just a year later and...

23 January 1590: Edmund Spenser dated (using the old-style...

Writing climate item

23 January 1590

Edmund Spenser dated (using the old-style reckoning of 1589) his letter to Sir Walter Raleghexpounding his whole intention in the first three books of The Faerie Queene, which was published soon afterwards.
Spenser, Edmund. The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser. Editors Smith, James Cruikshank and Ernest De Selincourt, Henry Frowde, Oxford University Press, 1916.
407-8, 394

29 March 1614: Sir Walter Ralegh, aged about seventy, published...

Writing climate item

29 March 1614

Sir Walter Ralegh , aged about seventy, published his History of the World, written as a prisoner in the Tower of London: it is a pessimistic work, without heroes and without the usual...

29 October 1618: Sir Walter Ralegh or Raleigh, courtier, poet,...

National or international item

29 October 1618

Sir Walter Ralegh or Raleigh , courtier, poet, and historian, was executed on trumped-up political charges after the dismal failure of a voyage he had made to what is now Guyana, seeking for silver and gold.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.


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